Fully Devoted-3: Growing Love
Reading John 21:15-22
Again Jesus said, “Simon son of John, do you truly love me?”
He answered, “Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.”
Jesus said, “Take care of my sheep.” John 21:16 (NIV)
I. ___________________[your name here], do you love me?
A. Peter had Denied Jesus
1. Peter didn’t think he would, but he did.
2. Now Peter wants to restore his relationship with Jesus
a. John, doesn’t mention Peter again until he’s running to the empty tomb.
b. In 21:7 Peter jumps out of the boat to swim to Jesus
3. He may well have expected a reprimand, or an “I told you so,” or some act of humiliation or penance.
a. Don’t we?
B. The most Important question
1. Instead Jesus simply asks him a question: Do you love me?
a. He uses Peter’s given name, rather than the name he had given him.
b. Peter hadn’t been the rock Jesus said he was.
c. The rock on which to build that renewed relationship is the answer to this question.
2. Three denials and three questions to restore him.
3. This is the first question God always asks when His own come back to him.
a. He looks into our eyes and into our hearts and looks for love there.
C. More than These
1. More than these others love me?
a. Hadn’t Peter said, even if everyone else deserts you. . .
2. More than you love these other disciples?
3. These other things (boats, nets, etc.)?
II. Yes, Lord, you Know that I love you.
A. Emotionally Responsive love
1. Peter uses a word for love that reflects his emotional response to Jesus Phileo.
a. This is the love between dear friends.
2. Peter knows that deep down, despite his major slip-up, he really does love Jesus.
3. A play on words?
a. Jesus asks, “Do you “truly love me?” (agape).
b. Peter responds, “Yes, Lord, you know I love you (Phileo).”
B. A Humble response
1. Peter leaves unanswered the part of the question “more than these.”
2. He doesn’t claim to love Jesus in a way that can never fail.
3. He acknowledges that he loves Jesus in the way he knows how.
C. A Hurting response
1. Peter may have already been wondering whether Jesus would accept him.
a. Did he doubt his own ability to be honest about his love for Jesus?
2. Doesn’t Jesus believe him? Do you have to keep asking?
a. Peter’s hurt shows his love too.
b. It’s important to Peter that Jesus trust his love.
3. Lord, You know all things. . .
a. Don’t take my word for it.
b. I know that you know me better than I know myself.
III. Care for my sheep
A. The Heart of Christian work is loving God
1. Each time Peter answers the question, Jesus opens the door to Christian service.
a. It is almost an “If. . .then” situation.
b. How often is our service built on our love for God, rather than a need to feel busy?
2. This question is the question for all of us who serve God and his people in the various ways He calls us.
a. Am I doing this out of my love for God, or just some sense of duty?
b. Am I doing this to impress God or earn his love? Or to express my love to Him?
3. Do You love Jesus?
B. Feeding and taking care of His Sheep
1. For Peter and for us, the way we demonstrate our love for Him is by loving His people.
2. We feed them by providing for their needs, physical, emotional, social and spiritual.
a. We feed them with the Gospel preached and applied.
3. We take care of them by watching for danger, herding them together and toward good pasture.
a. The word here is “shepherd” them.
b. These instructions are especially important for pastors — but apply equally well to all who in any way lead God’s children.
C. You must follow me
1. Jesus told him he would have a hard row to hoe.
a. Not a punishment for deserting Jesus. An honor he hadn’t been able to live up to—yet.
b. Peter said he would lay down his life for Jesus. Jesus told him that in fact he would.
2. In typical fashion, Peter doesn’t just think something he says it: “What about him?”
a. Jesus response: “That’s not your concern.”
3. You follow me.
a. What about you today? Do you need to return to God? Renew your relationship with him?
b. It’s not about trying harder, it’s about love. Do you love him? Really?
The Bottom Line:
Jesus asks us a Simple question today: "Do You love me?" |
Song: My Jesus I Love Thee (Red #332)