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This week we consider a psalm in which David encourages God's people to have faith and to live faithfully, and to base those things on the faithfulness of God.

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Well this morning we are continuing on in our sermon series through the book of Psalms looking at Psalm 37 Psalm. 37 is a didactic song with is Andrew noted imprecatory portions addict song needs a teaching songs. It's it's directed by David to God's covenant people particularly those who would be experiencing trials and difficulties and tribulations.

This song understand assumes that people will face problems in this life. That's an assumption. Tell whether or not you will you will and this song is for you and the song attempts to speak to truth in the midst of distress. And so this morning. Are you facing a dire situation. Are you facing something difficult? I know many of you are are you In pain physically mentally emotionally. Is there something that is facing you now some struggle some problem. Then we encourage you play pay close attention this morning to this song it is for you and it's for you this morning and if by the grace of God, you're not you come to church this morning without a bird without a struggle pay attention because it's coming.

Let's read Psalm 37 together as we do so.

Consider this as a main idea that this song is trying to communicate. The Lord is faithful. Therefore we should put our faith in him. And live Faithfully even in or perhaps especially in difficult circumstances. The Lord is faithful. Therefore we should put our faith in him and live Faithfully evening or especially in difficult times Psalm 37. Can we login your Bible on your device on the back of the inserts? The whole Psalm is there in very small bread if you can read it with the naked eye good for you.

Psalm 37 of David fret not yourself because of evildoers be not envious of wrongdoers for they will soon fade like the grass and wither like the green herb trust in the Lord and do good dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart commit your way to the Lord trust in him and he will act he will bring forth your righteousness as the light in your justice as the Noonday be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way over the man who carries out evil devices refrain from anger and forsake wrath fret not yourself. It tends only to evil for the evildoers shall be cut off, but those who wait for the Lord shall inherit the land. In just a while. The wicked will be no more though. You look carefully at his place. He will not be there but the meek shall inherit the land and the light themselves in a bun in. Peace. The wicked plots against the righteous and gnashes his teeth at him but the Lord laughs at the wicked for he sees that his day is coming the wicked draw the sword and then they're supposed to bring down the poor and needy to slay those whose way is up, right? Their sword shall enter their own heart and their bowl shall be broken better is the little that. The righteous has than the abundance of many Wicked for the arms of the wicked shall be broken. But the Lord upholds the righteous the Lord knows the days of the blameless and their Heritage will remain forever. They are not put to shame and evil times in the days of Fame and they have abundance but the Wicked Will perish the enemies of the Lord of like the glory of the pastures. They vanish like smoke they vanish away the wicked Burrows but does not pay back, but the righteous is generous and gives For those blessed by the Lord shall inherit the land but those cursed by him shall be cut off the steps of a man or established by the Lord. When he Delights in his way though. He fall he shall not be cast headlong for the Lord upholds his hand. I have been young and now I'm old yet. I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread. He is ever lending generously and his children become a blessing Turn Away From Evil and do good. So you shall dwell forever for the lord loves Justice. He will not forsake his Saints they are preserved forever, but the children of the wicked shall be cut off the righteous shall inherit the land and dwell upon it forever. The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom in his tongue speaks Justice the law of his God is in his heart his steps. Do not slip the wicked watches for the righteous and seeks to put him to death. The Lord will not abandon him to his power or let him be condemned when he is brought to trial wait for the Lord and keep his way and he will exalt you to inherit the land you will look on when the wicked are cut off. I have seen a wicked ruthless man spreading himself like a green laurel tree, but he passed away and behold you was no more though. I saw him. He could not be found. Mark the blameless and behold the upright for there is a future for the man of Peace, but transgressors shall be altogether destroyed the future of the wicked shall be cut off the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord. He is their stronghold in the time of trouble the Lord helps them and delivers them. He delivers them from the wicked and save them because they take refuge in him. Let's pray. Father we thank you for your word this morning. And I Pray by your spirit that for all of those facing difficult circumstances facing trials facing tribulations.

If father got you by your spirit would help them Father got to hear your word.

Are your spirit would help them to understand it in their mind and embrace it with a hard. We know that your word is a living words. And it accomplishes all you set it out to do. So. Would you help them Father got to hear your word this morning be helped by it.

I pray father God that whatever it may be.

That would cause them to come this morning and not hear from you from your word. Whatever bird and whatever emotion whatever it is, they're struggling with Father God. Would you by your spirit help them?

