Edward Teaching outline #1
Edward Williams
Teaching outline
Big Idea: All believers should know how Joseph the cousin of Mark receive his name the
Lesson Aim: Is to help the believer have a understanding who Joseph really is and how
a. did he change his name?
Hook When using faith your faith you are chaining your name you become
a servant like Joseph the Jewish Levite of Cyprus is known as Barnabas.
I. The Custom and Culture
a. Peter and John arrested (Acts 4:1-4)
b. Peter and John face Jewish leader (4:5-12)
c. The forbidden name (4:13-22)
II. The Times of Barnabas
a. ADc100 Epistle of Barnabas
1. Barnabas is Mark’s cousin (Col. 4:10)
2. Mark who is John the son of mother is Mary ( Acts12:12)
3. The three Mary are Mary of Jesus Christ (Mt. 27:56)
4. Mary Lazarus sister (Jn.11:2,19)
b. Barnabas’s courage
1. The Positive Example of Joseph (Barnabas)
2. Joseph’s nickname was Barnabas
3. Son of a prophet
4. Barnabas ( Joseph) the encourager Character was a giver (Acts 4:36)
c. The Tragedy of Ananias and Sapphira
1. The Negative Example of husband and wife
2. This couple lied to God ( Acts 5:3-4)
3. Paul spoke of people testing or pushing to God the limited (Mt.4:7)
III. How to avoid the pitfalls of life
a. First you need a savior (John 3:16)
b. Then you must confess your sins (Rom 10:9-10
c. Know that if you believe in Jesus Christ your save (Jn.3:18)
d. How ever must have a pray life that’s how you communicate to God
IV. Barnabas a man that followed the Apostle’s
a. Barnabas gave what he had (Acts 4:34-37)
b. Abraham was a follower he offer Isaac his son (Gen.22:2)
c. The example is to become servant of God (Luke 16:13)
d. Barnabas courage is in all of us