2019-2020 GTCS Back to School Parent Meeting

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Back to School Parent Meeting  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:15:46
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Mr. Harris shares details and policies for the 2019-2020 school year.

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Good evening, all of you here tonight for some of you. I'm sure you're kind of really excited. It's always the first.

Maybe it's not that bad. This is very much the dead of Summer and then we have plenty of fall. I love the fall of the year, but we are nowhere near full make sure that we get started on the right foot and a great adventure.

Experiences with you children, so thankful for God's grace and allow you to do that. I appreciate.

Until before we get started. I'm going to ask a couple of guys if you would have you took your hair with your spouse if you can just take one for right now. If you want extra copy, I can get you one later. I'm going to pray and after I pray if I get them all out to everyone and then we'll go through the handbook.

Father in heaven we give you thanks for today. I think you've reached family and that's your tonight for your grace.

You have helped us with each a day each week and the each month of the last year.

Making differences in the lives of children and their families and seeing them grow in their love for learning learning to love wisdom and knowledge.

Because they are all gifts from you. So I pray that we can help them give their wives back to you by giving the very best in the classroom and what they do outside the classroom and not just in the future now, so I prayed for this meeting tonight.

Wallet while they're passing out a couple things.

And after this meeting is over at 7:30 couple of sheets.

Please listen on this far. I wrote this afternoon. And yes, I am seeking to gain information from you. And I know I'm not going to sell it to any of the schools of the weekend. We're getting ready to walk 10 months.

We're going to walk in a relationship so that I know how to minister to you best and your children. So obviously if there's a

If there's a question that's asked that you just give me an answer on then. Obviously. You have the freedom to be as vague as you want to be but I promise you that you can trust that. I'm not going to do anything don't practice. Your don't have no difference will be that kind of thing. So. If you would take time tonight to stop at 5, your preschool your children preschool or kindergarten classroom that you can and send it back with your children on Monday. Tell us your life story. I'll touch on that one more time before you go back to your kindergarten. Some of you were going to have the right to mutation former. We don't have any mutation for me.

Preschool as quickly as possible would be excellent to have your copy of the handbook.

12 Jesus is talking to the disciples the night before he has betrayed crucified and he says these things for the disciples. I tell you the truth. He who believes in me will do the same thing that I do even greater things than these because I'm going to the father in other words because I'm going back to the program going to send the Holy Spirit to live in you things than that. So don't be more trying to do a Christian School.

But the grace of God and the Newport the spirit of God come first place and everything. So what you're going to hear a lot about from your children is about us talking about you and your thought life talk in your actions. Does he have first place and how you treat one another because you have first place in your work ethic which for some of them are you working, but we want price to be Paramount in their lives in the classroom and their willingness to give their best academic on Monday morning when they just had a really wild weekend and they just really couldn't care less about being You know there a heart you're just not into it. We're trying to teach the heart the mind in the wheel in part of the wheel is of your children to do that, which they know is right when they feel like doing it or not, which is the process that we all go through with working with her kids. We're focused on trying to develop your children's heart. That is only North Upper heart. I mean their spiritual part that part of the national park to park their soul we're focused on that. We're also focused on the mind how they think how to think how to learn how to be critical in our thinking not to be a skeptic but to be critical

That's what we part of that is whatever section of material or teaching. We're going to give a Biblical perspective over that particular section. So that students understand where. Plays a role in what God's word says about this in a great knowledge truth and history with Biblical truth. And obviously it's a little bit detail for them as it is for those that are in that we're trying to work differentiation.

Child is academically and then try to engage each of them academically to excel from the point that they are academically rather than saying everyone has to be on the same level and hope that every great, you know, if you can get there but for many children.

Regardless of where they are. Okay, so

You'll see the principles about Kingdom education. We selected to come pick you up you miss them and love them, right?

Patience Ivan the discipline side so that we're all walking together.

Financial terms and conditions. This is the part. I don't like to talk about because I'm wearing my administrator have the financial wherewithal to educational objectives How We Do accounts over the last six years in the reason we had to adapt. Sometimes we trust people's good-natured and they intend to pay but then the school year ends and I've been burned even this past year on people leaving us if we had the money that people owed us over the last six years we have about $40,000. And we can't do anymore. I've been trying everything I can to help people and I want to help you but I turn around and look and there is no big daddy. Dollar bills behind me. You know what? I mean? I don't know what that means Big Daddy dollar bills policy that we will have to enforce as weird and is odd is it would be to have to enforce it when I'm calling you to a new tattoo you an email to go drop no interest in that.

