All the Spiritual Blessing & Power You'll Ever Need

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CBC Dear Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ,
What do you need to be complete? Mature? “lessons I have learned - material possessions, mean nothing compard to glance of lve from those who are dear to me”. Slight satisfacionliesin Temporal honour, worldly grandeur”. Good to take stock. Book Aging with Grace wish Iwould have read that in my 40s. Song, “Dear Younger Me.” Interesting question to ask anolder erpson - what were the best times, years? CBC radio Q - interviewed podcast - how do you want ob eremembered 25 years from now?
Can be that we focus on just getting to point of being a Christian - prof of faith - then just get busy - outward activities, then just tryto fillthe church …certainly happened in the Lycus Valley - echoed forhfrom EPhesus - Epaphras had come … Even see it happening herea little, and heretoday. Theme last year - how toshare our faith; Why we’re partnering with S F and Gurret, Jason Taff…
But listen, the same gospel that saved you, this hope that’s within you share with others, this deposit of truth commited by apostles of Jeuss to the Church handed downas church’sNational Treasure -thatyou would share, is the same means,thesametool, the smae gospelthat issupposedtomature and ripen,andbring forth spiritual fruit in yourlife and mine.!
They desperately need this truth in Colasse, relatively young in the faith - and false teaching floodingintothechurch - Gnostic movmemtn - heresy, Spirit world good, Matter is evil. Son of God couldn’t have come in the flesh, really just a spiritual emenation, goal is to get Spirit fulness, leave this world behind. A very partiuclar twisitng of the truth - said - new religious way to get fulness - regular gospel for nominal Christians - OKfor unelnlighenedones,but weofferyou tbecome a spiritual elite - give special knowedlge by deeper teaching, by spiritual rules - Itneresting combinatino of deep spiritual teaching, but also at timescompletedisregardfor this material world, for thebody, and serving the Lord in it wand withint in regularlife.
Like small groups movement, or seek-sensitive, or ecstatatic charismatic experiences- some truths and corrections but hold up a tool thatmay be helpful method- as the silver bullet, the lithmus testtotrueChristianity. Didn’t bringmoreof ChristandHispowerintotheirlife,notdeperexperienitual knowldgeofJesus,nor a power to transformmoral life - nor stick-to-iveness power to endure suffering.
Well Epaphras comes to Paul while in prison asking what to do - more being shipwrecked - how are went only to save these congregations from heresy and shipwrecking faith -but more importantly - heart of these peoples’ live not just religious exercise and esoteric knowledge - but people transformed to be like Christ - living together as One Whole RENEWED humanity.
And we today can read what the Holy Spirit had to write these young Christians, 2000 years later, and the threat isn’t old gnosticism, but it can be shallower version of Christianity - might be sub-Xn - Moralistic Deistic Theism. Worship just adrenalin rush make me feel good,. Discipleship individual practices that work for me to be calm and whole , church about programs give therapy to me with Christ throwing. Don’t really call you to know God in JESUS CHRIST better, nor to enter into the battle with sin and the devil and the spirit of the world, nor to commitment to actual people serving in the love of Christ!
And from outside of the church, certainly face the pull of false teaching - there is no definite and real heaven, no world beyond what you cansee and feel and touch, Maybe inner spiritual life - everything is cool - but aht’snotthereal world - just live for here and now, what can you touch and experience now - if you have religion better be about the KINGDOM of me myself and I -
Well, if you were Paul, writing from imprisonmen in Rome to these young Christians, if you were me preaching to these young Christians - if you were speakig toany freindfamily members - pulled away from realgrowthin Christ - to philosphoy of the world, heretical phiolosphy in the church, what would you tell them?
Not rocket science, basically just says, Ok when you first received Christ - told about His person - reasonable -living God sent 2ndPerson of Trinity to fallen world, took on human flesh -offered his perfect life- in place of mine/yours, crucified showing he’s the sacrificial lamb for my sin, -you experienced something supernatural then didn’t you -
Like when really hurt someone didn’t just say sorry but acknowledged it, stood before them - waiting - don’t have to forgive, this relationship here doesn’t have to be patched up - every right to walkaway - Could’ve walk out the backdoor and throw away the key, never came back.
