God Favors My Response!
Looking kindly upon someone or treating someone with special regard. Scripture stresses the kindness and graciousness of God and Jesus Christ, which is not the result of human merit or achievement.
Two Christian men lived near each other. The first was a farmer. Since there had not been any rain for several weeks, the farmer got up one morning and prayed for rain, but there was no rain that day.
His next-door neighbor was also up early, but he was praying that it would not rain, because he was taking an unsaved friend fishing that morning. There was no rain that day.
God hears both requests, but he can’t answer both. He will do that which glorifies him the most.
God’s Grace Knows No Bound
Ephesians 1:7; 3:8
Preaching Themes: Grace of God
This is the nature of God’s grace. It has no end, it knows no bound, but evermore is on the advance to greater things, which in human things is not the case.