VGBC Sunday Night Message for July 28th
How many of you has ever been angry? How many IP has ever been so angry you knew it was unhealthy? That's called. Real life now. I want us to think of this about anger you and I are made in the image of God. Therefore God then looks at us Made In His Image and he gave us those holy traits and the ability of choice only the human being has the ability to choose where they only of all God's creation that has the right to choose good or evil now. God gives us anger. Why in the world would we have this as a part of our DNA makeup? You don't even know how everybody tries to put Galvan, you know, God would not do that. God would not do this. I'd love to listen to these people. Tell God what he will and will not do God wouldn't do that. God gave us the ability to be angry at some of us have a greater ability to dispense than others do but God said, I want you to feel what I feel. So when he said I've created you in my image. I've created you like I want you to be but I also have created you. To be like me. Your family now God wanted us to feel his hurt. God feels our hurt, but God wants us to feel his hurt. When one of your children something happens to one of your children. Is it not what the in you specially if another human being has done something one of the kids. I don't care what the schoolteacher who it is or whatever. Somebody's done something to your kid your child. Have you ever notice how rapidly the anger heats up inside of you? All right. I want you to move over and I want you to see that God is showing us just a little bit of how he feels when sin. Does anything against one of his children? Don't say it said he hates sin. God said that he hates and what he has is sin. What if God hates sin? Why does he hate sin because of what sin does to his family to his children? So God then gets angry. Yes, he does. Let's look at it right just anger. Is healthy anger? It is it is defined as being angry with the things God is angry with if God's anger was something you better be angry, but something says be angry, but sin not be ain't here you are to get angry. Do you not get angry? When you see the harm Dardis done to Children within our community within a world. Do I get so angry seeing what's going on?
Down at the border. I get angry with adults for what they've done to children to explore children. I get angry with that. I get angry when that man looking and seeing the hurt and the pain and in the face of a mom and the dad that can't feed their family. I get angry at stuff like that. Now why where does that anger comes from? It comes from God it comes from doing what is right. God said I am righteous there for what is not righteous or make you angry and it does Can we get angry because we see hurt and pain and so often it seems like nobody. Nobody is doing anything about it. All anybody does is talk about it. All they do is send make promises about it. Now next Sunday night. I'll get you ready for this. I've got one that I have worked on. That's about a four-time pager that I'm going to give you the facts and all about the world and the politics of it and all of this and how all of this stuff is sin before God, but you're going to see how when God looks at. What is going on. You will witness from God's eyes how he gets so angry sent because it's not simply but because of the harm that it does to his children and I don't care how old any of us are in here. We are classified as children of God. John the Beloved they stalking to all these old. The people and what is do he calls them my children my little children and if you'll get the point on that that is God speaking through John to his chilling at the human age means nothing to God. Actually, did you don't I realize that you're going to a land where you'll never grow old do we realize that we getting a glorified body that can never ever ever see death? That will never feel pain a body that doesn't need to shed a tear. There's no need for Tears. Do you ever try to second-guess how many tears you shed in a lifetime? No, can you imagine can you imagine how many tears Kathy has sheds and she said I do to you. Can you imagine the buckets of Tears the buckets of a hurt the buckets effects Larry's crying now, can you imagine? All of the pain of life in our tears now you can't come Kenya. Did you know that God keeps town of your tears. Do you know that he knows every tear that falls from your ass, but you know that that each one of those tears represent love and hurt from you. That's why God pays attention to him. You saw the only paid attention to the hairs on your head. But it doesn't he pays attention to every tear that falls from your eyes. He pays attention to what is in those tears. What makes them fall now, that's love God gets angry. Angry at situations people demons that bring tears to his children. Then you'll have another at all be around and bring a tear to your child's eyes. And you tell me who's going to hold you back. From getting over there to watch after your child. If your child has a tear. Your heart's breaking, right? Okay. Let's go 375 times in the Bible. We read that God Jesus or the Holy Spirit got angry 375 x you want to do a study go back read those 375 times and see what it was that made God angry and want to see what it is in my Scott Angry. I suggest you. Don't do that. It's not good for God to be angry. And you do have beer a recipient of his anger now Christian. Let me tell you this. God will chastise you God will correct you and me, but God will do that. The way a father would do it do it for your good knot for your hurt do it to help you on the next step of life. Not break your legs. So you can't take another self get the point here. God is going to do it out of love anything you do. That's not done in love is wrong. When you're correcting a child if you don't do it out of love you're wrong. Baby, remember the statement and everybody made what the one we heard the story that that now parents. You should not whip your children when you're angry. And the parents sang. Have I don't whip them then? I'm not going to whip them. All right, you know I got a book. How am I going to pull a hair out of his head that I threatened to do? If I'm not angry when I'm doing it. So you're not you are not to ever be in the anger when you're correcting a child. God doesn't get angry at me or you God gets angry at the sin. God will get angry at the calls of what makes us fall in the ditch of life. And God will attack that calls, but he won't lift me and you up. Where his child? now if anybody's going to chastise me God's going to God warns him touch not my anointed when I call someone touch not my anointed it mine on it needs to be touched. God said I'll do the touching but don't you if someone finds fault again with your family with your children? They better come to you but even at that when it comes to use it said look, Gayle now, I want to tell you about your grandkids now, they're sweet sometimes but not all the time but sometimes but not all the time. As soon as you would hear that there would be an anger that's burning in you cuz he just said that they're not sweet all the time because you love them all the time and they are the Dee Dee. Apple and pear of your eye. They are the ones that some of your affection we getting it God looks at you and me and says you're the one that received my affection. Nobody messes with you because you belong to God so God wanted us to feel anger so we could feel his hurt Flores. If you could not feel the anger. You would not understand. Why sin makes God. So angry. Because it hurts his children.
