Lord of the Sabbath
Preaching Themes: Creativity, Friendship, Sabbath, Stress
Most people look for a coffee shop with free Wi-Fi and get annoyed if that service isn’t provided. So many places offer free Wi-Fi; a Canadian coffee shop tried the opposite approach. The Faraday Café was built to repel and jam cell phone signals and was the first such shop in the world to try and deliberately create a wireless “black hole.” The owner worked with engineers to create what is known as a Faraday cage around the shop to turn away signals from the outside. The owner, Julien Thomas said he felt that digital technology had developed so quickly that people have not really had a chance to think about the etiquette or ethics around their use. Thomas hoped to help his customers feel what casual life was like without a constant Internet connection.
The shop closed after a couple of weeks.
—Jim L. Wilson and Jim Sandell
Feeling Like a Dog Being Dragged by a Car
Exodus 23:12; 33:14; 34:21; Psalms 46:10; 127:2; Jeremiah 31:25; Matthew 11:28–30; Mark 6:31; Hebrews 4:1–11
Preaching Themes: Sabbath, Stress
Tattoo’s owner shut his leash in the door so he could help his wife carry a load to the car. Forgetting the dog was there, the owner pulled onto the road and started home, with Tattoo the basset hound trailing along behind. At first it was like going for a walk, but as the speed increased and the distance lengthened, Tattoo began to have problems keeping up. The people who loved him the most were unaware of the trouble he was in. Before they got to the main highway, a motorcycle police officer noticed the trailing dog. The owners were horrified by the ordeal Tattoo had just experienced, even though the dog appeared uninjured.
When life seems to be dragging you by the neck, it is time to remember that God has something else planned for you—his rest.
—Jim L. Wilson and Rodger Russell