Child Dedication
Child Dedication
June 1, 2008
Friends, the family is a divine institution, God-ordained from the beginning of human history. Children are a heritage of the Lord committed by him to their parents for care, protection, and training for his glory. It is important that all parents recognize this sacred obligation and their responsibility to God in this matter, and we honor these parents for their desire to do so today.
Moses’ mother, Jochebed, put her son in God’s hands when she set him afloat in the Nile to preserve his life. Samuel’s mother, Hannah, recognized that her child was the Lord’s when she brought him to Eli, the High Priest, to be raised. And Joseph and Mary, in keeping with the Law, also brought the infant Jesus to the Temple to be consecrated to the Lord.
Now Rick and Judy, recognizing the sacredness of their responsibility, bring back to the Lord the treasure which he has entrusted to them. In so doing, they publicly acknowledge their responsibility for the nurture and admonition of these children in the ways of righteousness and godliness.
Parents’ Promises:
Do you affirm that you are trusting the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior? “We do”
Do you acknowledge that Jaden’s dedication is not a saving ordinance or act, but that he will need to receive Christ as Savior through a personal decision when he is old enough? “We do.”
Do you promise, with God’s help, to raise Jaden in the training of God’s Word and the community of the church, to pray with and for him, and to live before him as Christian parents who are yourselves subject to the Lord? “We do.”
Do you promise to avail yourselves of all the means of grace, and to do your utmost to lead Jaden to a knowledge of Christ at an early age? “We do.”
Parents’ Prayer
To be prayed in unison. The pastor may pray along with them so that the congregation may hear more clearly. Print this prayer on a card so the parents can have a copy from which to read.
Lord, thank you for Jaden. Thank You for giving him to us. We willingly and gratefully give him back to you, dedicating him to your glory and service.
We solemnly promise before You and this congregation that with Your help and guidance, and theirs, we will both model and teach God’s Word to Jaden; we will seek to introduce him to Christ; we will pray faithfully for him; and we will be sure we as a family are accountable to other believers in the church.
Heavenly Father, we trust you with this, our precious son, Jaden. In Christ’s name, Amen.
Pastor’s Dedication Prayer
Our Father in heaven, we ask that you will give wisdom and grace to Rick and Judy as they face the challenges of parenting. Provide for all their needs as they serve you in this important ministry. We pray for Jaden. As he grows up we pray that he will know and love You and develop into godly a godly man in whom you can be glorified. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Act of Dedication
Pastor, place your hand upon his head, making the following statement:
In the name of the Lord Jesus we present this child ,Jaden Henry Glasspell, to God, to His protection and to His saving and sanctifying grace.
Congregational Promises
Pastor: Do you solemnly promise before God and one another that, with God’s help and guidance, you will support these parents with your prayers as they seek to fulfill their responsibilities to this child, and do you promise to assist them by providing encouragement, counsel and ministries to guide them in the ways of godliness? If so answer, ‘we do’.
“We do.”
Congregation’s Dedication Prayer ( printed in the bulletin)
Lord, we accept the responsibility of helping to bring this child, Jaden Henry Glasspell, to maturity in you. We will uphold him with our love, teach him the Word of God, pray for him, and encourage him. We will be careful not to bruise him with harsh words, quick judgments or cruel criticisms. This is our child, too, and we pray for the day that he will come to know Jesus his Savior personally. In the name of Jesus, the Lover of children, Amen.