Key of Knowledge
Sermon Tone Analysis
Hymns: 314, [932, 935] 599 May the peace.
Reading: -end.
Shebna’s lintel – British Museum- Shebaniah
– only royalty in the city- Shebna -wheeler dealer- self aggrandizement! the self reliant!
Eliakim – picture of Jesus.
Great authority - Opens and no one able to shut! Shuts and no one able to open
Great security - Father like - Climbing peg.
Shuts and no one able to open!
Real Jesus was not simply a very ‘nice’ man. Jesus was not simply gentle Jesus meek and mild being nice to everyone and never causing any difficulties!
There is another side to the real Jesus! Important that we do not have an imbalanced picture!
His love to his enemies did not mean that he never said anything that would offend them.
Here we see Jesus invited out for a meal and he causes a massive scene!Deliberately!
What the Woes mean —>You are on the wrong side and it really really matters! You are going the totally wrong way and it matters more than words can ever express!
Why? There is a door that you must not miss!
Key has 2 jobs- unlock or lock the door.
Arriving back in Carlisle without key
Arriving back in Carlisle without key
This is the only key to unlock the door that you all must go through
Key of knowledge = Key of the Kingdom of God same as entrance into the kingdom Mt23:13
Knowledge and understanding of the way of salvation—> Bunyan - Key of promise
Bk of Revelation- Jesus the great opener
· Revealed in all his glory as the one who can unlock the chains of death-
· Church Philadelphia – final door opener and shuter – Key of David- absolute final authority over the door to the House of God.
· One who has set the door wide open
· Door open in heaven 4:1into very presence of Gods throne.
· Scroll of destiny – able to open it – bring history and universe to God’s intended end.
True key bearer like Eliakim – true protector – true King – eternal glory.
The key of knowledge =Word of God written
Word of God explained so as to point out clearly the way of salvation.
Ultimate authority for this key – held by Jesus
Builds the kingdom…through hids peoples by sending his Spirit with the word to make it effective.
We must not be like the scribes! Duty to point to the open door!
Flight- safety talk- attendents will help you….will they? Will they point the way or just scarper?
Duty to open wide the door of salvation to all who repent and believe.
We are to be the bearers of the good news that Christ has come as the only saviour. We are to be the ones through whom the knowledge of salvation is to come. It is through our words that sinners will be saved. We should be fishers of men. Assure sinners of a welcome if they repent- certain forgiveness- mighty work of Christ. This is our duty - to make disciples of all the nations. Use our lives to serve Christ in this way. Maintain the light here and seek to spread the light around the world. Lift up Christ in all his greatness and suitableness and mighty love. Christ in his real friendliness and kindness to sinners. Christ the Righteous One. Christ the substitute for sinners. The Prophet the priest and the coming King.
We must not be like the scribes ! Don’t hinder…help! Duty to help to confirm and encourage believers
Make the way more difficult – oppose Christ – obstacles in the way.
Did not understand the great message of the bible- sacrifice- savior!
Rabbi Johanon Ben Zakai –One of these - escaped siege of Jerusalem in a coffin – went to plead for the Jews with Vespasian who he predicted would become emporer. One of his pleas was that he could establish a Jewish College at Jamnia. – sacrificial system is not of the essence of Judaism- Temple, altar, sacrifices are not necessary for real Judaism.
Curses against Christian added to the prayers.
Passionate concern of Christ -Sheep and lambs cared for and fed properly. There is to be growth in grace.
When Peter is restored the keys are renewed- Christ still entrusts this work to him- - feed lambs- feed sheep-feed sheep
High Priestly prayer- Sanctify them through Thy word/truth. We are to be daily feeding on the Word. There is a long journey and a tough fight.
Weak faith- little faith- real faith- just as much justifying but less comfortable. But it can grow!
Brotherly exhorting/encouragement-work of the Spirit-
You do it! Go on doing it! Ask for wisdom to do it even more effectively – What a blessing to have encouragers!pointing to the genuine marks of a work of God’s grace- love to the brethren- a new principle of the love of holiness- love of the true teaching of the bible.
Reality of this eternal city! Revelation!
What defines a Christian? -looking for a city with foundations. Someone who is looking for
Waiting for Resurrection
Duty to comfort- encourage with this! Just as God encouraged the Israelites in the wilderness with a vision of a land flowing with milk and honey.
Renewed universe. Restoration. A new heavens and a new earth.
Are we seeking to perform these duties as God helps us? Don’t be like a prisoner in a prison about to be set on fire- we have the key to the door! As a result of our lives will the next generation be better able and equipped to carry on these duties?
Open door with the message loud and clear Come!
Warning - Same key and same authority shuts the door.
Door is shut to sin….can’t have Christ and sin.
Open door will eventually be shut finally….like the door of the ark.
Awesome finality…locked out….forever.