God is Infinite
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Doctrine Defined/Explained
Doctrine Defined/Explained
Doctrine Demonstrated
Doctrine Demonstrated
(Justen) 1689 Confession: THE Lord our God is but one only living, and true God; whose subsistence is in and of himself, infinite in being, and perfection, whose Essence cannot be comprehended by any but himself; a most pure spirit, invisible, without body, parts, or passions, who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light, which no man can approach unto, who is immutable, immense, eternal, incomprehensible, Almighty, every way infinite, most holy, most wise, most free, most absolute, working all things according to the councel of his own immutable, and most righteous will, for his own glory, most loving, gracious, merciful, long-suffering, abundant in goodness and truth, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin, the rewarder of them that diligently seek him, and withal most just, and terrible in his judgments, hating all sin, and who will by no means clear the guilty.
Doctrine Demonstrated
Doctrine Demonstrated
(Ryan) John Gill: When we say that God is infinite, the meaning is, that he is unbounded and unlimited, unmeasurable or immense, unsearchable and not to be comprehended.
(Ryan) James P. Boyce: When we say that God is infinite, we deny to him all limitation in his nature or essence. We are conscious of the finite nature of our soul as well as of our body; it has limitations as to place, time and capabilities. In arriving at the idea of the perfect being by way of negation, we deny all such limitation in him, and therefore ascribe to him infinity as to time and space, as well as infinite perfection in his mode of existence, in his power, wisdom, goodness, justice, holiness and truth.
James P. Boyce: When we say that God is infinite, we deny to him all limitation in his nature or essence. We are conscious of the finite nature of our soul as well as of our body; it has limitations as to place, time and capabilities. In arriving at the idea of the perfect being by way of negation, we deny all such limitation in him, and therefore ascribe to him infinity as to time and space, as well as infinite perfection in his mode of existence, in his power, wisdom, goodness, justice, holiness and truth.
The next attribute of God to be considered is, his Infinity; when we say that God is infinite, the meaning is, that he is unbounded and unlimited, unmeasurable or immense, unsearchable and not to be comprehended.James P. Boyce: When we say that God is infinite, we deny to him all limitation in his nature or essence. We are conscious of the finite nature of our soul as well as of our body; it has limitations as to place, time and capabilities. In arriving at the idea of the perfect being by way of negation, we deny all such limitation in him, and therefore ascribe to him infinity as to time and space, as well as infinite perfection in his mode of existence, in his power, wisdom, goodness, justice, holiness and truth.
When we say that God is infinite, we deny to him all limitation in his nature or essence. We are conscious of the finite nature of our soul as well as of our body; it has limitations as to place, time and capabilities. In arriving at the idea of the perfect being by way of negation, we deny all such limitation in him, and therefore ascribe to him infinity as to time and space, as well as infinite perfection in his mode of existence, in his power, wisdom, goodness, justice, holiness and truth.
(Jimmy) Stephen Charnock: Whatsoever God is, he is infinitely so. He is infinite wisdom, infinite goodness, infinite knowledge, infinite power, infinite spirit, infinitely distant from the weakness of creatures, infinitely mounted above the excellencies of creatures. As easy to be known that he is, as impossible to be comprehended what he is. Conceive of him as excellent, without any imperfection. A Spirit without parts; great without quantity; perfect without quality; everywhere without place; powerful without members; understanding without ignorance; wise without reasoning; light without darkness; infinitely more excelling the beauty of all creatures, than the light in the sun pure and unviolated exceeds the splendour of the sun dispersed and divided through a cloudy and misty air. And when you have risen to the highest, conceive him yet infinitely above all you can conceive of spirit, and acknowledge the infirmity of your own minds. And whatsoever conception comes into your minds, say, This is not God, God is more than this. If I could conceive him, he were not God, for God is incomprehensibly above whatsoever I can say, whatsoever I can think and conceive of him.
Whatsoever God is, he is infinitely so. He is infinite wisdom, infinite goodness, infinite knowledge, infinite power, infinite spirit, infinitely distant from the weakness of creatures, infinitely mounted above the excellencies of creatures. As easy to be known that he is, as impossible to be comprehended what he is.
Doctrine Demonstrated
Doctrine Demonstrated
Jimmy: God is all that He is without limitation. He is with out limit in His essence and in relation to His creation. God is neither bound by time or space. Put positively God is eternal, immense, and omnipresent. Therefore, since God is infinite and we are finite, He is incomprehensible. We cannot comprehend Him in His fullness, but we can know Him in His accommodation to us in His Word.
Doctrine Demonstrated
Doctrine Demonstrated
Conceive of him as excellent, without any imperfection. A Spirit without parts; great without quantity; perfect without quality; everywhere without place; powerful without members; understanding without ignorance; wise without reasoning; light without darkness; infinitely more excelling the beauty of all creatures, than the light in the sun pure and unviolated exceeds the splendour of the sun dispersed and divided through a cloudy and misty air. And when you have risen to the highest, conceive him yet infinitely above all you can conceive of spirit, and acknowledge the infirmity of your own minds. And whatsoever conception comes into your minds, say, This is not God, God is more than this. If I could conceive him, he were not God, for God is incomprehensibly above whatsoever I can say, whatsoever I can think and conceive of him.Doctrine Demonstrated
Doctrine Demonstrated
Doctrine Demonstrated
Doctrine Demonstrated
Doctrine Demonstrated
God is great:
God is infinite in all things He is: God is great
He is abundant in Love:
He is abundant in Power and Knowledge:
He is great in Power:
He is great in Grace:
God is infinite respecting time: God is eternal
Explicit references:
Denial to him time and succession:
Scripture attributes to him eternal properties and operations:
Eternal Love: ;
Eternal Counsel:
Eternal Kingdom:
Eternal Power:
Eternal Glory:
Eternal Dominon:
Eternal Righteousness:
God’s Title and Description: , ;
God is Infinite respecting space: God is omnipresent
God is everywhere:
God isn’t constrained to anywhere: ; ;
God is everywhere: ; ;
God’s manifest His presence in different places and at different times according to His will
God is infinite respecting His incomprehensibility: He is on a different plane than all created things which are finite. He is not a superhero or the anthropomorphic gods of the mystery religions. He cannot be fully comprehended by any thing that is finite. His revelation accommodates to our limitations. Though we can know God truly we cannot know Him fully.
God’s existence goes beyond temporal and spacial dimensions.
Logically God’s infinite follows necessarily from His independence.
An independent being is an infinite being. God is independent. Therefore, God is infinite.
Time has a beginning.
Doctrine Defended
Doctrine Defended
Doctrine Devoted/Discussed
Doctrine Devoted/Discussed
Doctrine Devoted/Discussed
Doctrine Devoted/Discussed
Behold and worship Him as the infinite God He has revealed himself to be.
The infinity of God the Son Incarnate enabled Him to pay the infinite penalty of our Sin. In Jesus the person of the infinite God the Son took on a true human nature. Thus in Jesus there is both a true divine and true human nature. He is one person with two unmixed natures. In Christ we behold the infinite justice and love of God.
Realize your total and utter dependance upon Him in all things.
Study the Scriptures and observe the ordinary means of grace to grow in your knowledge of Him.
Understand that if God has purposed to save you, which He has if you have been united to Christ, then there is nothing that can constrain Him from accomplishing that end.
There is nothing in the universe that can constrain, defeat, or escape Him, so trust in Him.
Realize your conception of God can be accurate, but never exhaustive or comprehensive. Therefore, be humble in your discussions about Him and your theological positions.
God’s infinity means that we will never grow bored with Him in eternity.
Definition: God is all that He is without limitation.