Fullness is Yours If Christ is your AGENT

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Dear Congregation of our Lord Jesus Christ, Maturity in Christ, fulness in God, satisfaction in spriutal things- how do you get it? Not a practice, not a esoteric teaching. Imagine book store… Only one instrumetn God uses and not an idea, a cpncept, a practice - a Person - If you want to have fulness, satisfgied, want to become mature only only way to do it -live having this Christ surpeme in oyour life!
Key Truth: You can have fullness, when Christ is your main agent with God, in your world, and in your soul!
Prayer for you and I to attain maturity in Christ - tools that deliver this growth and all the blessing and strength you will ever need - faith, love, and v.5 hope laid up for you in heaven. As Paul prays for this young, confused church, - remember gnosticism promise super spiritual grwoth by gimmicks - focused on self effort and deeper secret knowledge - like many discipleshi books, I,I,I,I - but Paul says its faith in Christ not only that saves you but that you grwo, sanctficied, he says your effort faith working by love, - and he ground it all not in our efforts, THOUGH as we saw in requires our effort only as God is at works in us.
Colossians 1:29 ESV
For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.
Remember the theme verse
Colossians 2:6–7 ESV
Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
Colossians 1:6–7 ESV
which has come to you, as indeed in the whole world it is bearing fruit and increasing—as it also does among you, since the day you heard it and understood the grace of God in truth, just as you learned it from Epaphras our beloved fellow servant. He is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf
Why the mystery is CHrist in you the hope of glory - remember that bumper sticker - spending our kids inheritance, already inheritance God-man won in heaven, given all authroity and blessing and honour - and POWER - you need that to fight sin with opwer from heaven, need that hnour shared in Christ, accepted adopted by GOd - need knowledge. And the dynamic by which this happens is what Paul spells out not as a separate hymn or teaching, but as the grouding of his prayer for maturity for you and me! And that’s why I include the peitions fo the praye in v.11-14 all one big sentence of how WE PARITICPATE AND SHARE in the inheritance of Christ in heaven; how we being delivered from the DOMAIN, the RIEGN OF DARKNESS - trnasferred into kingdom of light - really grow as citizens of that kingdom in how we live dayd to day.
While saints - continue to sin, their identity thogh remaining sinners in their behaviour and not perfected yet, they are no longer the sinner in Colasse - SINNERS; a COUPOLE ILLUSTRATIONS . So often we just take salvation without transformation - holiness - instead of GROW UP - Give UP. Mark Wanders has said: The unchanging God brings about change The unchanging God brings about change 1 us for the express purpose of bringing us closer to the unchanging beauty of Himself
a COUPOLE ILLUSTRATIONS . So often we just take salvation without transformation - holiness - instead of GROW UP - Give UP. Mark Wanders has said: The unchanging God brings about change The unchanging God brings about change 1 us for the express purpose of bringing us closer to the unchanging beauty of Himself
But isn’t it true that we typically want to change the things that God has given us (our looks, our gifts, our situation) and we resist the change He would seek to bring about in us, namely, our holiness? CHANGE - beginning hardest, middle messiest END BEST!
And so when Paul says - I’m praying for this transformation growth maturity, this not only receiveing Christ, but WLAKING IN HIM< transformed as mystery takes root - Christ in you the hope of glory - he says in
Colossians 1:14 ESV
in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
And that IN WHOM - is how we have not only salvation, but ongoing growth and aurity - the beginning the middle and the end of the CHANGE - all IIII disicpleship all busy-ness in church amounts to fiddlesticks ad worse - without this being IN CHRIST - SO often we go through life and even church stuff - looking the wrong side of the telescope - interesting big view of the world - but Paul says if you want Christian growth, maturity, fulness - look through the right side of the telescope - thereis God on oneside of the map, and there on the otherside are these Colossians, in the middle of the map are two conitinetns actually overap with one on top of the other. one continent is CREATION, the other is the CHURCH. But you know what the telescope is focused on at the centreof the Creation at the Center of the Church - you see this God-man Jesus Christ in his glory and in His magnifiecnt working!
Let me takeyou on a tour of this map to Christian maturity then.
It begins on the far-side of the map. What is the first title used in our text? v.15 THE INVISIBLE GOD
A. The Invisible Incomprehensible, Inapproachable God You Can’t Reach
Colossians 1:15a ESV
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.