And Lord by your spirit help me communicate your truth in such a way. That is accurate and faithful and helpful.

And father help us to see Jesus. I pray this in his name. Amen. We get started into the song. I want to remind you of something that I brought up last week. And that is to say in Old Testament times. There was a perspective in which when they talked about God's work among them is when they talked about God's salvation. They were looking for an external physical salvation in the here and they were looking for a famine to miraculously come to an end. They were looking for their enemies to be wiped out before them in a battle. They were looking for a God's blessing and prosperity now in the physical world that was in the foreground of it thinking and then in the background of the thinking certainly was an internal spiritual salvation for eternity both were true. But the emphasis was different than a reminder in the New Testament that reverses Both are still true we but we we we look to God for the same thing. But in the New Testament what comes to the foreground is in internal spiritual salvation, which is eternal. And of course behind that there is still that God moves in the here-and-now and can impact the world physically and can bring Salvation and dire circumstances. They're both are but the emphasis is different and it's important to remind ourselves as we look at this song. So, what does this song Teach? It teaches that the Lord is faithful. The Lord is faithful in regards to the righteous. The Lord is faithful to the Lord demonstrates his faithfulness to his people through his awareness of their plate through his protective supportive and constant care and through their ultimate salvation. That's what this song talks about. God is aware of what his people are going through. He demonstrates his faithfulness by being aware. We reinforce 18 the Lord knows the days of the blameless God is not far off is not disinterested in us that word nose isn't just a cognitive thing. It means he is aware and active in their lives. He knows the blame as he knows the days of the blameless. Deuteronomy 4:7 Moses says for what great nation is there that has a God so near to it as the Lord our God is to us whenever we call upon him. He is not far off.

His faithfulness is seen in his nearness and his engagement with his people. It's also seen in the way. He protects them. We read and 30 and 31. The mouth of the righteous is wisdom in his tongue speaks Justice. The law of God is in his heart his steps. Do not slip. His stats do not slip God's faithfulness is seen in his active protection of his people. Think about the time. This is a Psalm of David. This is David singing if if we take his words literally it's he's he's older. He's towards the end of his life. Maybe cuz I used to be young but now I'm old. What had David seen? What are the Israel Israelites in regards to David 2nd Samuel chapters 8 through 10. They had seen constant battles. David had to fight the Philistines in the moabites in the syrians and the arameans in the edomites. the ammonites all through his Reign. He was fighting. In fact. Even set of David. You're you're a man of blood I've man of warfare. This is what they had experienced and they had seen the protection of God throughout their lives. He had to establish them in their land did giving them peace from their enemies. He had protected them. What was true of Israel as a nation that followed God was also true of the individual who was part of the Covenant Community of Israel. God would demonstrate his faithfulness and protecting them. And we see that in various ways God supports his people. He demonstrates his faithfulness in his care for his people. We read a verse 23 and 24 the steps of a man are established by the Lord when he Delights in his way though, he fall It's interesting there. Again, there's an assumption that there will be a fall that there will be a stumbling though. He fall he shall not be cast headlong for the Lord upholds his hand though. There are Falls God upholds his people. He does not allow them to be cast headlong. Remember when we did the men's Retreat a couple years ago. We played a game where we got in those big inflated balls. And I think this is my first men's Retreat. This is early on and I just knew that the guys wanted to take a run at me. All big big football player now. We got a chance to get him. Well, they did especially the young guys but the game was great for me enjoyable because you know, I'm a big heavy guy don't get tossed too often, but I was numerous times knocked head-over-heels literally has pictures of me with my feet straight in the air with my head towards the ground in this bubble, and I was cast headlong.

Oh God says here is though you may fall though. You may stumble. You will never be cast headlong because I care for you. I support you I have hold you. And that's a sign of his faithfulness and his faithfulness is constant. He's Vigilant its continual. It's not once in awhile. It's not only has a few moments to come by and

