Matthew 13v10to17 We Become Insiders
I) When we walk with God, we become insiders. Matthew 13:10-17.
A) File: matthew 13v10to17 we become insiders.doc
B) Audio: When we walk with God, we become insiders.
C) Series: Walking with God
D) Preached: March 11, 2007
II) Intro to the series: Walking with God
A) We can still walk with God by following Jesus.
B) First: It’s all about the Father’s Business.
C) Second: We must follow.
D) Third: He will prepare the way.
E) Fourth: we will witness division.
F) Fifth: we will witness miracles.
G) Sixth: we will be tested
H) Now: we become insiders
III) READ Matthew 13:10-17
IV) Jesus began to teach in parables: Why?
A) First – fulfillment of prophecy: Isaiah 6:9-10 here vv14-15. Psalm 78:2 in verse 35.
B) Second requires context: acceptance of some, rejection of others, apathy of still others – who came to eat
C) Wiersbe - “Jesus did not teach in parables to confuse or condemn the people. Rather, He sought to excite their interest and arouse their curiosity. These parables would give light to those with trusting, searching hearts. But they would bring darkness to the unconcerned and unrepentant.” (BEC)
D) A few weeks ago: we will witness division. Here it is – those who reject or ignore Jesus and those that WALK with him – those that trust Him enough to work through the parables, that are willing to receive him with faith – the faith of a child.
1) These are the ones who receive information – briefings only for those who are in the kingdom.
2) These are the believers and they ARE INSIDERS.
3) When we walk with God, we become insiders!
4) Second – to share the secrets of the kingdom of heaven with His disciples.
V) The question is – to what kind of secrets. Some definitions.
A) What is meant by the word “secrets” or “mysteries”?
1) “Musterion” BEC, Wiersbe – “a “mystery” is a spiritual truth understood only by divine revelation. It is a “sacred secret” known only to those “on the inside” who learn from the Lord and obey Him”
2) Information previously unreleased or obscured.
B) Secrets intended for His disciples.
1) You – plural. Disciples. Us too: Matthew 28:19. Go, therefore and make disciples, not members, associates, laypersons. There are no civilians in the kingdom of Heaven.
C) Kingdom of Heaven / Kingdom of God
1) The Term:
2) John the Baptist: Mt. 3:2, “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”
3) Jesus: A summary of His preaching: Matthew 4:23 “proclaiming the gospel of the Kingdom.”
(a) Matthew 5:20 – qualifications for citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. Righteousness – beatitudes.
4) Old Testament: Daniel 7:14.
5) End of the period: Rev. 11:15.
6) General Two-fold understanding:
(a) God’s divine reign. Power and authority.
(b) The sphere of blessing in which that reign is experienced.
7) Specific: (Tyndale Bible Dictionary) “The sovereign rule of God, initiated by Christ’s earthly ministry and consummated when the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ (Rv 11:15).” (TBD)
VI) This knowledge primarily concerns both Present and Future.
A) Present:
1) Parable of sower: Kingdom spread by sowing the Word of God – some receive and some do not and the evil one snatches some away.
2) Parable of the weeds: Church consists of good and bad growing side by side not to be sorted out until the end.
3) Mustard Seed: Very small and humble beginnings to great growth.
4) Leaven: A spreading of the Word to every corner of the world.
5) Hidden treasure and the pearl: Worth giving up everything for – precious.
6) The Net: similar to wheat and tares.
7) New and old treasure: New and Old Testaments. Same God, new age.
8) Some other things:
(a) Entered only by faith of a child: Mark 10:15.
(i) This brings a rebirth – only born into the Kingdom of Heaven – therefore heirs, family,
(ii) Not by works – Matt 5:20 righteousness. John 3:3 – must be born again.
(b) This kingdom is not of this world John 18:36. That is, Christ’s authority does not come from earthly places.
(c) Kingdom of this world is currently and temporarily ruled by the prince of this world.
(d) We know that those who reject the kingdom will eventually bow the knee and confess Isa 45:23, Rom 14:11, Phil 2:10.
(i) But they won’t enter into the next kingdom.
VII) Why is this knowledge important?
A) Our mission:
1) We must be about sowing the seed of the Word until Jesus returns.
(a) reminded of the importance of our mission – the Word is how the Kingdom is built.