He is the image of the invisible God...
The Tirune self-esistiing God, three perrson mutually indweeling each other - rivers ofl ove and communication … before anything was - there is God in all his fulness. never bored, self satisfied. And he is still there, Invisible to what our eyes, invisible to our spiritual eyes - dwells in light inapproachable, what Luther called the hidden God - and you cannot comprehend him, can’t apprehend him either. We could sayin relation to the world that will be and in relation to us in it - God is like an ocean of fulness! But we cannot get to that ocean!
B. The Christ in Creation Can Reach You
But what’s happening now, he has created all things out of nothing. HOld on how has he done it - their is great importance in how that is what vv.15-17 are all about.
Colossians 1:15–16a ESV
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
But what’s happening now, he has created all things out of nothing. HOld on how has he done it - their is great importance in how that is what vv.15-17 are all about. v.16 seems to say though all three involved, For by him all things were created. Actually word in IN CHRIST, in the Bleoved Son, whose kngdom we’re transferred, in Christ quallified to share his inheritance, the whole universe was created in CHRIST. Not so much out of him , buty in relationto him. Just like in slavation we are predestined IN CHRIST, anyone who believes chosen unto salvation but not willy nilly not mechancically but in relation to God’s Son special chosen and sent to save you and me. So too this whole creation was created by this WOREKR WITHIN THE GODHEAD, the one who takes the lead in exeuting the plan.
Colossians 1:15 ESV
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.
Colossians 1:15–16 ESV
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
v.16 seems to say though all three involved, For by him all things were created. Actually word in IN CHRIST, in the Bleoved Son, whose kngdom we’re transferred, in Christ qualified to share his inheritance, the whole universe was created in CHRIST. Not out of him, and not just by Him, but in relation to him. Just like in slavation we are predestined IN CHRIST, anyone who believes chosen unto salvation but not willy nilly not mechancically but in relation to God’s Son special chosen and sent to save you and me. So too this whole creation was created by this WORK WITHIN THE GODHEAD, the one who takes the lead in exeuting the plan.
For example, allthese NHL hockey players - some are free agents - can go toany team, butinsteado f them going around neogitating - who do they hire - An AGENT. Leaf’s superstar Austen Matthew’s interviewed - I don’t worry about that I work on my 360 on my wake board on the lake - My AGENT looks after that. Well, if you want fulness in life - you need to know who God’s AGENT IS - need to know how he works for you - first way is in creation!
And now what is he called? The image of the invisible God - this hearkens back to creation too, Genewsis 1 male and femwale he created them int hte image of God. What is the image of the invisible God , not a picture, not phsycial palster or fleshly body. But the importint of the spritiual character, the creatie abilities the personal attituributes of God. This orignal image of God the Son eternally reflecting what the godhad is like - rays of sun to the sunshine -impress imrpint - he created everything. Even more tyhis Son’s job was to manifest the invisible God - in this world, in our flesh. IE Anglo Saxon coin of Roman period, Emperor M doubted rival… sure enough - image of coin - validated and communicated and manfisted.
THe son of God the eternal image bearer of the creates a whole world - sparks of glory reflecting wisdom, power, eternity of God all over Creation - and most of all in Swecond image bearer Adam and then Eve that he crate. But this beloved Son his job even just in creation is to
No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father’s side, he has made him known.
John 1:18 ESV
No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father’s side, he has made him known.
John 1:14 ESV
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Now of course in His incarnation the Son makes God so known and visible, that Jesus even says, He who has seen me has seen the Father. But Paul’s point here is that The Son of God is the main agent in Creation. and in delaing withthis world. A sense in which every square inch of Creation Christ says mine - and our text says, this continent of creation not just craeted by the Son, but also created and still upheld THROUGH HIM.
For [ ] him all things were create … all things were created through him and for him.
Colossians 1:16 ESV
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
In an on-going way, God not only made all things by Christ. But in an ongoing these everything Created through his Soncreatd FOR HIM.