But God in this Jesus Christ, went out looking for you, receiving Him, you experienced God not only forgive you , but redeem you back to a relationship even stronger and better and more secure than the way he created it! Knew in your bones, God made, me though I offended and failed and got derailed, God loved Me, saved me, redeemed in Christ.
Well, Paul is basically saying, the key to Christian maturity is think back to that time, that experience of receiving Christ, whether gradual or sudden - And liveday and dayout in that reality with Jesus Christ from heaven!
Look at the theme verses of the whole book that I want you to recive today and memorize:
Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
Colossians 2:6–7 ESV
Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
Colossians 2:6–7 ESV
Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
You knew there was a supernatural world, reality , supernatural WORD of Christ came to you, created a supernatural life - Well having received that all from Jesus Christ, now daily start to walk - only one way to walk! Take one step then the next, one a time,
What suffering, what confusion - walk in Him. That is what this letter is about, coming to spiritual maturity by WalkinginHIm, find out that means - when you adhere to this gospel these Words of God’s Son - he day by day outfits you with all the spiritual blessing and power you will need!
Paul is saying there is a fullness of assurance of certainty we’r to grow towards, a fulness of knowledge of God and Christ and His Word, there is to be an INCREASE and abounding of fruit, a harvest - have in the middle of confusion, pressures, temptation, trials. You don’t need a silver bullet - need to see the PREEMINENCE OF CHRIST - super abundance of graces in Jesus - Imagine Widows Oil
Christ in your daily life! FOUNTAIN - anyone here have unlimited DATA? Anyone have unlimited bank account? In Christ a whole ocean fullness for your spiritual life, for our church life, for your fruitfulness in evangelism, in service in the world!
View of maturity … a classmate of mine Asked what does it mean Christian Maturity? Many discipleship books written - all seem to have individula focus
Listen to how he describes the goal not only of his letter but of the gospel ministry shared in with Christ’s church:
To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.
To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.
Colossians 1:27–28 ESV
To them God chose to make known how great among the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.
View of maturity … a classmate of mine Asked what does it mean Christian Maturity? Many discipleship books written - all seem to have individual focus . I read, I meditate, I solidarity .. problem I I I I - But Christ is not only the goal of Christian maturity - he is the source. It is Christ in You. Sure your striving and commitment and seeking after and doing - but look how Paul descries it even in his own life:
Colossians 1:29 ESV
For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.
What we are celebrating today - by faith recieved Christ, take yourself to HIm and all his benefits. At the table - reality of your life is pictured - commit to living in communion with Jesus like that - participation in his body - his blood - all that it means! Jesus Christ, not only Son of God who made all things, and in whom all things whold together, He is also the fullness of God in our humanity, he is taking all your humanity, all your human problems struggles weakness and opportunities - and what is he doing? reconciling that to the Father. Think of this mystery:
Colossians 2:9 ESV
For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily,
Colossians 2:9–10 ESV
For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in him, who is the head of all rule and authority.
Paul’s prayer comes in two main chunks thanksgiving and intercession for them. We can only look at thanksgiving and the firts par tof that prayer. Later examine the second part of the prayer (the foundation of who Christ is that makes our discipleship possible). But three features of striving with the power of Christ in You for fullness and maturity, found in the thanksgiving and first part of the prayer!
Ingredients for Christian maturity: 1. FAITH in Christ!
Huge theme, included at very outset, IN CHRIST - who are these people who are you?
To the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father.
Colossians 1:2 ESV
To the saints and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father.