watch over you. Sorry video on YouTube yesterday at airport a young child got on the luggage conveyor belt. And he went to like three or four different belts and through screening before they found him and you can see him a one-time trying to crawl because he's going into I assume an x-ray and he's trying to crawl in the suitcase is coming and eventually he just gets sucked through the X-ray. I mean he was fine, but obviously his parents weren't watching too closely. Probably they were distracted getting their luggage and for a moment. They took their eyes off him and he was whisked away by God doesn't take his eyes off us. He is Vigilant we read in 25 and 26. I have been young and now I'm old but I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging for bread. He is ever letting generous in his children become a blessing his care God's care for his people and when she demonstrates his faithfulness is not an occasional thing. He is Vigilant. It is continual. It is constant. David a psalmist would write in Psalm 121 verses 3 and 4 speaking of God. He will not let your foot be moved. He who keeps you will not Slumber behold, he who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep God evidence his faithfulness to his people through his vigil care for him this song. We're getting this continual picture of God's faithfulness. God is engaged with his people. He is watching over them. He is supporting them. He is protecting them. This is constant and continual. And the climax of this faithfulness is that God Saves, he saves his people verse 19 says they are not put to shame in Evo X phrase put to shame means kill they are not kill God Saves them. He watches over them God's people are preserved in verses 39 and 40. The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord. He is their stronghold in the time of trouble the Lord helps them and delivers them. He delivers them from the wicked and saves them because they take refuge in him. God Saves his people God delivers his people he proves his faithfulness to his people by saving them and by delivering them. Until the first thing that this song teaches us is that the Lord is faithful. He demonstrates his faithfulness to his people through an awareness of their plate through his protective supportive and constant care and through their ultimate salvation. The Lord is Faith Cruz or demonstrate your portrays his faithfulness in regards to the evil doers as well. He's not just faithful to the righteous. He's faithful to the evil doors as well. But that faithfulness is a faithfulness and judgments. The Lord demonstrates his faithfulness in his wording of the evildoers plans in his knowledge of the evildoers end and the ultimate enforcement of the evil doers punishment. We see the gods towards the evildoers plans. He demonstrates his faithfulness in that verse 14 and 15 the wicked draw the sword and Ben their bowls to bring down the poor and needy to slay those whose way as upright their sword shall enter their own heart and their bowl shall be broken three swords and Bows are devices of Destruction and death and the evildoer evildoers intend to use them against God's people know certainly this could be metaphorically, but I don't think it's less than literally And in regards to the time. And yet God Swartz the harm that the evil intends and actually applies their own evil intent to themselves. Their own sword shall enter their own heart than their bows shall be broken. In fact, we're eating 17 for the arms of the wicked shall be broken. God not only Swartz their weapons, but destroys even their ability to use them. He shows himself faithful in his dealing with evil doers. I just as he knows the way of the righteous he knows the Way of the Wicked as well. We're eating 12 and 13 The Wicked plots against the righteous and gnashes his teeth at him but the Lord laughs at the wicked for he sees that his day is coming. The wicked are bearing their teeth, like predatory animals with the intent to hurt and the harman to kill. And this causes God to laugh. He laughs at them because he sees. He sees their end and he will enforce it. He knows what he has in store for them. He is aware and he is active. in the life of the wicked person but for judgement he will get the last laugh.

His faithfulness is also seen in his enforcement of judgment. We read in 35 and 36 and then 38 Deez words. I have seen a wicked ruthless man spreading himself like a green laurel tree, but he passed away and behold he was no more though. I saw him. He could not be found but transgressors shall be altogether destroy the future of the wicked shall be cut off. God will enforce his punitive judgment against them. They will be no more. They will not be found. They will be cut off.

We need to come to terms with this God's punishment of evil. His Judgment of wickedness is a facet of his faithfulness, the Lord demonstrates his faithfulness and his forwarding of the evil doers plants in his knowledge of the evildoers end and ultimately in the enforcement of the evildoers punishment. My so again, this is the overriding lesson of this teaching song. The Lord is faithful. It is the faithfulness of Yahweh that leads the psalmist to bring the song to his congregation. This is this is the foundation of everything else in the song. It's not where the song stop the song misleads the congregation into application. The Lord is faithful. Therefore we should put our faith in him. We should trust him.

We see this first. Firstly spoken of in a negative way. In fact, the most common way is this admonition to put our faith in God but speaking to the negative. We're told to fret not verse one fret not yourself because of evildoers be not envious of wrongdoers verse 7 fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way over the man who carries out evil devices vs 8 fret not yourself. It tends only to evil. This word fret not it means it has to do with heat. Don't become overheated would be a literal way of saying don't get all hot and bothered.

About what's going on around you? We are not to fret about our circumstances or about the circumstances of the wicked if they're prospering and doing well.