Every has its purpose in this world, able to enjoy … Bavinck, God already had THE CHRIST in mind, in creation, set up with Adam, so Christ could take over headship … bring all things to completion … every area of our life! Whether eat or drink -all to glory of God…
and all held together by him:
And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
Colossians 1:17 ESV
And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
Whole point of atoms, whole mystery of science, of business, of astronomy - of any part of Creation, Scientist electromagneticsim Maxwell, triune relatinoships … Mind of God … only finds its purpose and coherence as related to Christ - A sense in which we can say Christain is the only one who knows something abourt everything. even though in ulitatme sense we no nothing about anything!
not -error of deism made and far away, but made this creation and contnues to exist evach moment through HIm. Nor error of Gnostics, JW, pnatheists - that their is distant God and then whole ladder of being each wrung a different level of angels, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—
Colossians 1:16 ESV
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
spritual beings authroity - so if you want to get close to God - spirituallity maniupulate those beings Christ is on eof them! No, Son of God who is God Himelf, with creation. But 16c what is this got to think differently of creation if you want real fulness and saisfaction; all things were creatd FOR HIM.
Do you know what that means - every part of your life and this world - finds its purpose and goal in the Son ofGod, whole creation like a gift to Christ. , for glory of God to shine and show him. if that is true about hidden God , revealed in Son, and agent of this world is the Son.
We need next to to get a cleare focus of the Son and his role, his relationshiop to the creation.
C. Christ the First-born of Creation Can Lead You
But Christ’s work in making the world as the Son sustaining and even in being the goal towards andmeaning towards it moves isn’t enough for us to understand how there is fulness for us in Christ. The Second Title, not only image of God, but he is the first born of all creation. JW, Mormons, like gnostics say - like a child of God, as if a whole sequence of sons and daughter of God, angels all the way down to humans., and Christ is like the super one. First in a series.
But paul makes no bones about it: Christ is v.17 before all things. before Creation, he is there - in time has priority, over any created thing, but more imopratntly this word is speaking of the RANK of Christ.
JW say - like a child of God, as if a whole sequence of sons and daughter of God, angels all the way down to humans., and Christ is likethe super one. First in a series. But paul makes no bones about it: Christ is v.17 before all things. before Creation, he is tere - in times has proority, over any created thing, but more imopratntly this word is speaking of the RANK of Christ.
Not only before in time, but before all things in imoprtance, supremacy. He takes the exalted place of master, source, head of creation - govern organizes. IE Printing Press to South Aemerica. Too young. He made it, he can fix it. That role.
Indeed God had made Adam and Eve in the covenant of works, they were visible image bearers. Adam was covenantal head, representative of whole human race, - created and in the image of God - But God designed it that way that covenant, so in the Fall, Christ the Son of God could pick up that role - image bearer of God - having Dominion ruling lovingly graciously justly for God - bringing this creation to its goal - kingdom!
Now these gnostics, were saying 4 levels of angels as the bible and hebrew literature speaks - want fulness want to become mature - special teachings, specail practices, … power in this new concept , this prayer , this angel, prayer to created thing - mediatrix mother of god, saints - got to go to the head of cration. His job is still to sustatin and rule all things in general way. Paul rhymes them off even in sacrcastic way: whetehr throne or dominions or rulers or authities - whateve4r else you turn too… just created and under authroity of Christ. It is him you must turn too.
The language is that of
Psalm 89:25–28 ESV
I will set his hand on the sea and his right hand on the rivers. He shall cry to me, ‘You are my Father, my God, and the Rock of my salvation.’ And I will make him the firstborn, the highest of the kings of the earth. My steadfast love I will keep for him forever, and my covenant will stand firm for him.
David not the first in time of kings, but made special head over kingso f the earth. messiah would be, but that is what God maade the second person of the Tirnity in creating the world - he’s the agent we are to deal with. Son of God opened the path of life and mediates God’s love to every creature - false teachers, and world without Christ - turning to stuff in creation to mediate the FULNESS they are looking for - think they can tap into an \ocean of pleasure, joy, satisfication - sex, drugs, work, music, sutff,
Abnormal - not the way it is supposed to be like HEADLESS HORSEMAN - headless universe -but even worse is an artificial head - replacement = IE Hideous Strength
Don’t you see that likfe is all about what you have union with, who you have unioin with, - got to be united to the right head! From your head you’ll dervie life and action cooridinate to rightend get guidance. Derive sterngth of your life! And that’s why Paul next shows the most imoproant way you must find Christ as head not just of this world, but of your own life , by having Christ as head of you the Church!
