Untitled Sermon (3)
Ephesians 4:1–8, 11–16
And now you must be renewed in Knowledge
Eager : to do something with intense effort and motivation
in contrast with harshness in one’s dealings with others—‘gentleness, meekness, mildness.’
I. The Unity of the Body of Christ
A. Five Attitudes We Are to Have
1. Lowliness
2. Meekness
3. Longsuffering
4. Forbearance
5. Love
B. Seven Affirmations We Are to Make
1. There Is One Body
2. There Is One Spirit
3. There Is One Hope
4. There Is One Lord
5. There Is One Faith
6. There Is One Baptism
7. There Is One God
II. The Diversity of the Body of Christ
A. The Grace That Delivers the Gift
B. The Glory That Delivers the Gift
C. The Guide That Develops the Gift
1. Apostles and Prophets
2. Evangelists
3. Pastors and Teachers
III. The Maturity of the Body of Christ
A. Mature In Stature
B. Mature In Stability
C. Mature In Speech