2nd Chronicles 24 verse 18. They abandoned the Temple of the Lord the god of their fathers and worship. Asherah poles and idles. Well, I won't get in the bed, but Dad that is idol worship with in at the house of God, which they brought into the house of God, which is done today. In the modern Church, the outside world brought into the house of God and people worshipping things rather than the creator of all because of their guilt God anger came up on Judah and Jerusalem. You heard a little bit about that this morning about the Samaritans. They fell in love with the world of their time. They fell in love with the beauty of the world of their time the lights of the big city.
all of the glamour Of life in the world they fell in love with and they chose the world. overgod And the whole race of the Samaritan race is down as I told you this morning 800. Samaritan's even left in existence today of the clan Why because they turn to a Dollar Tree? God got angry is his part of it. They were doing this the Samaritan was doing this bring it in God's Church. Mark 3 Verses 4 through 6. Then Jesus asked him. They're jumping on Jesus. Can you play the Jesus Christ without the healing people on the Sabbath? I cannot believe that he had the nerve to do that. He was doing good on dog's day and the world takes Christians who do good and make their good turn into evil. And they're mine was reversing. It made me good and honorable in the sight of God, but they will make it either in the side of man. Do not call that which is good evil know that which is evil. Good don't change. It yet does not the world do that other Christians out there. They're really evil. They're really racist. They're really this there really that those Christians Oh, man, there's something wrong with him.
Scripture says we are peculiar bunch.
And we are I miss you said term for killer, but we're pretty for kill you.
Pride night sometime
Kelly yep, yep.
Randy you know it.
Medco life God says be sure. That you can feel my anger. So God's looking anything all of this go on. Jesus is out feeling sick people and a religious pompous leaders come up and are having a fit. And I said really on the Sabbath and listen what Jesus asked them and Mark 3 4 through 6. Which is lawful on the Sabbath. To do good or to do evil to save life or to kill. But they remained silent, you know, why didn't have an answer it was tough for him. Every time they confronted Jesus Jesus with turn a question on them and they couldn't answer it. he looked around at them how And anger. Jesus is getting angry with these people. On a printer, you know, it's not right for you to get angry. You can't get mad I get mad at things. God gets mad at
He looked around at them and anger and deeply distressed at their what stubborn hearts and said to them said to the man. He's getting rid of Hill said stretch out your hand. He stretched it out and his hand was completely restored. Yep need to switch granite. Scary would you think that didn't really rip them? Because hear Jesus says they're telling him don't heal the man here this poor man. Is there with the withered hand and he's singing. Are they going to talk the master healing my hand get off my hand going to be healed. And Jesus gets angry at their hearts the stubbornness of their hearts not accepting what true love is all about and all he said to the man was stretch out your hand. The man in faith stretched out his hand. You will not find in this scripture anywhere where Jesus said anything. Jesus didn't touch his hand and it was heal. Jesus didn't say a few words over it or he did not spit on the dust and make mud and make him a new hand. Did it said stretch out your hands stretched out his hand and his hand was completely restored. That was faith. Jesus was teaching them all a lesson. When I tell you to stretch out your head stretch out your hand and you're coming back with a powerful hand.