- saints - really struggle with that - Martin Luther - same time Saints and Sinner - how possible - calls whole church, even troubled borken church with errors and moral failures .. here one plagued with doubt and confusion - ; A saint isn’t made by human effort, by imperfect moral effort, made by God, not our rightesouness but Christ’s ipmuted to us. A saint isn’t basedo n our merit and deserving at end of life, but created in Christ Jesus - lifeo f God in thesoul of man, in being born again, then saint empowered to live out what God has worked in.
But places them on same turf, as Paul him self, apostle not self-proclaimed but OF CHRIST< IN CHRIST>.. they are on the same team. … faithful brethren - a brotherhood, sister hood
But places them on same turf, as Paul him self, apostle not self-proclaimed but OF CHRIST< IN CHRIST>.. they are on the same team. … faithful brethren - a brotherhood, sister hood
Council meeting - attack on church in culture - comrades, those in WWII fought together, closer than blood brothers - Paul says become that not by just showing up at same building on Sundays, but, these people, and you and me we are brethren in Christ - and as such are not only counted as saints and believers. But Paul is highlighting that they routinely - live by a dynamic where in Christ they pursue holiness, and in Christ they live by faith! Two themes ongonig faith in Christ and ongoing pursuit of holiness.
This is why the first thing Paul gives thanks to God for them is their FAITH IN CHRIST JESUS (v.4a)
Colossians 1:4a ESV
since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints,
Not mere faith in anything,reincarnation, God is Good, Fatherhood of God, brotherhood of man. belief is important, but Faith in Christ Jesus is a real leaning into Christ, - know Christ, be found in Him (Phil ). As those who live by faith in Jesus reconciled to God, they know God as Father - not Paul or his teaching that’s supremely important but this grace and peace comes from knowing God as Father in Christ - Takes Gentile common greeting hail (grace/greeting to you) - by faith May you be a great taker. May you have the disposition, the dependency, the humility which makes you a ready receptor of God's grace." KNow by faith in Christ Shalom!
Paul does not start the letter with a do this, believe that, but with a soft and warm encouragement, recalling you have the gospel, you have Christ by faith - Never lose sight of this great gift of being In Christ, and him in you. This is the one thing that is different from other letters in giving thanks -
Colossians 1:3 ESV
We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you,
This emphasis on God as the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul could have just said we give thanks to God - but just as he already emphasiszed we are brothers and sisters siblings in Christ, now he emphasizes for encouragement - Not only do we know God as our Father, and not only do we now have a new family of believers, but now by faith - a new character is mentioned - he too is a sibling - a brother of ours, but a brother like no other - This Lord Jesus Christ has God as Father in very special way - and when we know Jesus as God’s special Son, a a new way is open to us -to recieve the benefits of Chrsit as the Son of God - into our relationship as adopted sons and daughters -
In other words, Paul is encouraging us in this prayer - we have faith, so we are in Christ, and Christ is God’s very special Son and Christian maturity is going to have everything to do with living in a new relationship with the Son who has it all!
Every time you come to this table, - primary purpose to look back t the work of Christ remember - redemption forgiveness of sins in Christ, how as v.12 and v.13 put it - by faith in Him - now
Colossians 1:12–13 ESV
giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son,
If your Christian-living is all about I I I I, disicplines are about self-centred - never grow in your Christian faith. You have a real big brother like no other - in HIm - have what is really premininent in the whole univrese, not just God’s own Son, but HIs Son, incrantie in human flesh, won the vicotry - touched us in the lowest spot, endure gretest suffering, took hold of us, and raised us from death failure, death, destruction, and alienation, and lifted us up - sits at pinnacle of the universe, receivee akingdom.
If your Christian-living is all about I I I I, disicplines are about self-centred - never grow in your Christian faith. You have a real big brother like no other - in HIm - have what is really premininent in the whole univrese, not just God’s own Son, but HIs Son, incrantie in human flesh, won the vicotry - touched us in the lowest spot, endure gretest suffering, took hold of us, and raised us from death failure, death, destruction, and alienation, and lifted us up - sits at pinnacle of the universe, receivee akingdom.
