Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Mission and Vision
Thank you to everyone who stepped up while I was gone
Thank you to Kathy and Larisa for Bible Study… I dropped the ball and forgot to put someone in charge
Thank you to David for stepping in and sharing and for the worship team running like a well oiled machine without us
So blessed to be a part of this church and have you guys supporting us on our vacation
We actually got back last night and we are heading out to Hutch tonight for District Assembly
Today we are going to jump back into our sermon series entitled dear church
We are walking through the 7 messages to the churches in the book of revelation
We are diving into the church in Sardis today
To the Church in Sardis
Sardis was a very wealthy city in a kingdom called Lydia
This city had a rich and deep history
One of the old kings of Sardis was well known for the wealth he had acquired
The city of Sardis… like the other cities… had temples to pegan gods.. they had a temple to artimus there
The city was said to be impenetrable… even though it wasn’t it had been conquered by multiple people before
but the people of the city saw the cities position on this cliff as a place where no one could reach them
THis history was so much a part of the city’s identity… there is a story that at one point the city was bidding for the right to have a huge temple built in their city and to win the bid they campaigned with what they used to be… how important they used to be… how relevant they used to be
They lost the bid because Smyrna campaigned with how relevant they were in that moment.... something we will see that has crept into the church
Let’s dive into the scripture
Again Jesus is telling these folks what they need to know for what he’s about to tell them
Him who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars
Jesus is identifying himself as the one who holds in his hands the sustaining power of the church
he is the one who provides the messenger and the holy spirit that breathes life into the church
Jesus is letting the people of Sardis know that he is the one who, by his very power and presence holds the churches in his hands
This is a reminder of his authority, his right to judge righteously, as well as his ability to ordain or pull the commission on any church he pleases
I know your works.
You have the reputation of being alive...
If we’re following the pattern of the others… we’re expecting Jesus to start off this compliment sandwich with something positive
And it sounds that way
Until he comes with that 3 letter word… But
But you are dead
Jesus is telling the Sardinian church that they have a reputation for being alive…
They look good on the surface
The stuff that they do around town makes it look like things are going well
They have a vbs, a food pantry, they used to be really involved in the community
They are known in the community for all the stuff the church used to do
The numbers look good.
Lots of young families … youknow… the kind of church you would invite your friends to because it was the church that your parents got saved in and you have heard nothing but Good things about their heritage
by all intents and purposes… you would think that they are a living church full of activity
he tells them that in spite of the looks and the reputation… there truly is no life inside you
It doesn’t matter what people have heard or even what the church shows them… they are not connected to THE life which is Jesus Christ and therefore nothing that they do is bringing life
Wake up, and strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your works complete in the sight of my God
He tells the to wake up
Take stock of what is really going on in their church
This church has been living on their legacy and on their history and on their programs for so long that they don’t even notice the cold, dead, religion that has crept in
They don’t see where they have lost sight of the life that is found in Jesus
They are asleep at the wheel and headed to complete death
THey are headed toward the church doors closing
If they don’t wake up and realize that religion is dead and that the works and reputation of the past don’t equal life in the present… the parts that are still working will fall off as well
How many of you know what sepsis is?
It’s a sickness that is normally caused by an infection that is either left untreated or its not noticed and the infection gets in the blood and spreads throughout the body
This is a life-threatening issue that can and will take you out if left untreated
This church in Sardis is septic
There has been a die off that has been circulating for so long that it is in danger of killing off the whole church
And left unchecked there is nothing but death in store for them
Jesus tells them that the works that they have been doing have been left incomplete
The works the reputation, the programs, the stuff isn’t enough
The church can’t work thier way into life
They have to be connected to the life in christ
Remember, then, what you received and heard.
Keep it, and repent.
What’s crazy about a lot of these letters is that Jesus is calling the people deeper by calling them back to orthodoxy and orthopraxis
He’s saying you don’t have to try harder… you need to go back to the good that you know and follow that
You need to reconnect to what brought you into salvation, the passion that drove you when you first learned Christ… You need to get back to that
We need to be reminded more than we need to be taught
it really is that simple sometimes
Remember remain
Remember, remain, repent
Go back to what you know… hold tight to it… and repent of anything that leads you any different direction
See the church here, like many churches, had gotten too much of their identification with the city inside of them
Remember the city of Sardis lived in the past so much and lived in thier reputation of being impeneatrable… that they ended up being taken captive because they weren’t living in the reality of what is… they were blinded by the history of what was
This is what the church was suffering from as well
They were seeing so much of who they had been that they lost track of what they had become
Jesus tells them that if they don’t wake up and face reality that he will come like a thief and the church will not know when he will come agaisnt the church
Since they are asleep any way… they won’t notice when Jesus has actually changed from being for them to being agaisnt them
This is such a scary thought if you think about it
If a church is so caught up in what they are doing for God and what programs and busy work they are doing… they can actually go from woking with Jesus on his mission to being an enemy of Christ and having the spirit removed from thier church
And if a church or a person is in that place… they won’t even notice
It’s not all bad though
JEsus says that there are some in Sardis a few who have not soiled thier garments...
Who havent gotten dirty with the stain of the world… who haven’t identified so much with the world that they have lost their identity with Christ
He says that those from that church will walk in white garments for they are worthy
They are pure and their purity will show by walking with Jesus and by shinning as examples of purity even in the midst of stubborn and sleeping people
To the one who conquers
JEsus is going to give the one who conquers… that is who overcomes… who remembers, remains, and repents… garments of white and their name will be forever in the book of life
Lost salvation
This passage gives people some reserve… there are some who read this and say see it says right there that if you do good God will keep your name in the book but if not he’s going to blot it out
You could read it that way
Here’s how I like to look at this passage
If you are holding fast to the life in Christ and your onlyt goal is to stay connected to him… there is no way your name will be blotted out
I read this as a blessed assurance not as a condemnation
Jesus is telling his people that as they continue in him… there is life and that life is eternal and everlasting… stay awake… stay grounded in the truth and there is no way that you can be taken from his hands
Time for response
< .5
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