He stretched it out and his hand was completely restored. Then the Pharisees know what that did. They went out and began to plot with the herodians of the world Android Wear us political group of the aristocrats Aristocrats of the day, they were and all that stuff and they went out. The prom together with them. What year did should find interesting in that the Pharisees and I wrote it didn't really get along that well. at all But if it were going to go against Jesus all the different groups had to get together cuz this man Jesus. He has come and he's gotten angry and he's powerful take your meds and them talkin about what they just saw. How to how do we answer that when we're asked about the the dude with the hand and all they did was stretch out his hand and it was made whole we saw it. What do we do? Well, you do what any good politician would do you lie about it and say it really didn't happen. That's exactly what you do about it. You ignore the truth? I'm convinced people that didn't happen or Jesus really didn't come. pictures of George really not God incarnate
during the first century church at 6 what they were saying about Jesus that's healer what I need to know. Jesus did a lot of good thing, but it wasn't God inkarnate. It wasn't really good. He was a good man. And I would call him a good but you know, he wasn't God. You know how you know the difference on then. Do you remember him being on the cross? Jesus? Jesus is put on the cross. Do you remember that? Anytime he could have called him tell he would have been off the cross Legions of angels with a cup ready to deliver it. But now he saw you and me he's staying on the cross tell it was finished and he'd be the one that declared is finished. Not man. Yes, he did. He was in control but here's here's something that he showed us. Do you remember when they offered him vinegar Wine Friday when he said I'm thirsty and they take a did the hits of Rod and they and they and they were getting ready to put it up with a sponge for him to drink you remember that he didn't he said I'm thirsty the Thirsty part come from every human being that was ever put on a cross because of the loss of blood the loss of fluid the bodies crave but only a human body could do that. They said Jesus was on a hundred percent human that it wasn't God incarnate that it was, you know, he was just a man. He was God the ones who claimed that said. Yeah. He was God, buddy. So he was God overcoming resurrected from the grave as God, but he was in a hundred percent human. So what happens they stick that Rod Reed up to him with a sponge on it. Remember anything about the hyssop read and then the hyssop plant that's exactly the same plan. Go right back to the Deliverance of the death angel or the death notice a goddess at in the tenth plague over Egypt. He said go get hyssop plant dip the hits of plant in the blood lamb of the blood and splash it on the on the top part and the two-door post the same plant was used now to lift a read up to Jesus all you got to follow that the lift the read up to Jesus and he Tasted realizing that it had mirror in it. What was that the Romans believe it or not the Romans really? I don't know whether they had a little bit of twinge of decency in him or not when they was doing this. But anyway, they would do that to hand it to a person being crucified to ease the pain the torture was so horrible that even those guys put that up to ease the pain. Let me tell you what our savior did there. Our Savior refused it What if it has been my pain that was East? You get it? He had to take the full force of the pain and not to have any of his senses dulled cuz your name and my name is on his heart. Your name and my name is on his heart, but then at the end. They offered again and he takes it. Why? think of this I will prove to you. I'm human. And he drank because he was physically thirsty and they touched they touched it to his mouth. He took a sip and then remember what he said it is finished. That's it signed sealed you and I have been delivered. Okay. So this was God looking down God's anger on all that was going on and Jesus declaring. I am and my father are one.
Play the righteous anger is unhealthy anger.
Now you're not be angry, but sin not. Unrighteous anger is unhealthy agent. It is defined as the uncontrolled anger of jealous human desire.
I will not. Share my peanut butter fudge with you. I cannot believe you ate my piece of peanut butter fudge, and that was my desire to sort through my skin. thank you messages are Genesis for 5 and verse 8 pain became Furious and he's
and while they were in the field Kane attacking brother Abel and killed him jealous. jealous Over his sacrifice to God God was accepting his sacrifice that his brother sacrifice and not his show out of anchor John Singer. He kills his brother not notice what God says. God comes down. And God said, where's your brother Abel? Remember what the pain said? Am I My Brother's Keeper?
and then God says your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground. You cannot kill. a Christian you can destroy my body. But the blood talks to God, I've been washed in the blood that you been washed in the blood. I'm washed in the blood of the lamb and that blood is in absolute contact directly with God.
Ephesians 4 2627 and don't sin by letting anger control you there's where the sin comes in. Jennifer lose it with anger going to the slop bucket and hear that angry before I got Yeah, well. The kind of hogs I had to deal with throwing up a pretty bad. She had some bad Sal's in that Bunch. I'll tell you so. And don't sin by letting anger control. You don't let the sun go down while you're still angry, but one thing you have trouble sleeping. You have trouble sleeping. And don't you dare drop off? If you're angry with the wrong person, they will kick you right out of that bed. Can you get it right back on it for anger gives a foothold to what? Add Apple anger gives a foothold to the devil. And that's a fact. I've given the devil many foot holes in my life. uncontrolled anger
What I'm talking about uncontrolled anger, I'm talking about uncontrollable. God always control his anger. His anger was appointed anger. When we get angry, have you noticed that we were angry at everybody? How you doing today? Judy? I'll shut up preacher. I've had all I can handle today. Don't even I don't I'm not going to tell you if I was feeling good, but I'm not so don't ask me again. You take it out on everybody walks in. right, so What are we going to look at now page to PebbleGo? Here's what I was getting to how to disarm the power of someone's anger directed against you. Thought I give you scripture on this that people angry at you. Have the disarm the power of someone's anger. You're not going to take their anger away, but anger can have power when it's directed at you. Remember Galatians 5 2223 but the fruit of the spirit fruit of God fruit of the spirit of Christ. The fruit of the holy spirit is love joy peace, patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness and self-control.
