Back to the Basics - What must I do to be saved?
Text: Acts 16:30;
Thesis: To learn what the Bible says concerning how to become a Christian.
1. Today, one may received several different answers to this question depending upon who is asked.
2. Nevertheless, the only answer that matters is the Lord’s and we will look at the Bible to see what the Lord says.
I. The Question:
A. “Must” – Shows that this is required and not optional
B. “I” – Shows that no one else can do it for me
C. “Do” – Shows that action is required
II. The Answer:
A. Believe
1. Heb. 11:6 – W/o faith = impossible to please God
2. John 8:24 – Must believe that Jesus is the Son of God
3. James 2:17 – Faith = belief +action
B. Repent
1. Luke 13:3 – Must repent
2. 2 Cor. 7:10 – More than just being sorry
C. Baptism
1. Acts 2:38 – For the remission of sins
2. Rom. 6:3-5 – A death, burial & resurrection
3. Gal. 3:27 – Puts you into Christ
1. Are you a Christian?
2. If not, would you become one today on the Lord’s terms?