Walking Thru the valley
!!!This passage of scripture is called the nightingale of the psalms because the nightegale sigs its sweetest when the hight is the darkest. When it is dark fear and terror evades. It evolves around our minds, hearts, sprits, and soul. It places a dark cloud or shodow around the things we have to face. The things we thought were unmovable, or unchangeable. Darkness sometimes causes us to lose our sure step in life. We sometimes begin to doubt wheather we can have the same securityin the dark that we did when it was light. Darknessshadow places doubt in the one who loves us the most. The one who loves us the most. The one who will be there when our heart trimble with fear. Darknessshadows makes us doubt the direction and power of Jesus the good shepherd. For the good shepherd knows His sheep He knows when His sheep is troubled. weary or scared. So the good shepherd will guide and direct the sheep to higher pasture. For David said "{Ye hou I walk thru the valley and the shadows of death I will fear no evil"] !!For there was acually a valley normal shadow of death theat at some point or time during the summer or grazing months the shepherds had to lead there sheep thru. There was no food or water, wolves and loins would be lurking in the shadows, but yet the sheep marched on because they they knew that the shepherd would protect them no matter what beast that may come after them the good shepherd would be right there to protect them and guild them safty through. As we go thru our dark valley today know in your heart that the Good Shepherd will be right there by your side. For our brother/sister knew that one day that his grazing and feeding on this side of the pasture would be over, but He was assured by Jesus the Good Shepherd that there was a better day ong the higher hill. !!
So its alright if I walk thru some heartache, it's alright if I walk thru some disapointments, it's alright if some frustration and discouragements come, it's alright when difficult days attack, it's alright if my heart hurts from a loss, it's alright, because I will continue to walk thru that valley. For I heard Jesus say "lo I am with you alway" even unto the nd of the earth. So yes, even in this valley of death I have no need to fear for my Lord is with me to guild me to the other side.
!!In order for all of us to get to the other side to a higher mountain we must pass through this valley. We must see the Shepherd opening the well guarded fold and walking at the head of His own flock, calling one and another, calling by name, while he sheep willingly follows for the sheep knows and love their shepherd's voice and they can see Him. In the dewy morning choosing their pasture or at the hot noon leading them to some tranquil pool or well His eyes watch and protect them from harm. Know that our Lord knows and He cares, He heres and He will bare all of your burdens and cares. All because He loves us.