Self-control against such things there is no law. When you have this love joy, peace, patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control.
You cannot be bound by any law because you have loaded with love and where there is love there is God and where there is God there is no law. because the law of God is encompassed in the word love and in that the permit self and in the godhead God says I am love God is love there for number one pumpkin late the cost of getting angry back.
We're going to look at herself. How do I disarm the power? Someone is angry with me and directing it at me calculate the cost of get angry getting angry back. You know that person most of the time. How are they going to react what you getting ready to say and should you say it should you react that way Robert 1429 those who control their anger have great understanding those with a hasty temper. Make mistakes. You never make a mistake in your temper.
Man, you lose it you go. Like a hog. I said Jean there still slobbering hog. Mad. Angry. You lose it when you lose control.
You're going to make mistakes. And then you're going to sad things in Anger that you wished you hadn't said.
You said it in Anger you wished you hadn't said it. How in the world did you take back what you just said?
No, it said it's done the hurts their the pains there. Whatever it is. It's already there. It is set in stone. Therefore calculate the cost of getting angry back. Sometimes it's better. Just don't get angry with it. Go ahead and take the Heat and forget it. I mean people like me deserve it anyway. We deserve the Heat. Go ahead and take it. The call you couldn't make it worse. Be wise. Petite good guards that you got to live almost a lifetime before you ever figure this stuff out.
And then you're at an age then where you got to watch yourself because you really don't care whether the mat at your mouth. You got to really watch yourself because you know, what are you going to do to me? That's still against the law. They eat a human being you can kill him and go to jail, but you cannot devour their body. I don't think
animals do that though. I don't think it's Christian. Do y'all think it now? Okay, sorry, David. I got it. I'm going to have to edit every bit of that number two. Look past their words. Here's a big one for everybody look past the words to their pain. A person that's angry angry over something. Something has caused pain. Look past their words to the pain that is within them Proverbs 19:11 a man's Wisdom gives him patience. It is to his glory. to overlook an offense
Yes, you did said something offensive to me. You said I wasn't old. bald fat preacher Can you hurt my feelings when you said I was old?
Talk about being old. Bank of it
the dirt farm look past the words to their pain look to the heart of their why are they losing their temper with you? What's the anger about? Where did it come from? But that means you got to think and when was to get ready to get angry. I don't want to think about it. I just want to go off on them again. It all and and well. number three bank before reacting any ever have reacted without thinking you ever put your tongue in gear or tongue in action before you bring them gear you ever do that one? Robert 13/16 sensible people always think before they act
We don't have many sensible people anymore.
Not everybody always thinks before they act. No.
Number for ask God for help when it hurt you bad enough. You'll cry out to God for him. Why not started that way Psalm 141:3 Lord help me control my tongue.
Help me to be careful about what I say. You didn't know I'd in the Bible. Did you help me control my tongue? Help me to be careful about what I say Psalm 141 verse 3. Got to be careful about what I say. I can do more damage to not just myself, but those around me. not thinking and getting that tongue can get me in a world of hurt. number 5 the last run base your identity in Jesus. What does that mean? Concerning? Did it means? What would Jesus do in that situation now? concerning this Jesus was not always nice to these people. Hey call him snakes. big call amul Fox government Vipers
Yes, it is at 8 and he would nail them. But he would never let them control him. But he did tell him exactly what he thought about him. You know, I thought that about him he saw their heart Miss Jean they look straight in and saw who they really were. He says I know what you are. His anger would well up because they were misleading his children. Therefore. He was letting them know about it Proverbs 29 verse 25 the fear of human opinion disables you It does a lot of people will not take a stand because they're afraid what somebody else is going to think about him. What you know, I won't stand for Jesus but you know a lot of those people over my friends and they don't so, you know, I don't want to hurt their feelings. Oh my God feelings. What about the feelings of the individual that you would be ministering to when they see you stand up and righteous anger and confront somebody and so what you're saying is not of God. It is not true. We are all called by God to do that type of Correction the fear of human opinion disables you. But trusting in God protect you from that.
There again, it's the idea of when Jesus says stick out your hands stick out your head. In faith stick out your hand. Because he has a blessing a miracle. Just waiting for you and don't let anybody in here forget this. You are so important to God. You are somebody's miracle. You are somebody's miracle. There's somebody out there hurting and in need and in want and they need you your personality Who You Are. And you are there miracle? But you don't see yourself that way for those of you who don't have a church home you worth in the Vine Grove area. You come and see us 48 West Main Street and Vine Grove. God bless you and have a blessed week in the Lord.