Adjusting Your Life to God
Text: Luke 18:18-30
Topic: Adjusting Your Life to God
ETS: When Jesus called the rich, young ruler to sell all his possessions and give to the poor, he could not, and departed sorrowfully.
ESS: You must make major adjustments in your life to join God in what He is doing.
OSS: I want believers to adjust their lives to God in order that they might join Him in His work.
I. What does it mean to adjust one's life to God?
A. Adjustment is a response of obedience to God.
B. Adjusting to God acknowledges His rightful place as God.
C. Throughout the Scriptures we see those used by God adjusting their lives to God.
· Noah could not continue with business as usual and build an ark as God had commanded.
· Abraham could not stay in Haran and dwell in the land of promise to which God was calling him.
· Moses could not stay on the back side of the desert and be used of God to lead God's people out of captivity.
· Amos could not continue to care for sycamore trees and become the prophet of God to the northern kingdom, Israel.
· Peter, Andrew, James and John could not remain with their boats and nets and answer the call of Jesus to follow Him and become fishers of men.
· Matthew could not continue to collect taxes and become one of the twelve.
· Saul (Paul) could not continue to be a rising young Pharisee and be used of God as the Apostle to the Gentiles.
II. What kinds of adjustments might we have to make to God?
A. In the case of the rich, young ruler, the adjustment involved letting go of earthly possessions in order to follow Jesus and become a disciple.
B. There are many areas in which you and I may find ourselves needing to make adjustments to God.
Circumstances (job, home, finances, others)
· Relationships (family, friends, business associates, etc.)
· Thinking (prejudices, methods, your potential, theological systems)
· Commitments (to family, church, job, plans, traditions, etc.)
· Actions (prayer, TV watching, giving, etc.)
· Beliefs (about God, His purposes, His ways, your relationship to Him)
III. How important is it for me to adjust my life to God?
A. It is absolutely the most important thing there is.
· "You cannot stay where you are and go with God. You cannot continue to do things your way and accomplish God's purposes in His ways." Blackaby, p. 133 (workbook)
· (Mat 10:38 NIV) and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me.
B. God is primarily interested in our obedience.
· "Whenever you identify a place where you refuse to allow His lordship, that is a place He will go to work. He is interested in absolute surrender." Blackaby, p. 131 (workbook)
Share my struggle during my last year in seminary as God began to force me to adjust to Him and His purposes for my life.