Whatever on that understand this policy is down here under late payments on page 3 all families are responsible for on a timely basis there for you on the weekend.

I'm providing Public Schools getting over $10,000 a year per student loans have how to modify. Then you have to follow that policy for the $35 late fee will be applied that make sense.

How much rather you get onto RenWeb and pay that way that bring a check to the office or sending cash. Please don't teachers until spots because then if I say hey you give us $400.

Knoxville pay online or c

I'll try to get back to you, but we're going to bring up when I'm taking before I take it.

I have received some customer service.

Eventualities. I'll be on TV.

How do I find the withdrawal and refund policy agreement?

If you move over 45 miles away from here. Otherwise, we're asking you to get us a written notice. You're going to be leaving and we have an opportunity to try to steal the spot that you're in because obviously part of the ear then we don't have those funds coming to help pay that teacher anymore. So, you know, whether it's worth field trip to mention that stuff.

It doesn't clear page for.

We remember of the Christian Schools International are in the can see how you can get involved in helping process and you'll hear more about that later in the fall. I'm not going to have the computer procedures. It's just in there for policy if your child is acting you may use taking that away from them. If there cuz I can't you know. Extended Care Program. I just have to read some of this. So just be patient work with me a couple of times pets allowed for breaks of choosing breakfast snack homework enrichment activities and physical activity.

Your last year when you had to go over there for 6 a.m. Okay, the drop-off and pick-up procedures.

We're not doing any drop off or pick up on this Ed into the building this year.

We're all getting dropped off on this side while getting picked up on the side for normal drop-off time at 7:45. I know you're going to think this is silly, but you're going to pull your car down brick facing this filled out here in front of you and Ginger and Holly will be out there or Ginger and Christina Christina someone else. I'm just going to be out there to meet you to get you to sign your children into the school that take your child's things up the name of the school. It's time for you to go. Go back up and you're on your way back since those are not on the other side. But just please help us with that do the same thing at pickup time to pull down or two different lanes and preschoolers. We'll bring the child out to you. So please do not get out of your car last year. We got people get out seven cars back of walk up to get their kid, and we'll get you to sign them in and get them in the car and come out.

I'm a fan of safety first. But just please don't do it when you're in the line over here because then I have people looking at me.

Looking around when I get back there. You can pick it all up right so when you get down here to of you're going to have to be around.

It's all good.

When you pull in and come down with parking lot over here just fine the outer line of cars for two lanes to get the one that's the farthest from the building. Just stay in line. So you see me and upper cross your path way.

Yes, ma'am.

So it's all good.

Well, I'm going to this weekend. I'm shooting the video will be a little 5 minute video cuz it's painful one day.

We don't we don't like payments. I don't want this year where a parent was on her phone. He saw the car begin to pull away. She put her phone down. She picked her phone back up and she started letting off the brake. Well the other parent front of her and I we just don't she was under the little under pass out on the main highway so under 10 minutes.

it'll be myself or my wife on the outside car loan, but Are you working for your landlord if that will help you? But I don't.

Some of the website because if I told you the story of our website you would say this is nuts.

Christina Winona, Karen, Debbie

What's up?

What does my schedule? If you have a work children, they're not preschool.

Could you just be straight with me and safe so that I can do a better job?

Okay, anyone else don't understand?

Please don't use cell phones and then Carline.

Hedgehog drop off I just explained that entire policy right there in the drop-off. It's all written out for you. No need for me to go to that again dismissal. It's the same thing as you're doing in the morning of your people get here last year an hour and a half before we but we're not opening the doors for your kids to leave until 3:20. Okay, and what that means please don't bang on these doors I need to do is drive back over to the main entrance ring the doorbell weather internet here.

Then we will see you and we will get it.

And give your children are making announcements for teaching a Bible lesson. We do that in 20 minutes for the day. So I didn't park there going to immediately come over here and then

Getting unpacked starting something in the class stopping coming out here going back. This is the simple part of attendance. Your children can miss as much as 5 days of semester. So it's 10 days total without needing a doctor's note. I think about the work we're doing in 4 days. What would normally take five days, so it is even more.

Challenging for us to make sure that we get all of our instructional time used. So what that means is you on Friday and you have to make it is late in the day as you possibly can the heaviest part of our academic instruction in the morning to early afternoon. So if you have to get them out for an appointment that can't be on Friday or later. Please make it as late as you possibly can help us make sure that we're meeting our needs because we are going to be the same expectation and be satisfied at the end of school year. They got everything that they need to get because they were here enough to do we got enough problems as it is. We want your child. Stay home. Don't you try to get better, but don't keep them home for 4 days now.

