Yet Even Now
Yet Even Now
• Intro: In the Book of Joel we find that the people of God are experiencing a devastating famine across the land. Locusts have devoured the crops, and the people are in danger starving. Things are falling apart.
• Joel makes it very clear that this famine is not an accident, but is directly related to the disobedience of God’s people.
• In Deuteronomy 28 Moses gave the people a list of blessings for obedience and he gave them a list of curses for disobedience, and among these curses listed was the curse of Famine. It was to be a Sign to the people that they were not only walking in disobedience, but that further judgment was soon to come.
(Illustration): Growing up in my father’s home my dad had many rules that I was expected to follow. There was no misunderstanding of what my father expected of me as his son. If I was asked to take out the trash or mow the yard my father expected me to do it. However, if I were disobedient to what my father asked me to do I would quickly notice a change in my dad’s attitude; I don’t know about your parents but my dad has a certain tone of voice and a face that he makes when he is angry with something I’ve done. It has always been a sign to me that consequences were surely to come if I did not do what he had asked me to do.
Joel 2:1-11 (Reference context of Judgment)
• As Joel is preaching to the people concerning the famine, he then begins to speak in chapter 2 concerning the coming “Day of the Lord.” The coming Judgment of God against the people’s sins.
• You think this famine is bad? It’s about to get a lot worse.
“There is something you must understand about God.”
God is Holy- and because he is Holy He must judge sin. Because he is Holy- God hates sin, and because he is Holy there will come a day when sin will be judged once and for all. Everyone will give an account before God concerning their sins. There will be a day that every sin is exposed and if you are without the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ you will experience the full wrath and anger of a Holy and Powerful God.
• You may be here this morning and you are experiencing a famine in your life right now. You are living in disobedience and it is leaving you physically, emotionally, and spiritually devastated. You may be holding on to sin and it is tearing your life apart.
• You may have this famine in your life this morning and God is trying to get your attention before things get even worse.
• Because even though God is Holy, it is not Gods desire for you to fall under judgment. God’s heart for you beats forgiveness.
Transition: “And we see this in Joel 2:12 that while the people were still sinning against God he says to them”
“When turning from sin in your life and going back to God you must…”
POINT 1: Bring All Your Heart
(Illustration): Buffalo River
Transition: “As I watched these men jump and as I watched that man fall, I realized there is no half way with God.”
• When giving your heart to God you cannot give him less than 100%
• God does not want that sin in your life because it will eat you alive, it will strip you like locusts.
• Repenting means to turn completely from one thing and to turn to something new.
• How will you know if you have given God 100%? It will be evident (Fasting weeping, and mourning)
• Your concern won’t be over the thing you are giving up but over your broken fellowship with God.
• There will be a noticeable brokenness in your life concerning your sin.
• Psalm 51 “A broken and contrite heart Oh God you will not despise “
• Let me ask you if you knew you had a serious illness and the doctor said unless you have major surgery you are going to die, would you say “actually could you just give me some Tylenol I just want to kind of treat this problem.” Absolutely not.
Transition: “After you have made the commitment to return with all your heart that’s when the next part of the healing process can begin, that’s when you”
Point2: Take an honest look at yourself
READ: Joel 2:13
• Rend- Tear apart, rip to pieces
• Tearing Garments was a outward display of mourning
• God is not interested in an outward spectacle or religious display. He is more concerned with the condition of your heart.
• To Rend your heart is to take a hard honest look at your condition
• “The unexamined life is not worth living” – Socrates
• “The unexamined heart aint worth bringing” –
• “You know Jesus tells a parable about a young man in the book of Luke who lived a life away from his father”
Read Luke 15: 11-18
• However, Read (v 17-19) “When he came to himself”
• This son had a moment of rending his heart, he took an honest look at his life, and he realized just how far away his life of sin had taken him.
• If you have left the Lord and you have been living a life of disobedience right now is the time you need to take an inventory of your life and realize just how far your sin is taking you. You cannot live between God and the world. You cannot give him half of your heart.
Transition: “The people in Joel were living in half hearted with God and they were starving to death, the prodigal was starving in a far off land, and if you continue to live in your sin you will spiritually starve to death…….Yet Even Now!”
Read: Joel 2:13
“Before you come back home it is so important that you know who your father is”
Point 3: Know who your father is
• Grace, Mercy, faithful love, and does not desire to give you what you deserve. ( Personal Experience )
• The prodigal son had the same thought in Luke “ I know how my father treats his servants, I will confess my sin and go home”
• Luke 15:20-24 (Elaborate when you can)
• “This is all God wants from you. The father does not want to punish his son; God doesn’t want you living a life where locusts have stripped everything from you. He doesn’t want you living in a hog pen. Come home. “
• “That’s all God wanted for Israel, that’s all he wanted from the Hebrews in Joel, and that is all he wants for you to do this morning is to come home to him.”
What Do I Do?
1.) Bring All Your Heart
2.) Take an honest look at yourself
3.) Know who your father is