The Tongue of the Wise Brings Healing
The Tongue of the Wise Brings Healing
1 Cor 1:1-9
Confrontation is difficult. If you are eager to do this you are probably disqualified.
Read Dad’s description of Glendale Church
How would you like to pastor that church or a church like it?
1 Cor 1:2-9
· Disunity
· Immorality – no church discipline
· Lawsuits
· Disregard for others
· Communion
· Public worship that was self-centered
What is the natural tendency when you’ve been offended or disappointed? Come at the offender with the law, lecturing them about what they have done wrong, and what they should do to make it right?
Christian Love
· Lev 19:17
· Prov 27:5-6
· Gal 6:1
· James 5:19-20
You damaged Bill’s reputation – I don’t thing you deliberately set out to hurt Bill but have you thought about what you said?
The Skills for a Wise Tongue
Prov 12:18
1. The Log Principle
o Me first
o Seek grace – be as gracious as God & others have been with you
2. Make Charitable Judgments – 1 Thess. 14:15
Pointless to talk if you’ve already made up your mind.
3. Speak the truth in love
Firmness/blunt may ultimately be necessary
4. Speak as a fellow sojourner
5. Find the right time and place
6. Communicate clearly
7. Plan your words
8. Use “I” statements
a. I feel frustrated when you fail to keep your commitment because you play a key role. As a result I find it difficult to depend on you.