Matthew 5 Kingdom Righteousness 2
I) “Kingdom Righteousness Part 3: Righteous relationships with people.”
A) File: matthew 5 kingdom righteousness 2.doc
B) Audio: Kingdom Righteousness Part 2
C) Series: Matthew
D) Preached: December 9, 2007
II) Introduction: Matthew: The Sermon on the Mount:
A) The requirements for and/or characteristics of a citizen of His Kingdom.
B) Last time: Fulfilling the Law
1) Jesus came not to abolish the Law and prophets but to
(a) Obey it
(b) Teach it
(c) Complete it
2) So what purpose is the Law – to point out our sin.
III) Introduction: This time: Three ways to look at it:
1) Jesus goes beyond the Law to make sure that we see the extreme nature of God’s requirements and therefore our shortfall.
(a) He is making a case for universal sin and universal need of a savior.
(b) vv 20 and 48: Jesus’ purpose
(i) To show that God’s standards are above the law
2) Jesus reveals the intent of the Law: That it is a matter of the heart.
(a) God’s will for our relationships with others.
(b) God’s will for our relationships with material things.
(c) God’s will for our relationship with Him.
3) Jesus gives some good advice on living the Christian life.
(a) We must still follow the Law but for the right reason – because we are citizens of the Kingdom.
(i) Not for legalism – gaining God’s approval.
(ii) Not for self-exaltation – gaining people’s approval.
(iii) Not for material gain
IV) vv 21 to 22: Anger is Murder
A) “I don’t hate him – just everything he does, everything he says and everything he stands for.”
1) Rom. 13:9, “9 The commandments, y “You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet,” and any other commandment, are summed up in this word: z “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
2) “Am I my brother’s keeper?” The answer is a curse: out of the presence of the Lord.
B) vv 23 to 26: Be reconciled
1) 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers
2) 2 Cor. 5: the ministry of reconciliation
3) Kingdom people make peace:
(a) How can we worship the creator when we have division in His body?
(b) Keep our matters out of court: 1 Cor. 6:1-3, “When one of you has a grievance against another, does he dare go to law before the unrighteous instead of the saints? 2 Or do you not know that the saints will judge the world? And if the world is to be judged by you, are you incompetent to try trivial cases? 3 Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life!”
V) vv 27-28: Lust is adultery
A) Jesus showed that faithfulness to God is a matter of the heart. So is faithfulness to others.
B) A form of idolatry – it stems from discontentment. Rather than looking to God for fulfillment of needs and desires, we look to others – always leading to treating them as objects.
C) vv 29-30: Take any measure to avoid it
VI) vv 31-32: Divorce is adultery
A) Permissible by the Law of Moses – the law was given so there would be some civility to how it was done – minimize chaos.
1) Again – intent of the law – that marriage is intended as one man, one woman, forever.
B) Goal – not guilt, not reversal, just awareness.
1) Marriage is an oath – Jesus needs to point out that failure to keep commitments is a sin.
2) Not forever in sin – having sinned and made a mistake, and attempted to make it right, if possible.
(a) Sometimes making it right is appropriate
(b) Sometimes it would make things worse
C) Keep your commitments – next section on oaths.
VII) vv33-37: Oaths are evil
A) So do not make them. Let what you say be either ‘yes’ or ‘no’
B) Integrity: Doing what you say you will do.
C) Cromwell story by Mark Twain.
VIII) Retaliation is wrong
A) So go the extra mile: Roman soldier example.
1) Paying taxes
2) Voting
B) Love your enemies – again, the ministry of reconciliation
1) Jesus is our example
IX) Invitation:
A) Poor in spirit:
B) Application:
1) We must know that we are all guilty of sin
(a) No matter how hard we try
(b) No matter how many good works we try to do
2) We must make Christ our foundation
(a) to give God a chance to live through us.
December 9, 2007,
“Kingdom Righteousness part III:
Righteous Relationships with People”
Matthew 5:20-5:48:
I) Anger is _________________________
A) Be __________________
II) Lust is _________________________
A) Take __________ _________________ to avoid it
III) Divorce is __________________________
A) _____________________ your commitments
IV) Oaths are ____________
A) So __________ ____________ make them
V) Retaliation is ____________________
A) So go the _________________ __________________
B) _________ your enemies
Notes: ___________________________________________________
Matthew 5:20-48 Word Find
O | D | T | O | O | T | H | A | T | W | F | D | L | K | H |
C | M | O | K | H | N | A | H | T | O | M | O | H | B | E |
S | O | E | O | R | L | U | R | K | E | V | K | A | M | L |
C | F | M | E | B | R | A | P | E | E | L | H | V | T | L |
W | E | V | M | I | E | D | D | V | S | T | B | E | P | H |
B | E | V | G | I | I | T | I | U | C | U | F | A | T | M |
N | R | H | E | A | T | L | T | R | L | R | C | I | I | K |
S | T | E | S | R | S | T | P | E | E | T | S | C | G | L |
N | E | C | H | P | Y | R | C | T | R | V | E | O | A | Y |
F | U | S | N | T | H | O | E | E | M | S | E | R | D | P |
L | N | E | U | A | O | D | N | B | F | A | M | O | Y | U |
C | C | Y | L | A | M | R | R | E | M | R | K | C | H | W |
D | O | O | Y | B | C | O | B | A | O | E | E | E | T | W |
F | S | U | Y | A | W | A | W | O | E | U | M | P | S | F |
E | L | R | A | N | Y | O | N | E | K | H | G | U | D | V |
Advent wreath: Circular to remind us of the continuous power of God. It is made from evergreens to remind us of eternal life. It has three purple candles to remind us that Jesus is from the royal line of David, that He is the Prince of Peace, and that He is the King of Kings. It has one pink candle to remind us of the joy that He brings. It has one white candle at the center called the Christ Candle to remind us that Jesus is the Christ, the Light of the World, and that the season should have Him at its center.