Hope - Holiness - Harmony
1 Peter 1:22 - 2:3
The New Life in Christ
You have been born AGAIN
Life is more than the DASH
The Admonition to Love
What it is
A Love that is willing to sacrifice for the benefit of others
A love that causes you to be long-suffering
A love that makes you treat others kindly
A love that rejoices in the success of others and weeps with them in their pain
A love that keeps you from boasting
A love that rejoices in the truth and in right things
A love that practices forgiveness and acceptance
What it isn’t
Malice - all kinds of evil. More particularly, an active desire for ill-will
Deceit - in practicing wrong we become skillful in trying to trap people
Hypocrisy - to accomplish the ends we are looking for we are two-faced
Envy - being upset at someone else’s success
Slander - our unchecked attitudes and emotions lead to running another person down
Put it Aside
The Admonition to Grow
Crave Growth like a baby craves MILK