But look now telescope focus on another layero fthe map, not just Christ in creation, but another layer, another continent ontop of creation. And that is the church. And notjust the church like local gathering of believers. But listen:
Look now telescope focus on another layerb of the map, not just Christ in relation tot he Father, nor Christin relation to creation, but another layer, another continent on top of creation. And that is the church. And notjust the church like local gathering of believers. Whole body of Christ. As MaClaren puts it the physical universe is but the scaffoling by which the true houseof God may be built.
D. Christ, the Head of the New Creation, Can Reconcile You
But listen:
And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.
Colossians 1:18 ESV
And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent.
Some new titles to understand lay of the land of our spiritual map, and Christ work in it. The body of Christ - in the same Christ in creation made God’s glory and beauty visible, so to the church makes Christ visible. When all those united to him by faith - organically memebers of him, he is the head not just of creation , but of this body on earth and heaven.
And just like the Son was the head of creation and its firstborn in rank, role. So too in the church, Paul now shows in similar way Christ must be to us THE FIRST BORN FROM THE DEAD. What does he mean? Well he says that just before with the Tile the ARCHE, the BEGINNING -Word that goes back to the creation. Christ now incarnate come to earth, Christ now curcifiedand raised up - has not just been resucciated for himself, He took your death to the cross, tot he grave, and he rose not just for himself, but he rose never to die again - No one ever did that before. This world, the first creation , with Adam as our head, is a world of death incompleteness, frustration, groans, under curse. It’s become a rouge , rebellious and world cut off from it s head. Like satellite out of orbit .... But Christ rose and in the power of reusrrection - He is the New Beginning, the New Creation.
And just like the Son was the head of creation and its firstborn in rank, role. So too in the church Paul now shows in similar way Christ must be to us THE FIRST BORN FROM THE DEAD. What does he mean? Well he says that just befoer with the Tile the ARCHE, the BEGINNING -Word that goes back to the creation. Christ now incarnate come to earth, Christ now curcifiedand raised up - has not just been resucciated for himself, He took your death to the cross, tot he grave, and he rose not just for himself, but he rose never to die again - No one ever did that before. This world, the first creation , with Adam as our head, is a world of death incompleteness, frustration, groans, under curse. It’s become a rouge , rebellious and world cut off from it s head. Like satellite out of orbit .... But Christ rose and in the power of reusrrection - He is the New Beginning, the New Creation. The first born of the New Creation - and the start of that isn’t in the earth in general all, over the place but in the CHURCH. Those with an organic unity, unlek Christ had with Creation, now with Believers in His CHURCH - Head in fuller more personal mienaiful way -so that HE LIVESD IN US. And if you get to know him, live united in fatih to Him, find fulness in him, you know what: you are a part of a new humanity, a new assembly of poeople a new society.
The first born of the New Creation - and the start of that isn’t in the earth in general all, over the place but in the CHURCH. Those with an organic unity, unlek Christ had with Creation, now with Believers in His CHURCH - Head in fuller more personal mienaiful way -so that HE LIVESD IN US. And if you get to know him, live united in fatih to Him, find fulness in him, you know what: you are a part of a new humanity, a new assembly of poeople a new society.
This world, the first creation , with Adam as our head, is a world of death incompleteness, frustration, groans, under curse. It’s become a rouge , rebellious and world cut off from it s head. Like satellite out of orbit .... But Christ rose and in the power of reusrrection - first born of the New Creation - and the start of that isn’t in the earth in general all, over the place but in the CHURCH. Those with an organic unity, unlek Christ had with Creation, now with Believers in His CHURCH - Head in fuller more personal mienaiful way -so that HE LIVESD IN US
What is it called
and to the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven,
What does he mean? Well he says that just befoer with the Tile the ARCHE, the BEGINNING - Christ now incarnate come to earth, Christ now curcifiedand raised up - has not just been resucciated for himself, He took your death to the cross, tot he grave, and he rose not just for himself, but he rose never to die again - No one ever did that before. And this world of death incompleteness, frustration, groan - Christ rose and in the power of reusrrection - first born of the New Creation - and the start of that isn’t in the earth in general allover the place but in the CHURCH. Those with an organic unity, unlek Christ had with Creation, now with Believers in His CHURCH - Head in fuller more personal mienaiful way -so that HE LIVESD IN US
Hebrews 12:23 ESV
and to the assembly of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven, and to God, the judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect,
Another way to think about this - what happend 50 years ago this month on the moon. One small step for man, one giant step for Nasa, America … no for mankind. Neil Armstrong represent humanity, why say that then with that step = whole new reality whole new world we can live in… So too Christ steps out of the realm of death, sin, old wrold, new world - aand united to Him we can start living towards that!