Your faith is in this King Jesus . THis Jesus who is alive and is our brother, is also now our LORD, and faith necessary for salvation is the faith also necessary for Chrstian maturity - and it is to find our all in all in Christ our Brother and Lord, new relationships with God, with each other, Blessings pon Blessing, Reward of Spirit, Gifts for Service, Calling and MIssion in this world, recnilation - all by faith in the SOn!
In v. 9b we that this is what Paul is praying for those that are already Christians:
Colossians 1:9 ESV
And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,
Being filled with knowledge, wisdom understanding what the Gnostic heresy was all about - but a secret spiritual knoweldge, secret exercises to get into the fulness. Paul Keeps on saying, here in the gospel that every Xn has access too - here in the Wor dof Truth - fulness to be sought in these Words of Good news in Jesus! Christian maturity is not jus comig to faiht, but it is to know the Christ in whom you put your pfaiht more and more and more. LIsten to how Jesus himself put it:
John 17:3 ESV
And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.
And later John records And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.
1 John 5:20 ESV
And we know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true; and we are in him who is true, in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.
But having Christ like this is not only about your new identity in Christ, becoming saints by faith, individually seeking the blessings that are in Him. Christian maturity while definitely about growth in individual faith in Christ, is even more about the second thing that Paul gives thanks about these believers for. THE LOVE YOU HAVE FOR ALL THE SAINTS.
Ingredients for Christian maturity: 1. FAITH in Christ! 2. Love in the Spirit
Colossians 1:4b ESV
since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints,
ANd later as he puts it:
That CBC podcaster - took year off to interview famous athletes and artists, successful business peope - talked about our society becoming incresingly lonlely, isolating, compared it to riding the subway in Toronto - all just think so alone in their problems. Said something very interesting imagine if thought bubbles - realize facing same thigs. Imagine that here: family is messed up, job is a bore, struggle with lust, I’ve been a cheat, scared of getting cancer, just so sad and flat. …
Said something very interesting about friendship - Thrusday my world falling a part in the dumps, friend walks me through it, but Saturday your world is falling apart - two way street takes being vulnerable. Paul describes faith as a gift and a new ditenity in Christ, but love he describes as something that must be done! A change in how we walk with others!
since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints,
Colossians 1:4b ESV
since we heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love that you have for all the saints,
But, we are going to see this dynamic of walking with others, not just as the world does, Blue Rodeo if lost lost togtyher, But Christian maturity means walking together with the grace of Jesus Christ for each other, each means walking with each other - in something the world doesn’t really know or get, and increasingly our culture and even church culture is losing. Sacrificial love - commitment to self-giving. Can’t do the Christian faith, can’t do discipleship without the body of Christ,
In your baptism - an entrance into a community - remained to be seen - walk in this dynamic of Christ’s love, faith in Him, remained to be seen - Adult baptism - vow - renounce way of selfishness and sin, the way of the devil and the Spirit of the world; I am going to live the way of Christ. Goal of all the graces of hope and faith - consummation all will be love. So Christain maturity is going to be about putting off the ways of selfishness and sin, and putting on the ways of Christ the way of love!
You really want to know how much progress some one has made in the Christian walk? It s not a matter just of how much they read their Bible, how much they pray, - how much activity do in the church. Prayer, reading Sciprutre, service important. You won’t see much progress without those things. But knowing Christ experimentally being united to Him has abigger purpose that you must pursue with a new fervour!
Before this Paul had written from Ephesus to Rome - called it faith working by love. To the he wrote shortly before this prison lettter, … attitude of Christ - servanthood. Other Apostles John says -If anyone faith but does not love his borther love of Christ … True that we are justified before God and made right by faith alone, in Christ alone, by grace alone. But if that is real faith, James it will be a living faith, and that faith, not you yourself, but your faith needs to be justified, proven - evidence is your works of love.
