Fullness is Yours If Christ is your AGENT
But Caesar was at best a twisted parody of the real Lord of the world and at worst a malevolent tyrant who created “empire” and “peace” through the application of violence. The Pictish King Calgacus is portrayed as saying: “These plunderers of the world having taken all the land, now claim the seas, so that even if we fly to the sea there is no safety from them. They kill and slay, and take what is not theirs, and call it Empire. They make a desert and call it Peace.” The Jesus of Colossians brooks no rivals, be they the malevolent powers of the cosmos or brutal dictators in a foreign land.
God does, indeed, by his grace and through his Spirit, work to preserve his people so that they will be vindicated in the judgment; but, at the same time, God’s people are responsible to persevere in their faith if they expect to see that vindication