Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Day of questioning continues
Have you ever felt like you were being interrogated?
Jesus has another group come at Him to try to trip Him up, corner Him, discredit Him.
So on the day of inspection, day of scrutinizing Jesus still prevails.
Questioning of His authority (MK11:27-33)
Questioning about taxes (Mk12::13-17)
This was after
Triumphal Entry
Cursing and cleansing
Teaching on prayer, faith, forgiveness
with some parable thrown in on the side that insulted Pharisees, etc.
New questioners: Sadducees
Believed only in Pentateuch (first five books of Old Testament)
Did not believe in existence of soul, life after death, resurrection, final judgment, angels or demons (Mk12:18; Act23:8)
I will give you the Mark passage here in just a couple of minutes
They bring what they believe is an unanswerable question (Mk12:18-23)
Jesus quickly dispels of their dilemma (Mk12:24-27)
Charging them (Mk12:24)
Explaining/teaching them (Mk12:25)
Proving to them through scripture (Mk12:26-27)
Interesting fact: This is the only place in the Gospel of Mark that the Sadducee are mentioned.
Now, here is our passage then we will get into the
Fact of the resurrection
The agent of the resurrection
The universality of the resurrection
The time of the resurrection and
The body of the resurrection
5 points and a prayer, guess we better get moving.
What do you see, what do you notice, what sticks out to you?
Fact of resurrection
Remember Jesus is under scrutiny, being questioned, but Jesus and the apostles gives us some facts regarding the resurrection.
Jesus taught there will be a resurrection (Jn5:28-29; Jn6:39-40; 44, 54)
Resurrection where both good and evil will come forth
and add a few more to that
Jesus promises resurrection on that last day
Jesus promises resurrection on that last day
Apostles proclaimed a resurrection (Act4:1-2, 23:6; 24:15; 1Cor15:12-23 and 1The4:16-18)
Peter and other apostles preached it (Act4:1-2)
Paul confessed it (Act23:6; Act24:15)
Hope! and add to that
What is the hope here?
What is the promise or assurance?
Paul also asserts necessity of resurrection (1Cor15:12-23)
This is a long passage and I will not originally going to read it, but I think it is important so turn to 1Cor15:12-23 and listen and follow along in your Bible.
What do you see, what do you notice, what sticks out to you?
Paul and the doctrine of the resurrection (1The4:16-18)
So on the day of questioning we have seen the biblical proof of the resurrection and now may we move to the agent of the resurrection.
Agent of the resurrection
All things are possible through Christ Jesus, and nothing is impossible with God may we now look at the agent of the resurrection with those two things in mind.
Christ credits the resurrection to power of God (Mk12:24; Lk1:37)
Paul emphasizes the power of God (1Cor6:14; 2Cor4:14)
And add to that
Now we may not fully grasp the resurrection, we can grasp that nothing is too difficult for God.
Now that brings us to the who? who will be resurrected?
Universality of resurrection
We may know, believe, have heard that all will be resurrected, but may the scripture speak on the issue to teach us, remind us, encourage us, warn us.
Jesus teaches all will be raised (Jn5:28-29)
Jesus teaches all will be resurrected, those who do good and do evil.
Paul teaches all will be raised (Act24:15; 1Cor15:21-22)
Paul teaches both the just and the unjust will be raised.
All die in the flesh; all will be raised up
All will be raised from the dead on that final day.
So that brings us to the time of the resurrection.
Time of resurrection
This is a very interesting topic here, as to the time of the resurrection, there are several thoughts on this subject and will only touch on them but hopefully present what the bible says to the timing.
At the “last day” when the Lord comes
Jesus speaks of the last day (Jn6:39-40, 44, 54)
We have touched on these verses already, but as a refresher of at least one of them.
Paul speaks of it and our deliverance to the Father (1Cor15:22-26)
Timing, when the trumpet sounds (1Cor15:52)
Some doctrines on timing of, or separate resurrections
Premillennialists - two resurrections; believers then unbelievers
Believers at beginning of millennium
Unbelievers at the end of the millennium
Dispensational premillennialists
Add more then premillennialists
Resurrection of the tribulation saints at end of 7-year tribulation
Resurrection of millennial saints at the end of the millennium.
Biblical considerations regarding several resurrections
Bible presents one resurrection of believers and unbelievers together (Dan12:2; Jn5:28-29; Act24:14-15; Rev20:11-15)
Bible presents as “last day” so that eliminates multiple dates Jn6:39-40; 44, 54)
We have already looked at last day passages in John , so now there is one more thing to address
Other scriptures to consider (1The4:13-16; Rev20:4-6; Rev2:26-27; Rev3:21)
Body of the resurrection
It will be a bodily resurrection, of the righteous and the unrighteous and let’s let the scripture speak about it.
For the righteous
Physical but gloriously changed (1Cor15:35-55)
through death comes a resurrection (1Cor15:35-37)
Our bodies will be like the seed that is sown that dies so our immortal, incorruptible body may come to be.
Sown in corruption raised in incorruption (1Cor15:42)
From dishonor to raised in glory (1Cor15:43)
From weakness to raised in power (1Cor15:43)
From natural to spiritual (1Cor15:44-49)
I know we have a lot of scripture, but think about this, the resurrection in vital to our eternal life.
From corruptible to incorruption and immortal (1Cor15:50-55)
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9