(Col 1:9-12) The Best of This World, Gospel Growth.
In our culture, the will of God is often treated as a subjective knowledge, difficult to obtain and confusing to figure out. But this passage teaches us that God's will is knowable. It is principally not found in soul searching over a job or financial decision, but in a faithful growth in the Gospel that we already know. Imagine if we spent more time applying the Gospel in understanding and wisdom then in soul searching. What would our lives look and how would it shine for Jesus?
One night, a mother fixed a special meal for her family: turkey with mashed potatoes and gravy, corn, green beans, cranberry sauce, and apple pie for dessert. It was everyone’s favorite meal, especially when it came at a time other than Thanksgiving. The aroma filled the house, and as the children came in from playing they could hardly wait for dinner to begin. The last child appeared only a few minutes before dinner time and sat through the meal without eating, even though he especially loved those foods. Why? Because he had filled up on peanut butter at a friend’s house. In settling for something good, he had lost his appetite for the best.
The same applies to our spiritual appetites. Some people don’t have much of an appetite for spiritual truth because they have satisfied themselves with lesser things.1313