Some Things Can't Be Avoided - Conflict series
Some Things Can’t Be Avoided
Matt. 5:23-34, Matt. 7:1-6
Thunderbolt – shattering a sentimental mindset or interpretation
To obey – you must be able to determine who are dogs & swine. Titus 3:10-11
Not standing toe to toe.
Jesus is calling for something much more redemptive & loving than confronting someone with a list of their wrongs.
Help – restore – save – forgive
Restoration is echoed throughout Scripture
Quarreling/arguing/foolish controversies are condemned in Scripture
Illustration – give a hint to what we are talking about
God does not intend for us to relate to one another at a distance or through other people.
If someone has something against you:
Unfounded or the other person’s fault -> conclusion: I have no responsibility.
Why should we initiate:
1. Jesus says to
2. Greater Peace
a. Remove misunderstanding
b. Discover behavior in you which needs changing
3. Out of love Mark of love
a. Bitterness/anger/hatred/unforgiveness are serious in God’s sight
b. Potentially destroy another brother
c. You can make the effort
When someone’s sins are too serious to overlook
· Against you - looking at it from viewpoint of brother against whom the sin is committed
· Sins – telling the whole community how to handle a situation when a brother sins – immediate context is the sin of despising another brother.
When is it time to go?
· Dishonoring God
· Damaging your relationship
o Feelings/thoughts/words/actions have been altered for more than a short period of time.
· Damaging others
o Made public – others take sides
· Damaging the offender
o “do your own thing” mentality – do nothing even when they sin. Someone ensnared.
o Lev 19:17