GIVEN THE REASON FOR THIS - in creatino Chrsit rules no matter what, - but now in the Church as united to HEAD OF NEW HAUMANITY - new image bearer where adam failed - now whoat ? He is to have PREMINENCE - this iw the wya to fulness. And look at the
GIVEN THE REASON FOR THIS - in creatino Chrsit rules no matter what, - but now in the Church as united to HEAD OF NEW HAUMANITY - new image bearer where adam failed - now whoat ? He is to have PREMINENCE - this iw the wya to fulness. And look at the
For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things,
Colossians 1:19–20 ESV
For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.
Colossians 1:19 ESV
For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell,
In his incarnation - fulness that everyone seeks - in CHRIST - may want more elaborate scheme; but in a person, not an idea, practice… What else was God pleased to do in Christ not just make fullness of God there; you’ve got to get the good infection, get close to Christ. God in Himself is an ocean of fulness, but can’t tap into that. But in Christ Jesus - not an ocean, God as a river flows into your life! makes visibile and accessbile the invisible and unapproachable God.
God is not just pleased to have His fulness in Christ and deliver that to you, but look at the heart of the work Christ must do for you to receive that fulness: RECONILE all things Making Peace by the blood of the Cross. Let that sink in - this world, your life and mine unreconciled to God. Like bank book acounts outstanding making withdrawls can’t afford, - This Christ going to pacify every enemy and - every knee will bow and tongue confess
RECONILE all things
Making Peace by the blood of the Cross. Let that sink in - this world, your life and mine unreconciled to God. Like bank book acounts outstanding making withdrawls can’t afford, - This Christ going to pacify every enemy and - every knee will bow and tongue confess
NOW YOU SHOULD HAVE it - who God is hidden unapproachable, who is His Son is increation in this wrold, and even more importantly who His Son ois sa the revealer of the fulness of God, reconciler in HIs Body the Church!
noW YOU SHOULD HAVE it - who God is hidden unapproachable, who is His Son is increation inthis wrold, and even more importantly who His Son ois sa the revealer of the fulness of God, reconciler in HIs Body the Church!
But now wwhat good does it do you to know this? Some want htis just as a nice hymn to Christ. But Paul writes this in the prayer for them to become mature in Christ, If like Austen matthew have an agent. your agent is going to do stuff for you. And that is the last part of this map you must take heed to. And it turns out that as Paul now draws you andme and the Colissina on this map, in a very partical way it beome a treasure map in our life. In Chapter 2 going to say this fulness, theis treasures of knowledge and wsidom - hdden in him in Christ.
Colossians 2:2–3 ESV
that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
So now v.21-23 paul changes the focus from Christ at the centre to you and I inthie middle of this broken world, in the middle of our broken lives. What is our agent going to do when we meet him inthe middle?
E. YOUR LOCATION in Christ on the Map of the Universe
we must close with who you and I, who these Colossians are in Christ? Appication of who Christ is for true spiritual maturity and efectiveness.
Remember he was praying for them, why sharing this - for desireed result.
Colossians 1:21 ESV
And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds,
That was your state andm y state and the state of our world - settled and constant. But look when Christ becomes your agent:
in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him,
Colossians 1:22 ESV
he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him,
Contrast isn’t so much then and now; BUT NOW living in a different state iof affairs that contnues; now KINGDOM transfereed, didfferent world - GOAL of it all - PResented (once distant away from God, now brough close in Christ ) at end of time judgment day, goal holy blameless and abocve reporaoch
BUT NOW liv\ing in a different KINGDOM transfereed, didfferent world - GOAL of it all - PResented (once distant away from God, now brough close in Christ ) at end of time judgment day, goal holy blameless and abocve reporaoch
When no longer enstraged from God - not distant form him, final goal is that last day - presented to Him - bride to bridgroom, like an offering sacrafice, like Christian covered by sacrafice of Christ life perfected before God, in a world perfected by Christ - Do you get this. Christ as the first born of the dead, has put of the body of death - lives a glorified life in body and soul… in Christ goal is that you bleamessl and undefiled presented by Him - big deal in cosmos,but also in yourlife and mine now.
