The Deity, Authority & Power of Jesus
As God’s agent, Jesus received direct insight from the Father and acted in accordance with the Father’s wishes. The actions of Jesus, therefore, were the actions of the Father because in Jesus the Father was in fact acting. One of the great heresies among Christians is to split Jesus from God in such a way that somehow God does not participate in the work (and death) of Jesus. However one interprets the great mystery of the incarnate work of Jesus, it must never be separated from the fact that Jesus was the agent of God. The surprising revelation to humanity is that greater works were to be revealed through the Son, undoubtedly related to salvation (5:20). Readers of John will also recall the striking similar statement that comes in the Farewell Cycle to the effect that believers would “do even greater things” because Jesus was returning to the Father (14:12). That statement should again be related to the expansion of God’s working in the world—God’s mission through believers, who are to pattern their lives on Jesus, the model agent of God.
The first gar (“because” in the NIV) reminds the reader that the Father is the model for the Son’s activity (5:19). The point is that the Son copied the Father. Paul employed a similar idea in the theme of imitation to suggest that Christians were to copy him and his model of authentic life (cf. Phil 3:17; 1 Cor 4:16) as he copied or imitated Christ (1 Cor 11:1