You want to know how mature someone is in Christ, look at how they treat the people closest to them. Paul is saying in Colossians and Col 3b Ephes5 - Christina maturity is as much about how you children live with paretns, paretns with hcilrd, husbands and wives live together, its about relationships a twork and working utnto the Lord. It’s about how church memmbers care for eacth other, and how we live with those outside the faith!
v.4 says a Christain whose faith is maturing, has a love for every saint. Ones that rub you the wrong way, for the weak strong, for those from your family those outside, those of race and class, and those very different than you. all the saints. Paul says don’t just have love in abstract way - but are actually loving them in particular way!
Look at how their love is in action with people they sit with this in this room. Do you have a passion for the well-being of other people? So much discipleship about individual spiritual practices, but the NT sasys real proof of the pudding is - how you like Christ, willing to carry others burdens here. Greatest love we can have is for someone to know Christ, but has to be demonstrated in practical acts - not just prayer, bible reading, - but who here has brought a meal, driven to an appointment, shown up at a funeral, gone out wth coffee, offered help, walked with you through job change, moving.
Paul recounts, how the word of truth , the gospel came to these people in Colosse, and then what happened?
Colossians 1:6 ESV
which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing—as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth,
What picture is Paul oconjuring up in seaking of Christain maturity - pciture of the sower and the seed in Mark 4. Some seed grew choked by weeds, others trampled, What is the seed of God’s word doing in the soil of your heart? BURSTING FORTH - fruit of life transformed by grace, touch other lives, seed multiplies - not only increases with good fruits, but Some stored up to plant in the field of others lives - seed corn. Paul rejoices that this is what is ahppening in the world now, Asia - India, Africa - Egypt, Europe - Rome. Says what is happening right now - in your life and mine locally. Never underestimate what’s happening here Word of Truth - transforming a people - effects of the gospel burst forth!
Ask yourself how do you want to be known, remembered in 25 years, may mean investing time resources, using your gifts - in service to others - commitment. Who are you seeking to love and serve more and more like this here, out in your work-day -world, in your friendships and home and world.
Listen to how Paul describes it:
Colossians 1:7 ESV
just as you learned it from Epaphras our beloved fellow servant. He is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf
Colossians 1:7a ESV
just as you learned it from Epaphras our beloved fellow servant. He is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf
That word fellow servant so beuatiful off of the lips of Paul. He alone in these cricles the apostle, seen Christ, appoited directly by Him. But Paul so often uses this word - fellow - Uses pictures like a yoke of service in the furrow of the field together, pulling. Uses sports imagery - And a servant - sounds lie a nice idea, but when treated like a servant real test, - steward of life reaources don’t belong to me, to used in service of others.
Another Prisone Letter Philemon from COlosse, runa way slave of Onesiphrus -Paul is writing to his owner Philemon: receive him in love, not only as your property, your employee, but as brother in Christ.
Modern day example: When Chuck Colson was serving his prison sentence after the Watergate scandal, his newfound faith was severely tested. His wife did not understand the "born again" business, his son was picked up on drug charges, and Colson himself was despondent. But God met him in his misery. A group of Christians in Washington, including Senators Hatfield, Hughes, and Quie, were praying for him. Senator Quie discovered an old law that allowed an innocent man to serve a prison term for another, and Quie volunteered to serve the remainder of Colson's term. Colson turned him down, but he had experienced "love ... for all the saints," and Charles Colson was again refreshed in the reality of his faith.
HOw could both of them love each other like that ?
and has made known to us your love in the Spirit.
Colossians 1:8 ESV
and has made known to us your love in the Spirit.
Got a lot of nautural human loves in our life, but until love of God in Christ, agpae love, Spirit fills your heart like descrbies - - we are to make known this love in the Spirit - especially the household of faith. Lot of people looking for extraordinary gifts of the Spirit, only mention Paul makes in the whole letter to the Spirit, most important work of love! Of course pspirtual understanding of course, gifts, comforts, but only mention here is, how the Spirit makes it possible for you to love like Christ!
go ff to college real test - living in this fellowship pursuing friendships service, love in Christ’s church. Sharing it outside.
