Untitled Sermon
Sermon Tone Analysis
Be Fruitful
My Name is Dr Bill Pohnert one of Vista’s Stephen’s Ministers.
We find the parable of the sower in Matthew verses 3 to 9 as read by the litergist.
We will discuss three questions to help us understand this parable.
First-is who do you know who is a person of peace?
Second-Are you looking for people of Peace?
Third- Are you fruitful for
Our first question is Who do you know who is a person of Peace. A person of peace is a person who is likened to the seed that fell on the fertile soil and is ready to be fruitful for Christ. As Christians we need to be looking for these kind of people. They will be ready and open to hear our testimony and learn more about the Christian life. As pointed out in the parable not every person we share our testimony is ready to accept the Word and join us active Christians. When this happens we need to dust off our feet and move on looking for a Person of Peace.
Everyone is going to find a lot of people who are not ready but maybe in the future. Personally I am looking for the first Person of Peace.
Once I heard a minister tell the story of one of his church members. The man lived in the Akron, Ohio area and worked in the Columbus,Ohio area. Let’s call him Darl. Darl was a faithful attender at church. He was quiet but ready to set up tables and chairs, activities that didn’t require inner action with others.
The minister was very surprised when Darl signed up the minister’s annual 6 week course on evangelism. Darl faithfully attended class even when he struggled speaking in class. Eventually one of his class members about asked him why he was taking the class. Darl explained that every day he and a friend, Harl, and a coworker drove one and one half hours to work. Harl was not a Christian and Darl wanted to share his deep feelings about christianity. The class really got behind Darl and encouraged him.
Darl spent all his nonworking hours pouring over the Bible and placing postums to mark the verses he wanted to share with Harl. He even numbered the postums in the order he wanted Harl to read. Darl was as nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof days before he decided it was time to share with Harl. The night he was going to share his belief he couldn’t sleep. He was busy rearranging his postums in his Bible.
When they got to the car it was Harl’s turn to drive. Darl insisted that he drive because he had something for Harl to read. The entire one and one half hours not a word was said before they got to the plant parking lot. When they were parked Darl asked Harl what did he think.
Harl was ready to be saved sitting in the car they said the prayer of forgiveness and Harl was saved.
This story shows that when we find a person of peace they will ready to accept Christ.