Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Week 5
Text: ; ;
Topic(s): Anger, Boil, Temper, Foolish
Big Idea of the Message: Anger, like other God-given emotions, can be used for good.
But often we use it as an excuse to lose control.
Application Point: When we lust, become greedy, or give into envy, and we don’t get what we want, it often causes us to become angry.
When anger stews, boils, and gets hot, it always ends up resulting in someone who is out of control.
Anger ,
There are situations in life that just cause our blood to boil.
Sams check out line.
Lowes/Home depot workers.
no anger sermon would be complete without my story of the trip to the office supply store.
it had already been a rough morning.
store had been a terrible experience- the workers sent me to wrong aisles, gave me bad information, etc.
I finally got what I needed and went to stand in line ... and there were no checkers.
I could only conclude that it was "you don't have to pay for your stuff today" day at this store, but unfortunately I knew better.
To make matters worse, an employee that was standing near the front stapling, NOT HELPING ANYONE, looked up at me, connecting with my eyes ... then went right back to her stapling.
My anger meter hit the halfway point.
But I just stood there doing what we Cajuns stink at, being patient.
Finally she looked up again, looking at me like, "Are you still here?!!" and got on the intercom and said, "customer service up to the front register ... customer service!"
An elderly man waltzes up behind me, glances at a blank register next to me and goes up to it and puts his purchases down.
The checker arrives and starts to help the man.
My anger meter hits three quarters.
My Cajun side couldn't just stand there, so I spoke up to the man.
"I guess you're first then."
Pa Kettle looks at me surprised and said, "Oh ...were you first?"
I retorted, "No, I was just comparing the heights of these magazine racks here.
I think aisle three is the tallest one!"
Puzzled Pa Kettle paid for his stuff and left.
I'm finally helped by a lady who had found her true calling at this helpful store.
She starts to run my purchases through but somehow had trouble with every step, including emptying her purse to try to find her glasses.
I was buying something for two different businesses so I did two transactions.
When I gave her my credit card she asked me for my ID.
For the second transaction she asked me if I was going to use the same card.
I told her yes.
She asked to check my I.D. again.
After pausing in disbelief for a few seconds, I told her "thank you ... because I could be someone else this time."
She just looked at me.
I wonder when that new STAPLES will be open?
The only thing sad about both these stories is that when I finished these transactions and left the store, within three minutes I entered the zone where anger meters go in the red daily ... the LOOP!
I'm sure none of you can relate to being frustrated on the road.
Anger is a reality.
We all have it.
The question is simply, "What do we do with this anger?"
Is it wrong
and are we flirting with disaster
How many of you still have a tea kettle in your place of residence?
What is interesting about a tea kettle is the way it whistles when the tea has reached the boiling point.
Have you ever wondered why the whistling sound is made?
In 2013, some researchers in Cambridge unlocked the mystery of the sound.
They found that “as steam comes up the kettle’s spout, it meets a hold at the start of the whistle, which is much narrower than the spout itself.
This contracts the flow of steam as it enters the whistle and creates a jet steam passing through it.
The steam jet is naturally unstable, like the jet of water from a garden house that starts to break into droplets after it has travelled a certain distance.
As a result, by the time it reaches the end of the whistle, the jet of steam is no longer a pure column, but slightly disturbed.
These instabilities cannot escape perfectly from the whistle and as they hit the second whistle wall, they form a small pressure pulse.
This pulse causes the steam tor form vortices as it exits the whistle.
These vortices produce sound waves, creating the comforting noise that heralds a forthcoming cup of tea”
What is interesting about this is what causes the whistle—unrest.
This has often been compared to anger.
It’s easy to see why.
Anger, like tea, stews, boils, gets hot, and all that unrest causes a loud noise that is completely out of control.
1.Personal rights
Personal rights are rules I have made up that I expect other people to follow.
Some of us have so many personal rights that we are guaranteed ourselves to be offended and angry each and every day
Who do you think you are.
Have you ever heard some one say, “Well,I’m___________( a nationality like Irish, German, or whatever), so I have a temper”?
How about hearing this....”Oh
He got that temper from his father”
Remember as a child leaving for family vacations there was a guarantee that on the day of our departure that my father would turn into a raging temper-holic.
Throughout the years I watched this happen and was actually the target of most of his temper.
As my little brother started to get older and capable of helping....well as they say booboo runs downhill.....
I started treating my little brother the same way my father treated me.
It is typical that at least one child in a group of siblings will be more like their father than the others.
In some cases it’s the child that the father is hardest on that becomes most like him.
Then as a young adult the relationship between the like minded father and son becomes strained...
Because remember the father was hardest on this child so as a young adult this child is hardest on the father
Being that child there are so many things about my dad that i can allow to get on my nerves, but when I take a closer look at those things I realize I’m just like him in those areas.
(Comment-you’re just like dad)
Yes we take on attributes of our family and nationality, and many times we enjoy certain rights and privileges that go with those things.
I am Mike Elliott’s son.
And tho that doesn’t mean much in Lufkin it carry’s weight in Louisiana.
Just as being the son of Jeremy Elliott will carry something in Lufkin for my children.
There’s a saying that I love because it fits me well ...
Holy enough to pray for you, and Hood enough to swing on you.
And yes it’s funny and real at the same time… If you don’t believe me ask a few people that were gathered at my house Thursday night .
But does that mean that my kids have to be like that.
Is it true that we’re a slave to our upbringing, nationality, or environment?
Not according to the Bible.
We’ve already learned in this series that, as Christians,
we’re new creations of God ().
That doesn’t mean God sanded down the old to make the new.
That doesn’t mean he reshaped the old to make the new.
New means new.
It wasn’t there before.
< .5
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> .9