So these are two ingredients of Christian maturity this growing faith in Christ and this growing love of Christ.
Colossians 1:9–10 ESV
And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;
Without thies spiritual wisdom found in knowing Christ better and beter, never produce anything of value. Its doctrine for life. It s faith working by love. It’s so you actually are transformed in how you live before God and with other people - manner worthy, becomiong of soider and servant, son and daughter in the family of God! Every time you come to renew your covenant with God at the table - ask is the gospel bearing fruit - faith working by love - recommit myself again - not only ot the LORD living in Him - but to this His body - these people!
Nt just grwoth in doctrine - though with this knowledge of God’s will, without thies spiritual wisdom found in knowing Christ better and beter, never produce anything of value, still its doctrine for life, it’s so you actually are transformed in how you live before God and with other people - manner worthy, becomiong of soider and servant, son and daughter in the family of God! Every time you come to renew your covenant with God at hte table - ask is the gospel bearing fruit - faith working by love - recommit myself again - not only ot the LORD living in Him - but to this His body - these people!
But there is a last needed ingredient of maturity in Christ that Paul also introduces here. Your faith isn’t just for the beginning of the journey of life. But it needs another ingredient to keep you living by faith. So too with the goal of this love in the Spirit in our relationships. You want to really start living by love in the Spirit, need an igredient that is the foundation and the fuel of Christina Maturity. Paul gave thanks for their faith in Christ, love in the Siprit , but the basis, and its what the whole end of this prayerin ch 2 is about is - HOPE.
Ingredients for Christian maturity: 1. FAITH in Christ! 2. Love in the Spirit 3. Hope in the Redemption of All Things by the Father Through the Son.
We hear it in the thanksgiving and in his prayer:
because of the hope laid up for you in heaven.
Colossians 1:5 ESV
because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. Of this you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel,
Colossians 1:5a ESV
because of the hope laid up for you in heaven. Of this you have heard before in the word of the truth, the gospel,
Now it is one thing to hope for an after-life, even place called heaven, but that ultitaely is not the Chrstian’s hope. Those lesser hopes are there because of the Christain’s hope which is CHRIST IN HEAVEN and we with HIM in the full presence and blessing of God.
We with Him there with all God’s people unbroken circle, where all has been redeemed healed! And do you see it in what he is praying in
giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.
Colossians 1:12 ESV
giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light.
Because of the redemption, forgiveness, transfer from kingdom of darkness and power of Satan. Those who forget God, deceived to liveing for self, in rebellion against God, rejecting God. They are in darkness. But the great Chrstian hope is light, It is because God tranferrred us into Kingdom of the one who not only rose from the dead, but is ascended into heaven, revcevied full reward from God the Father for humanity - head of new humanity, head quartered in Heaven now! But sends His Sprit and those blessing down on us - as down payment until come in fullness.
And now Paul says - think of the inheritance in heaven right now - saints in light - spirit of righteous made perfect awaiing final vicotryon earth at Christ return and the resurreciton, - out of pain, labour iwth tired aness and frustration, weeds… When you feast from this table, must also look ahead, be sure of your full inheritance. But even more be drawing from it already!
says this hope of X in heaven for us, is an acnhor for our souls. Like an ancient mariners anchor -not down inthe sea, cast up onto shore, pulled into shore through rocky shoals. Christ in heaven, lines are your hope - Christ in heaven all that blessing connected to you down here - need to pull on and draw out blessing already!
God the Father, accepting you in Christ, has made it possible in Christ for you to start drawing on that inheritance that he won for us now, before the after-life. Funeral we celebrate if we live we live to the Lord, and if we die we die to the Lord, - whether we live or die we belong to the LORD . Paul is saying here, for Christiani maturity - can’t just hang on to die in the and for the Lord, got to give your living years to drawing on the riches of Christ in heaven.