(b) People will be judged and sorted at the end of the age based on how they receive the Word
2) Understanding the nature of this age – temporary, ending in judgments and rewards is important
(a) make the mission a priority
(b) make everything else secondary
(i) What we earn, build, accomplish, beyond what is needed for the mission is worthless.
3) Helps us to focus our method – to build the kingdom as Jesus intended on the Word of God and faith – not gimmicks, programs, man’s ideas, compromise.
B) Helps to explain everything we see
1) We must know our churches will contain a mixture of citizens of the K.o.H. and the World.
(a) We are unable to tell the difference between the saved and the unsaved – so we must be sowing, not weeding.
2) We can avoid the confusion and panic if we understand the nature of the age we are in. Why do people act that way?
(a) We know what the other person hold in their hands.
(b) We understand human nature.
C) It brings us comfort.
1) Being a Kingdom citizen is difficult
2) Important to know we are heirs, we’ll rise again, we’ll rule with Christ
3) Justice will be brought to those who oppose God
4) Rewards will be given to those who serve God
5) It is about a relationship and not works.
D) One of the greatest comforts: Because it shows us the future:
VIII) We know the end of the story
A) Jesus shares in these parables that the angels will sort out unbelievers from believers at the end of the age.
1) The believers will be saved but the unbelievers will suffer an eternal fiery torment.
B) This is our hope and our comfort.
C) He has given signs – reminders in the world. Watch Foxnews, CNN, and the others and be encouraged – He is coming quickly!
D) Continued next week – we’ll talk specifics Matthew 24.
IX) Invitation
A) Make sure of your membership
B) Seek to more fully understand – let God motivate and change you – do not attempt yourself.
March 11, 2007
Sermon Series: Walking with God. Learning what it means to walk with God by walking with Jesus through His ministry.
Today’s Message: When we walk with God, we become insiders. Matthew 13:10-17.
Two reasons Jesus began to teach in parables …
1) Fulfillment of __________________________.
2) To share the ________________________ of the Kingdom of Heaven with His _____________________________.[1]
Secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven…
1) Secret: understood only by divine _______________________ and only for those on the __________________________.
2) Kingdom of Heaven: (Tyndale Bible Dictionary) “The sovereign rule of God, initiated by Christ’s earthly ministry and consummated when the kingdom of the world becomes the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ (Rv 11:15).” Mt. 3:2, 4:23, 5:20; Dan. 7:14; Rev. 11:15;
3) For us, this primarily concerns the ____________________ and the ________________________.[2]
Next Week: When we walk with God, we become insiders, part 2: Matthew 23:37-24:51.
Word Find, Matthew 13:10-17:
G | N | V | I | F | I | G | B | H | I | N | D | E | E | D | P |
K | W | W | Y | S | H | O | U | L | D | I | K | A | E | P | S |
L | O | A | G | C | T | T | A | K | E | N | G | P | S | R | Y |
O | R | O | B | I | K | B | R | N | U | K | S | W | S | O | S |
N | G | U | F | U | L | F | I | L | L | E | D | V | D | P | E |
G | R | S | D | N | N | E | V | E | Y | W | I | N | U | H | L |
E | B | B | R | E | S | D | V | E | V | N | A | S | P | E | B |
D | S | A | Y | A | S | I | A | G | V | T | N | R | T | T | A |
E | K | E | C | L | E | S | N | N | S | G | O | E | H | S | R |
S | F | W | C | C | E | R | E | R | C | P | R | N | V | I | A |
O | P | Y | R | R | U | R | E | L | H | E | Y | G | E | E | P |
L | A | E | E | T | E | D | A | E | B | C | N | H | S | N | R |
C | P | L | S | H | N | T | C | B | R | I | T | H | E | O | P |
S | A | Y | S | U | T | Y | S | A | E | N | P | V | T | R | O |
H | E | A | R | T | G | E | E | E | S | T | I | P | W | I | R |
K | K | D | U | L | L | H | S | I | A | G | W | T | H | D | W |
Extra Credit:
How many parables does Jesus tell in Matthew 13?
Can you memorize Matthew 13:11?
[1] 1) prophecy; 2) secrets…disciples;
[2] 1) revelation…inside; 3) present…future;