Trust in the LORD
Sermon Tone Analysis
Trust in the LORD (Who?)
:5Who? — in the LORDLORD = YahwehThe covenant name of God. People’s names can mean MANY things. They can reflect people’s reputation. In Zimbabwe, I met many people with beautiful names with beautiful meanings.Qoviele Mpofu — “we have won”Phathisa — “To assist”Dube — “Zebra” Names are significant! The name that God used to tell the Israelites who delivered them from the EgyptiansExodus 3:15Moses was given a massive responsibilityAnd he was nervous of the task ahead of him.This is the name that God told Moses to say when he is questioned about the authority that called him to deliver the Israelites. The name of the God who would perform signs and wonders!The same God that delivered you from your problems.THIS is whom we trust in
How? — TWO WAYS. (1) With all your heartIn ancient thought, heart = entire lifeNo concept of the brain or any word of it.KnowUnderstandDiscernWisdomAll heart. Devote their whole body, mind, feelings, desires, futures, and failures. Because He will take care of it.Trusting God with all of my heart seems to be the only logical position for Christians. God knows all, sees all, and is able to prepare against all trouble that Satan brings. Even alternating between my understanding and God’s understanding is illogical. JUST TRUST HIM.(1) Do not lean on your own understandingI believe that the opposite of trust is worry...If we truly trust in God, worry would not be a logical option.We worry because we don’t trust in God; we “lean on our own understanding”. It does not say we can’t use our own understanding, but its saying that when we use it, we are to depend on God and His wisdom.Sometimes, God calls us to do things that do not make sense. Personal Testimony — I have always been a worrier...Building toys...School work...Future career...Getting a job as a pastor...Illustration: TRUSTING IN A CHAIRRarely do I ever worry to sit on a chair...99.9% of the time, I TRUST in the chair that I am about to sit on.JUST TRUST HIM. — HOW NOT TO WORRY. WHY we should trust.In all your ways, acknowledge Him.Acknowledging (english) vs. Acknowledging (hebrew)Derived from the word (yada): “To know”, hence acknowledge. This specific word: “To accept (someone) to be what is claimed” Example: Shang. Ultratriathlete, Ironman. Quintuple — 5 IM’s in 5 days. (12 miles of swim, 560 miles of bike, 131 miles of run) fastest female in the world. I didn’t believe it at first, but as I got to know her, the more I started to believe the things that she claims herself to be. In the same way, it’s important to know that acknowledging God means that we trust in who He is and what He can do.God IS the King of Kings, Lord of Lords…JUST TRUST HIMIn all your ways.It’s easy to acknowledge God and accept who He says to be in the highs of life, but trust is shown when we acknowledge God and accept who He says to be in the valley’s. “The spiritually mature are able to see the miraculous in the monotonous.” — Mark Batterson REMEMBER HOW GOD HAS LED YOU IN THE PAST.“We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget how the Lord has lead us, and His teaching in our past history.” — Ellen White The result of trusting in God — He will direct your path. or make them straight.Literally, he will make your paths straight, or level, removing all obstacles out of the way.Life will still be hard. The Christian walk is difficult.But as we acknowledge God, our barriers will turn into blessings.JUST TRUST HIM.Illustration: Drafting behind Dad. Trusting that he won’t breakStaying close to him makes the ride easierHe knows where to goThe ride is harder when I get further away. He’s taking a beating, so that my experience will be easier. I have to trust him wholeheartedly because I can’t take advantage of his slipstream if I am not that close behind him. JUST TRUST HIM. ConclusionThis coming week, remember WHO God is and HOW He’s led you in the past, so that you can trust in Him TODAY. In your personal devotional time, reflect on how God has led you RECENTLY. Write it down.AND SHARE IT WITH SOMEBODY.It’s so easy for all of us to worry, but giving your life to God, wholly surrendering your heart to Him, will be the best choice you can make. I promise you, He will workout miracles in your life that you had NO idea He would do. Just Trust Him