David powlison Is a Biblical counselor who passed away this year from cancer? He is world-renowned well-known. I commend his Works to you. But in the midst of his difficulties with cancer and in the midst of his trial with cancer in which he was dying in knew you was dying. Unless God want to do something miraculous. He said this I learned that anxiety. We might say using this all I learned that fretting. Presumes a great distance between God and my present concerns. When I fret I'm presuming that God isn't around. When I fret I'm presuming that God isn't near. So what David powlison said we know God is near God is engaged he is with us. I told David call the congregation to trust God to put their faith in God through this negative imperative fret not. He speaks to a positively as well trust in the Lord and do good. He says in verse 3 and verse 5 commit your way to the Lord trust in him and he will lack the trust is to trust in or be confident in to be bold about in to find security in. David saying God is faithful. Trust him Fred not don't worry. That word commit is an interesting word that has to do with rolling something. Any idea here is you take your way it says commit your way. You take your life and you roll it over to God. God it's in your hands. I roll it away from me and I commit myself and trust you for my life. A wise response to the powerful Vigilant caring being who has demonstrated his faithfulness and trustworthiness is to trust and put our faith in him.

Overstreet is an interesting phrase. It says trust in the Lord and do good. And then it says dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness that phrase Buffet befriend faithfulness is as I looked at the commentaries a difficult line to translate there's different ways that that different versions of translated that as we read in the ESV. It says befriend faithfulness. But several commentators translating directly from the Hebrew said it would be better translated something like this trust in the Lord and do good dwell in the land and unfaithfulness.

I think in light of what we saw on Psalm 36. The God is his Feast for his people that maybe that's a good way of looking at it. We are to feed on the faithfulness of God that is where we get our spiritual strength for that is where we get our spiritual sustenance and as we feed on his faithfulness week, put our faith in him.

Remember David is he teaches he is teaching these things. The Lord is faithful put your faith in him. The Lord is faithful trust in him. The Lord is faithful friend not he's teaching these things with the knowledge that his people will and our suffering He understands his people will suffer or they are suffering. As we consider this idea of putting our faith and trust in God. We need to consider it in light of the difficult circumstances. Aw, pink in his classic book the attributes of God wrote this about God's faithfulness. There are seasons in the lives of all when it is not easy not even for Christians to believe that God is faithful. Our faith is sorely tried our eyes be dimmed with tears and we can no longer trace the old workings of his love. Our ears are distracted with the noise of the world harassed by the atheistic whisperings of Satan. And we can no longer hear the sweet accents of his still Small Voice. Cherished plans have been thwarted friends on whom we were lied have failed us a professed brother or sister in Christ has betrayed us. We are staggered. We sought to be faithful to God and I would Dark Cloud hides him from us. We find it difficult. Yay impossible for Colonel reason to harmonize his frowning Providence with his gracious promises. And here's the advice she gives to those who are in that place faltering Soul severely tried fellow Pilgrim seek Grace. Let me say to you this morning if these words are falling on deaf ear Years to you because of your circumstances if what you are facing in life is causing these words that I am speaking that are not my words, but God's word from his song that he is faithful we have to trust them if you are having a hard time with that. pray for grace Is God by his Spirit to help you hear and believe those words?

I'm well aware that some of you are going through things. So terribly difficult. So painful, so challenging. Anafuse admonitions from thoughts on 37 or not penetrating pray to God for Grace. The you would be able to see his faithfulness and trust in him. God is faithful. In spite of our circumstances in spite of the circumstances of those who don't fear him. We need to trust God and put our faith in him.

Want to spend a few minutes now to talk about Jesus. You see we know from the New Testament that all scripture points to Christ. We should read a song like Psalm 37 and do our best to understand it and the context in which God gave it to his people and understand it in terms of what it meant for them their time with the intention of the author was But we know that all scripture points to Christ. I suggest to you this morning that Jesus is the Fulfillment of Psalm 37. Jesus is the Fulfillment of this song in that key is our faithful God and we are called to put our faith in him even his dad as David teaches his people about God's faithfulness in Psalm 37, Jesus demonstrates his faithfulness to his people in the exact same way. Jesus demonstrates his people through his awareness of their plight through his protective support of constant care and through their ultimate salvation. Jesus demonstrates his faithfulness in the flooring of the evil doers plans in the knowledge of the evildoers end and the ultimate enforcement of the evildoers punishment. Jesus fulfills Psalm 37. I'd encourage you to right now to turn your Bibles to Hebrews chapter 2. We'll look at Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14 to Hebrews 3 Verse 6 where we will see clearly. The Jesus is the Fulfillment of this song that he is our faithful God that he has demonstrated his faithfulness. And therefore we should put our faith in him Hebrews chapter 2 verse 14. I'll read through it all.