And that is where there is condition, he adds, usually condition first. But Paul is sure of the outcome, I doubt you’ll make itnO I am sure, but way yoou’ll make it as Chrsit works within in you n- renews you - way He willl preserve you to the end. Pesevereance that you yourself must do:
if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel...
Colossians 1:23 ESV
if indeed you continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard, which has been proclaimed in all creation under heaven, and of which I, Paul, became a minister.
Only way is faith, and faith in Christ needs no supplements in your life - no silver bullets , IIIIdisicpleship, no supllemenatry knowledge that you are missing. STABLE AND STEADFAST.
Not shifiting - friend has a house - cottage lot - shifting - huge styrofoam forms - engineer said no basement need this - Christ death my death to sin, his life my life - gospel once delivered now lived out in my life - Lord of eating and drinking, lord of work , lord of renconicling all things, in universe, but actively and \within me right - now - Persevere ain living for Christ.
Japanese gymanist…
HOW in Christ foundation, not shifting … ie shane’s house, ie olympic gymanist - gospel!
World's Columbian Exposition was held in Chicago, and an astronomical number of people, especially in those pre-automobile days, some twenty-one million, visited the exhibits. America, and particularly Chicago, which had risen phoenix-like from the great fire of 1873, Moody's friends wanted him to attack the "Parliament of Religions," but he refused, saying, "I am going to make Jesus Christ so attractive that men will turn to him." D. L. Moody knew that preaching Christ preeminent —the peerless, supreme, all-sufficient Christ, clearly presented — would do the job. And indeed it did. The "Chicago Campaign" of 1893 is considered to be the greatest evangelistic work of Moody's celebrated life, and thousands came to Christ.
Colossians and Philemon: A New Covenant Commentary The Supremacy of the Messiah in Reconciliation (1:18b–20)

But Caesar was at best a twisted parody of the real Lord of the world and at worst a malevolent tyrant who created “empire” and “peace” through the application of violence. The Pictish King Calgacus is portrayed as saying: “These plunderers of the world having taken all the land, now claim the seas, so that even if we fly to the sea there is no safety from them. They kill and slay, and take what is not theirs, and call it Empire. They make a desert and call it Peace.” The Jesus of Colossians brooks no rivals, be they the malevolent powers of the cosmos or brutal dictators in a foreign land.

Michael F. Bird, Colossians and Philemon, New Covenant Commentary Series (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2009), 56.
The Gnostics had their own version of the "Parliament of Religions" because they considered Jesus to be only one of thousands of emanations from the great unseen God. According to them, Christ was not the way, the truth, and the life (), but only the beginning rung in the ladder to the true God.
The Pillar New Testament Commentary: Colossians and Philemon 3. The Hope Held out in the Gospel (1:21–23)

God does, indeed, by his grace and through his Spirit, work to preserve his people so that they will be vindicated in the judgment; but, at the same time, God’s people are responsible to persevere in their faith if they expect to see that vindication

INTRO: lmost a hundred years ago (in 1893), the famous was showing off to the rest of the world. And the show was good. Among the features of the Columbian Exposition was the "World Parliament of Religions," in which representatives of the world's religions met to share their best points and perhaps come up with a new world religion. D. L. Moody saw this as a great chance for evangelism. Moody commissioned evangelists and assigned them to "preaching posts" throughout the city. He used churches and rented theaters. He even rented a circus tent to preach the Word. Moody's friends wanted him to attack the "Parliament of Religions," but he refused, saying, "I am going to make Jesus Christ so attractive that men will turn to him." D. L. Moody knew that preaching Christ preeminent —the peerless, supreme, all-sufficient Christ, clearly presented — would do the job. And indeed it did. The "Chicago Campaign" of 1893 is considered to be the greatest evangelistic work of Moody's celebrated life, and thousands came to Christ. Moody's approach was actually nothing new, but rather a time-honored approach which goes all the way back to the apostolic Church and is especially evident in the section of Colossians considered in this chapter. It presented Christ as the One who has first-place in creation and in the Church. The Gnostics had their own version of the "Parliament of Religions" because they considered Jesus to be only one of thousands of emanations from the great unseen God. According to them, Christ was not the way, the truth, and the life (), but only the beginning rung in the ladder to the true God.
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