I'm Taken Care Of

Summer in the Psalms  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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David is king of all of Israel and he himself has spent time as a shepherd but in his life from his lowest state to his current kingdom he acknowledges that it is the Lord who has provided for him. And so much so that David says, “I shall not want.” This is good. Don't get confused with the grammar here, this does not mean David does not want the Lord, but what he is saying is he shall not want for anything because the Lord is providing all that he needs.(Shout Que) Oh I think there is somebody in here who knows something about the Lord being a provider for you (preach this).
But then he says he makes me to lie down in green pastures and leads me beside the still waters. The picture here is that Christ as the shepherd has to literally make the sheep lay down and take a rest from their wanderings. The sheep will get so occupied with feeding and wandering that the shepherd has to take them away from the feeding ground to the “green pastures” where there is rest. It reminds me of my wife. Sometimes when I get to busy around the house and I start doing to much she will simply tell me to “sit down somewhere and rest” the work will be there. And sometimes God has to sit us down and that we can rest in Him and in his goodness. Are you so concerned about work “sit down somewhere and rest” (run here)
Exeget v.3


Lets be real right now shall we. Everyone at some point is going to spend some time walking is the valley. All the times in life are not all high and pie in the sky sometimes you are going to find yourself low and to ground. David knows something about this. He knows that he lives in nation that is blood stains by war, he knows that he himself has committed sins before God, and he likens his tough times to the valley of the shadow of death. Sometimes church you will look and not find anything good going on. No good news. No good reports. No money coming in. No company in your presence. Just all bad all around. Right? When it rains, it pours. But, its good to know that even in your darkest hour you don't have anything to be afraid of because God is with you the whole time. That even though everything may be falling apart around you, and the storms of life are raging just know that if nothing else the very presence of your Father is enough to see you through.
Not only that but David tells us some more about this protection. He lets us know that there is a rod and staff that seems to give him some comfort. I keep telling you that sheep aren’t the brightest animals, and we are sheep. One thing about sheep is they are really incapable of defending themselves. So when knowing that he has plenty of enemies and haters and people who wish to do him harm finds comfort in the fact that God as is prepared to fight on his behalf. (preach on rod and staff)


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