Gifts and their Source Eph
Gifts and their Source Eph. 1:2-
EBC 6/22/08
She had gone down in history as “America’s Greatest Miser,” yet when she died in 1916, “Hetty” Green left an estate valued at over $100 million. She ate cold oatmeal because it cost to heat it. Her son had to suffer a leg amputation, because she delayed so long in looking for a free clinic that his case became incurable. She was wealthy, yet she chose to live like a pauper.
She was like many Christians today, they have placed no value on what they have been given and what is at their disposal.
While Paul was ministering in the church of Antioch, he was called by the Spirit to take the Gospel to the Gentiles.
The Book of Acts records three missionary endeavors Paul undertook throughout the Roman empire. According to many this was one of the greatest evangelistic endeavors in the history of the church. In 53 AD, he evangelized the City of Ephesus and later started a church there.
Nearly ten years later when Paul was a prisoner in Rome he wrote to his friends in Ephesus explaining what God had actually done for them.
I. Precipitants of the Blessings (1-2)
A. Us – Saints-
1. Saints- one who has been set apart. It is related to the term sanctified.
a. Warren Wiersbe- When the sinner trusts Christ as his Saviour, he is taken out of “the world” and placed “in Christ. Like a scuba diver, he exists in an alien environment because he possesses special equipment—in this case, the indwelling Holy Spirit of God.
II. Source of the Blessing (2)
A. When we were born into the family of God we were born rich.
1. Haggai 2:8- “the gold is mine and the silver is mine thus sayest the Lord”.
2. 1 Peter 1:3,4-
B. Eph. 3:8-
C. James 1:17-
III. Scope of the Blessings (3d)
A. Literally- “all the blessings of the spirit”
1. 2 Peter 1:3-
B. Warren Wiersbe- The Holy Spirit is mentioned many times in this letter, because He is the one who channels our riches to us from the Father, through the Son. Not to know and depend on the Holy Spirit’s provision is to live a life of spiritual poverty.
C. Col. 2:10- we are complete in Christ. Our resources in God are not just promised they are possessed.
D. Story by J.Vernon McGee- you can either claim these and lay hold to them or you can live a life of despair and defeat.
IV. Style of the Blessings (4-6)
A. He has chosen us (4)this is the marvelous doctrine of election.
Hath chosen- to pick out for oneself
1. John 15:16-
a. The lost sinner left to himself, does not seek God. He has not the ability to seek God.
b. He chose us to be holy and without blame. To be chosen is a privilege and carries with it great responsibility.
2. John 6:44- man responds to God because of God’s grace.
a. Harry Ironside story- little boy was asked if he had found Jesus. He said I didn’t know he was lost. But, I was lost and he found me.
B. He has adopted us (5)- adoption- an act of God whereby He gives his born ones standing as a adult member of the family. He gives us adult standing so that we might immediately claim our inheritance and enjoy our spiritual wealth.
1. The only reason I’m going to be in Heaven is because of the mercy and grace of God. Grace- that undeserving merit of God. Not that I earned it but because he was gracious.
2. He took me just like I was. I didn’t promise Him I would change –
C. He has forgiven us (7)-
1. Redeemed- to deliver from a state of bondage- to set free after paying a price. Mann has been sold unto sin and is under the bondage of sin. Man is rotten to the core and all he can do is sin.
2. God paid the penalty and then he forgave. That is what divine forgiveness is all about- the sentence was deserved but the penalty has been paid.
a. Col. 1:14- “In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins”.
D. He has given us His wisdom and prudence and made known His will (8-9) - he has given us intelligence and understanding. He has graciously shared with us his purposes and plan for our lives.
a. Col. 1:9- “For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding”
E. He has made known His will (9)-
1. Mystery- something not previously revealed.
2. Rom. 12:2-