Sermon Tone Analysis

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> .9
We continue onward through this chapter and we approach what’s has been over the last a hundred years a controversial section.
Now this should not be new to us.
Paul has been in a conversation that, in our time, has been controversial since chapter 8.
this is a separate controversy than what we were dealing with as we are now going to be discussing Israel.
Now what we looked at last week was the present condition of Paul's day on the nation of Israel.
and last week I was adamant about emphasizing that it was the present condition of Paul's day by focusing on the present tense words that Paul uses.
but beginning at verse 11 to the end of this chapter we can call this chapter the Future Hope of Israel.
As I have been stating there is good news here for Israel.
However the reason why it has been so controversial for the last hundred years is because of a thing called is dispensationalism which has been active for little over a hundred years.
Now I do not want to blame dispensationalism as a whole but there are certain teachers within this movement that has caused much cloudiness when it comes to the Future Hope of Israel.
Not just the Future Hope of Israel but the role of Israel in general.
Some of the teachers have taught a dual covenant salvation.
that the Jewish people have their own form of salvation while the gentile people have salvation through Jesus Christ.
This would contradict a bulk of the New testament but they do not seem to see it that way because they believe that God works in different dispensations and there is a new dispensation that God is working through and this is how they interpret scripture is through this lens of how God works within different dispensations.
So if you have it in your mind that John chapter 14 is one dispensation but then what Paul has to say here in Romans is an entirely different dispensation and you think you must workout what is being said based on the dispensation it is in well then it is no wonder you come up with so many wacky conclusions.
Not all forms of dispensationalism is bad, but I do think all forms of dispensationism, even the ones that are respectable and are very gospel centered, still have areas of concern.
And one of those areas of concern is their view of Israel.
Let me give you a little history on dispensationalism .
There is evidence that it may have been invented during the protestant reformation except it was not invented or started by any protestant reformer.
The ones who started it were the Jesuit priesthood of the Catholic Church.
Now the Jesuit priesthood was created as a Counter-Reformation.
It was created to undo the work the reformers had done.
and so they taught that God works in dispensations and this is how we should be interpretings scripture.
during the reformation this teaching never gained any really solid ground.
And so a just kind of disappeared it seems like.
But then you get to the later 1800 and it has reappeared in protestant Christianity.
The late 1800, in my opinion, was a very bizarre time for the church.
You began to see the rise of cults and you began to see charasmatic Christianity on the rise and dispensationalism just came in to the picture.
a man named John Nelson Darby began to push dispensationalism and he did so by using Schofield and the Scofield reference Bible.
And this was the method of dispensationalism growing in America.
All you have to do is put this thought into and The Bible into the hands the people.
By the 1920s it grew significantly.
How did this happen?
Those who were raised to believe this are now all grown up and raising their children to believe it.
By the 1940s it had spread so much it was beginning to be the dominant view of Christianity.
By the 1960s it was the dominant view.
And it held being the dominant view up until around 2010.
It could still be a dominant view now but when people began to learn the history behind this movement and began to see the errors in it, they start going back and looking at the classic Christian position.
Which is covenant theology.
Now the difference is that there are multiple dispensations that God works in but we see that God works in covenant.
Now folks, if something is just starting 1800 years after Jesus we should question that.
The late 1800, in my opinion, was a very bizarre time for the church.
You began to see the rise of colts you began to see cares matic Christianity on the rise and dispensational ism just came in to the picture.
Now folks, is something is just starting 1800 years after Jesus we should question that period
Dispensationalism does a great job and supporting Israel.
As a matter of fact I believe that dispensationalists are doing a better job at that than any other group.
However their works can be futile as they believe the Jewish people have their own covenant with God that brings them to salvation.
Now I have to make it clear that not every dispensationalist agrees with that and there are many dispensationalist who will have more of a covenant theology view when it comes to the salvation of Israel.
So I don’t want anyone in here to assume that all dispensationalist are bad because that is not true and that all dispensationalist hold to one view of Israel because that is not true.
I am speaking generally about these groups and generally speaking and I will add historically speaking dispensationalism has been very careless about the salvation of Israel but have been filled with great zeal about the care of Israel.
so let's look at these two verses together and let's take it with a serious consideration.
I think that most in here will affirm what is being said here and how I will present it.
But we should also learn something from this as well.
So let's open up the word of God again and look at these versus a bit closer.
Okay so right off the bat if you are reading from the King James translation there is a translation in there that is really unfortunate.
Because it looks like a direct contradiction.
I don't know why the translators translated the way that they did I can speculate.
But it is not accurate that's all I want to clear that up before we gets to the point.
All ask the question they did not stumble so as the fall did they?
And he responds with an emphatic may it never be.
and we have seen this before we should be used to this by now this is something that Paul does quite a bit.
It means far be it from your mind do not even allow the thought to enter.
But if you are reading from the King James translation it says but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the gentiles.
Did they stumble as to fall, may it never be.
But through their falls.
Do you see how it looks like a contradiction.
Paul states that they stumbled but did not fall and then if you are reading the King James version states that they fell.
What we have here are two different Greek words.
The first word hear is PIPTO and it means fall.
The second Greek word is PARAP-TOMA.
Which does not mean fall.
The word means to take a false step, to blunder or to trespass.
My translation translates it as transgression which is also an acceptable word to use for this Greek word.
The point is clear.
Paul is telling the reader that Israel did in fact stumble.
As a matter of fact the scriptures call The Gospel a stumbling block to the Jewish people.
it is a stumbling block to the Jewish people and it is deemed foolish by the gentile unbelieving world.
So yes the Jewish people most certainly stumbled and that is something that we see throughout their entire history.
Not only is it seen throughout their entire history but we just read last week is the prophecy about them doing that very thing.
If you remember we discussed that's these things have been foretold.
that Paul was essentially telling the reader that this should not have come as a surprise to you.
This is something that you all should have known about because it was foretold by the prophets.
And so yes they most certainly did stumble.
Not only have they been stumbling but that was how they started.
God rescued them out of the bondage of Egypt.
They were enslaved.
They had no freedom and no rights and no luxuries whatsoever.
And here comes this messenger of God, Moses, Coke cleaning that God was telling him to tell the pharaoh to let his people go.
And these people witnessed all the things that were taking place.
And so eventually they were released and they left and they witnessed the great miracles that took place in there escape, in their Exodus.
How miraculous how epic would it be to watch this great sea and the waters begin to divide and you walk in between those waters on dry land?
Amazing, right?
So then they make it to Mount Sinai where Moses goes up to converse with God and discuss this covenant that God wanted the pit making with Israel.
What happens when Moses is away.
The Jewish people begin to miss Egypt and they begin to question everything and they are without learning in there without instruction.
And so they take their gold and they construct a golden calf out of their gold.
they were worshipping in Egyptian god and they were giving the credit that Yahweh did for them 2 sing they created with their own hands.
To something that just invented right there on the spot.
So they're very beginning was a stumble.
What did the stumble result into a fall and Paul has in mind you're a permanent fall?
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