speaking of the faithfulness of Jesus the writer of the letter to the Hebrews says this since therefore the children share in flesh and blood What is Jesus himself likewise partook of the same things that through death? He might destroy the one who has the power of death. That is the devil and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery for surely. It is not angels that he helps but he helps The Offspring of Abraham therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God to make propitiation for the sins of the people because he himself has suffered when tempted he is able to help those who are being tempted there for Holy Brothers you who share and a Heavenly calling consider Jesus the Apostle and high priest of our confession who was faithful to him who appointed him. Just as Moses also was faithful in all God's house for Jesus has been counted worthy of more Glory than Moses as much more glorious. The Builder of a house has more honor than the house itself for every house is built by someone but the Builder of all things is God now Moses was faithful in all God's house as a servant to testify to the things that were to be spoken later. But Christ is Faithful over God's house as a son and we are his house if indeed we hold fast our confidence in our boasting in Our Hope. Jesus is our faithful God. He became a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God. He was faithful to him who appointed him. He is Faithful over God's house as a son.

And he's aware of the plight of his people. He in fact partook of the same things. That is a flesh-and-blood though. He was God. He became a man and took on flesh. He is aware of our plate. He was like his brothers in every respect. In fact, he himself has suffered. He is not indifferent to the suffering of his people. He suffered with them he suffered for them. Any offers protective supportive and constant care for 16 for surely does not angels that he helps. But he helps The Offspring of Abraham Verse 18 for because he himself has suffered when he is able to help those who are being tempted. Universe 17 therefore he had to be made like his brothers and every respect so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God to make propitiation for the sins of the people that word propitiation is a sacrifice which appeases Roth and averts judgment. Jesus protected his people from the Wrath and Judgment of God and let it fall on him.

And he is well aware. He is faithful in regards to evil doers as well. Read verse 14 and 15 that through death. He might destroy the one who has the power of death. That is the devil. And deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery. Just understands. Our enemies knows them. And he will ensure that they see God's judgement in the end. So Jesus is faithful. And therefore we should put our faith in him and live Faithfully. Understand this morning that if you've never considered this before if you don't consider yourself a Christian or a Believer or a follower of Christ the way in which we put our faith in. Jesus is to repent of our sin. To believe who he is and believe in what he did in a Baler self of his work. and to treasure him Above All Things I'd encourage you if if that's news to you. That's something you've never done. We love to talk to you about that and explain that to you and Jesus is our faithful God where to put our faith in him.

As we put our faith in him, we are to live Faithfully in light of God's faithfulness and Light Of God face God's faithfulness in Jesus Christ through what he did to save us. We are called to live Faithfully. Throw the song There's this call to faithful living once David has laid out that God is faithful. And that we are to put our faith in him to fret not into trust and to commit ourselves to him. HD aspect of living Faithfully There's several things which he speaks to explicitly delight yourself in the Lord. That's a command and imperative. Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him and get a command how we live our lives and light of God's faithfulness. Mercedes refrain from anger forsake Wrath verse 27 Turn Away From Evil and do good. And we don't have time this morning to consider all of these explicit imperatives, but the finish this morning, I want to spend a few minutes on an imperative. That is an explicit but is strongly implied. And that is this we are to have hole.

A light of God's faithfulness of putting our faith in him in light of living Faithfully. We are to have hope And if you're sure this morning and you are being put through the ringer. You are facing difficult things whatever they are. You are to have hope.

The faithful Lord with David rates and sings about his to be home for his people. And they were called to be hopeful because wickedness will be brief. In the Judgment of wickedness is inevitable. And that judgment is comprehensive. They were to be hopeful because the righteous will be safe until they are saved entirely. We see that suffering is brief and evildoers are brief and the evilness that they bring his breath. They will soon fade like the grass and wither like The Greener and just a little while the wicked will be no more. He says in verse 10 In verse 20 the enemies of the Lord or like the glory of the pastures they vanish like smoke they vanish away.

