Social Justice Of The LORD God
Our LORD God is a just God who cares for those on the margins of society
Person without a male parent, often rendered orphan by modern translations. Orphans are often mentioned with widows as representatives of the most helpless members of society (Exod. 22:22; Deut. 10:18; Ps. 146:9). In societies where the basic social unit was the clan headed by a father (the eldest male relative, perhaps a grandfather or uncle), those without a father or husband were social misfits without one to provide for their material needs and represent their interests in the court (Job 31:21). Life for the fatherless was harsh. Orphans were often forced to beg for food (Ps. 109:9–10). They suffered loss of their homes (Ps. 109:10), land rights (Prov. 23:10), and livestock (Job 24:3). The fatherless were subject to acts of violence (Job 22:9), were treated as property to be gambled for (6:27 TEV, NRSV, NASB, NIV), and were even murdered (Ps. 94:6).
note: often there is an associative meaning of a class of persons, low in status, meager in resources, and so pitiable that society was to take special effort to help them