Humorous to read retiree’s bumper sticker - spending our kids inheritance. More shocking was to receive some really unexpected help - joke no that’s part of the inheritance. Well, Paul says Christian hope is like that, - inheritance, real stuff from heaven ahead of time!
Now the spiritual ones - like peace, and assurance, confidence, Spiritual blessings like an inner power - why is this hope of receiving victory of Christian your life now so important to Christian maturity?
Look what Paul prays for these believers:
Colossians 1:11 ESV
being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might, for all endurance and patience with joy;
You know what a lot of church life, Christain living in your home, a lot of witness in the world, diaconal work of mercy - it’s what Euegen Peterson called a long hard obedience in the same direction. Not alot of jazzy moments in denying yourself and hubmly serving another, so many people needed here - to do VBS, greet, adminster, behind the scenes, no massive reward int his life for faithfully catechisizing. no order of Candaa, or Christmas basket of goodies…
If you are going to serve in worhty manner - stick to it - so much of effective service is sticking to it - Need power -to endure, patience, joy - HOly Spirit works that in those who place their hope in Christ. This power is the incentive to faith and love, and that spur in our side, is HOPE! Fills you with glorious might to live by faith working by love!
Why stay pure? Why not cave into short term sinful pleasure? Why stick it out serving? Why stay commited? - because of the hope reserved for you in heaven!
You need to hear this, if its true that God will complete every good and perfect work he begins in a person here on earth, then its also true that anything you offer in love to a person, anything you do for God’s great pupose, none of that labour will ever be in vain, even if you can’t see the fruit right away.
There is little ‘h’ hope in all the various situations we face in life. Get through a task on earth, Not fall into certain sin, This kid or that church member turn out alright get trough testing. Little h hope - hope so.
But this is about a BIG H Hope - Big H HOpe is about the vicotry and the heaven and blessing Christ already Won and Establsihed, and is now at work from heaven recnonciling all things - working new peace -. If you have that Big H hope , none of the loose ends have to endure and deal with, and seek redemption in futile, hopeless affair. The trick is to get this big “H” hopein to the little “h” hope istuations of your life.
Things about your self be driven by this hope:
Colossians 1:22 ESV
he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him,
You are accepted now, but one day when all dross burned off, compeltely rfined present as Christ beautiful bride - Hope then presonally strive for that day! says that when Christ appears on last day, then you also will appear with him in Glory. That’s the big mystery and hope now have, Christ in us the hope of glory!
But things about others, situations the church faces, our nation - can’t guarantee results - but know that Christ is the head of not only the church but all things, that he makes peace by the blood of his Cross - and so our effort here in all of life for Christ not in vain , good of this world and the furtherance of the kingdom beyond this world - our effort our contribution, our participation with each other matter - push forward as Christian citizens push forward as active members of Christ’s church!
Winston Churchill was invited back to his alma mater, Harrow, to address the students near the end of his storied life of public service, which included guiding Britain through her darkest and finest hours. When the five-foot, five-inch bulldog of a man took the platform, everyone waited breathlessly upon his words —and they would never forget what they heard: "Young gentlemen, never give up. Never give up. Never give up! Never! Never! Never!" With that he sat down. Paul would have liked that, especially in regard to the gospel.
So come to this table looking forward to the table at the end of the Word, wedding feast of the lamb - when Christ will be all and in all, and so we labour to that end! Not just faith and love and but the hope of what God is doing and will do in fulness when Christ returns!
So come to this table looking forward to the table at the end of the Word, wedding feast of the lamb - when Christ will be all and in all, and so we labour to that end! Not just faith and love and but the hope of what God is doing and will do in fulness when Christ returns! y
Things in heavena nd on earth - can be and will be touched by the Saviour, and in that hope we soldier on. Paul says: want to be mature in Christ, better pay attention to Christ and who he is what he does - grow in knoweldge of Him trust in Him. Paul prays - your loving all the saints - fiath bearing fruit - abound in that. But He also says wat to keep that growing maturing - you got to be motivated by this hope.
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