What are you doing with the rest of your life 1 Peter 4
What are you doing with the rest of your time 1 Peter 4:1-11
Our purpose on this earth is to bring glory to God (1 Cor. 10:31). One of the ways we bring glory to God is by caring for those people near us. This rises above knowing a lot of Bible verses, being doctrinal correct – we are talking here about getting involved in the lives of those around us. Many Christians today don’t know their neighbors. We are certainly not to be of the world but we are in the world (Eph. 2:10)
Workmanship- a masterpiece, work of art. John MacArthur- In other words, God has prepared a path of good works for believers which He will perform in and through them as they walk by faith. This does not mean doing a work for God; instead, it is God’s performing His work in and through believers. Phil. 2:13. We need to understand the will of God as contrasted from our old nature. Many of our friends can’t understand our change. If we do the will of God then we invest in something that is lasting and satisfying.
Charles Stanley- God does not need the help of any man or woman to accomplish His purposes. However, he has chosen to spread the gospel by the means of his children.
I. Be Patient with the Lost (4:4-6)
A. Unsaved people do not understand the change in us when we get saved. We are new creatures and things in our lives should change so much so that the lost see it. They are still dead in their trespasses and sins.
1. Warren Wiersbe- They do not think it strange when people wreck their bodies, destroy their homes, and ruin their lives by running from one sin to another! But let a drunkard become sober, or an immoral person pure, and the family thinks he has lost his mind.
a. Acts 26:24- conversation between Paul and Festus
B. 2 Cor. 4:3- unsaved people are blind to spiritual truth
1. When unsaved attack us it is an opportunity to witness to them – 1 Peter 3:15.
2. 2 Tim. 2:24-26-
a. strive- quarrel
b. instructing- correcting
c. oppose- in opposition
d. to the acknowledging- so they may know
II. Be Ernest with the Saints (4:8-11)
A. John 13:34-35- love is a badge for the believer
1. Christians need to show love for one another and be united in heart.
B. Christian love is Fervent- pictures athlete straining to reach his goal.
1. Christian love is something that we have to work on- whether it is for family or friends we are to show love for them.
2. We are to treat others the same way God treats us.
C. Christian love is forgiving-
D. Christian love is practical-
1. We should share our possessions and talents with others for the glory of God
2. Every Christian has at least one spiritual gift- we ought to be eager to share that with others.
3. We are stewards of these gifts and we should have a desire to use them for God’s glory.
a. God gives us all opportunites – we need to make the most of every opportunity we encounter.
b. What are you going to do with the rest of your life?