And his final judgment is inevitable. We read a verse 27 through 30 29 Turn Away From Evil and do good. So shall you dwell forever for the lord loves you? He will not forsake his Saints they're preserved forever. But the children of the wicked shall be cut off the righteous shall inherit the land and dwell upon it forever. We are to have hope because God will and knocked his judgment. His judgment for the righteous will put their faith in him and trust in him and lived Faithfully as glorious for those who have done evil and rejected him. It is brutal.

brutalist comprehensiveness verse 9 the evil evil door shall be cut off. Verse 17 the arms of the wicked shall be broken. Where's 22 those cursed by him? Shall be cut off? comprehensive what is comprehensive for the righteous as well in verse 6, he will bring forth your righteousness as the light in your justice as the Noonday verse 11 the meek shall inherit the land of delight themselves in abundance. Peace.

Where's 34 wait for the Lord and keep his way and he will exalt you to inherit the land. Where's 37 Mark the blameless and behold the upright for there is a future for the man of peace. This is equally true as we consider Jesus this morning for those who have put their faith in the faithful Son of God. We are called to not lose hope. For the same reasons because the evil that we are experiencing now is brief. I understand. It doesn't feel brief. It feels like it's been going on forever for some of you but consider Paul's word and 2nd Corinthians verse 4 verses 7 through 10 and 16 through 18. Paul says, but we have this treasure in Jars of Clay to show that the surpassing power belongs to God and not us and then he lays out. Suffering and difficulty tribulation. He says we are afflicted in every way but not crushed perplexed but not driven to despair persecuted but not forsaken struck down but not destroyed always carrying in the body the death of Jesus or the life of Jews may also be manifested in our bodies. So they are afflicted in every way. They are perplexed are persecuted are struck down. Read a biography on the life of Paul and see what he went through. Is there anyone here who would suggest that what they are experiencing is Way Beyond what Paul experienced?

That doesn't again lesson you're suffering. What is this a listen to what Paul has to say and he says it in 16 we do not lose heart though. Our outer self is wasting away. Our inner self is being renewed day by day by day for this light momentary affliction.

momentary affliction persecuted perplex beating Stone to death whipped imprisoned hungry Shipwrecked this light and momentary Affliction is preparing for us and internal weight of Glory. We are to have hope it's brief. Compared to the Eternal weight of Glory that Christ has for his people. It is also the Judgment of God in Jesus is inevitable. It will happen. It is comprehensive. And for the righteous at Salvation 2nd Thessalonians verse chapter 1 verses 4 through 10. Paul writes therefore we ourselves boast about you and the Churches of God for your steadfastness and faith in all your persecutions and the afflictions that you are enduring again. What's the context here suffering difficulties trials tribulations? Paul says these things this is evidence of the righteous Judgment of God that you may be considered worthy of the kingdom of God for what you are also suffering since indeed. God considers it just to repay with Affliction those who afflict you had a great relief to you who are afflicted as well as to us. Not if the Lord Jesus is revealed, but when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels and flaming fire and flipping Vengeance on those who don't know God and those who do not obey the gospel Lord Jesus. They will suffer the punishment of Eternal destruction away from the presence of the Lord in from the glory of his might when he comes on that day to be glorified in his Saints lb Marvel that among all who believe because our testimony to you was believed. It's inevitable. We are to take hope and that God's judgment. Is judgement of Glory towards the righteous will put their faith in Christ.

And his judgement of punishment to those who reject of Christ we are to take hoping that because it will happen. It's not if the Lord Jesus is revealed, but when he's revealed these things will happen.

Those who have rejected him will suffer the punishment of Eternal destruction. I mean, it's comprehensive. It's Affliction. It's inflicting Vengeance its Eternal destruction.

And for the righteous it's to be glorified.

Until we are completely saved.

He will see us through he is faithful matter what you're going through now. He will see you through and ultimately you will inherit Eternal salvation. If you put your faith in Christ, if you put your faith in our faithful God and have lived Faithfully. regardless of what you're going through you should have hope not because of who you are not because of who the wicked are but because of who God is he is faithful. Let's pray.

Lord we thank you this morning for this song.

And father we were even bold enough this morning to thank you for the circumstances in which you have placed each one of us. and I recognized for many that would be a very difficult thing to say and it even as we heard and our elders prayer this morning you are working all of this for good we can believe that because your faithful You demonstrated your faithfulness to the Old Testament Saints?

And you demonstrated your faithfulness to us for your son Jesus Christ?

When I pray father God that you by your spirit would help us to see how faithful you are. And to respond by putting our faith in you and trusting you and I'm not Foundation. May we live Faithfully particularly in regards to Ho? May we Because Of You the people who have hope even in the midst of Trials. I pray this in Christ's name.

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