And you take him to the doctor in 5 days. I'm just saying we can't do well with that if you told her not here and specifically here on time, okay?

And we'll go from there. Okay, so that's a little bit about the attendance policy.


Would give every parent 33 minutes of before and after care if you do 15 minutes that the morning I'll get him here 7:30 in the morning.

before care Officially ends at 7. and Africa

If your child's going to be absent. You don't have to call us if you're going to be late will see you when you get here. Okay, but if you're going to be with them signed, and otherwise, if you know, they're going to be absent. Please call and at least leave a voice message for us so that we can hear that you're telling us that they are with me. We need to hear from you last year. We did some work in the morning when your child is sick and you know, all of the latest message.

Hardee's Hardee's are primarily for kindergarten to 5th grade. We really not holding. I would say however though quite a bit of Chaos in the sense that you know, we get all the children focused on what the teachers doing. And then when the new job walks in late then everybody wants to say you know, what are you been up to when we get to do that? You can take a minute and just read through that already went over biblical world.

You're in school kindergarten by your child in your class. Then it's going to be a major conflict for the others that don't get the invitation.

So maybe they'll tell if you're going to invite.

Does that make sense? if you're going to bring a snack for asking me to get us a one-week notice so that we can tell you how so you have to bring something different so that everyone has something most parents whose children have some type of an allergy when we tell them who they're bringing something for the kids and can they have this instead of what I want them to have? That special this information sheet ask you to give us permission to allow us to put your child's first name on our monthly calendar on Monday for August so that when they have their birthday everyone can see their birthday.

Censorship is about the library.

And your mind if there's a book in the library that you don't think we should have in the library. No question will look at it. But ultimately is the discretion of the school doesn't mean that it would be depends on what your home and you find something in it.

You want a calendar at our website? That's our third website Christian school.com totally nuts.

Communications big deal if we fall down with you, please let us know we're going to send you emails to you. The nicest thing I ever got it. I don't know anything about. How can we ever go into more detail communication through dojo for RenWeb where I can call and leave you get one for me.

That's always very affordable. But you believe what you want them to be and try to help them go in the direction that they are leaning toward themselves, but teach them and Christian leadership missions. Are those are some of the work out with all your heart working for the Lord.

the discipline policy on paycheck

The three different levels of discipline issues discipline level one in your child's teacher means it's things that go on the class. That's just, you know, children either.

Every year I say this in some form or fashion and every year I see that I didn't say it well enough. When we send a message on to you at the end of the day or in the middle of the day.

Please understand that we're simply communicating with you. Not you cannot really read intent unless the person write you a book. I am so we're just communicating with.

So we just so is there something that happened to see I read your message or I'm going to send you a message to your dojo account. Just let us know about something like that. Do what they're supposed to do. It sounds so what we're telling you that we are not attacking your child. They're asking if your child has a monster walk to the classroom.

first and understand that children have

This one level two issues or things that you can read about their that usually the teachers going to deal with. Principal making a ball Just One issues at level three things. I'm going to have to get involved with this if I find any confrontation intimidation threats harassment person to wear Nation using computers and appropriately for damaging property. Usually with old cell phones. Some people send their children with cell phones for school. You can have my cell phone number. You have the school number you're going to have JoJo backpack.


I'm not reading the bottom of page not about specific discipline issues because the entire page again because it's just obvious things. You can't bring guns plastic knives.

I have a child has shown a lot of Disobedience or disrespect there's a place where they'll be put on probation and we want to get them off of that only happened a few times. But this is a reason why we have to make sure that we're on the same page about what our policies are. We do not do corporal punishment spanking your children are not your children know. So if you want to spank your children more power to you.

Not the Contrition of how I got pulled over in the ticket. So I feel real bad. But I mean Contrition it really shows that a child knows that they have done something wrong if it's and that's a sign that someone is getting an idea about who God is in their life that they want, please God and that when they sell that there's Contrition when they've done something that hurt someone else or her so you can read our policy on contrition.

Stop page 11.

student suspended for it

loml suspension. It happened. You know sometime you can get me.

I thought we would have to quit. Wow from a preschooler that I can't tell you.

You're worried about explosions in appeals and I'll let you know. Everybody wants to know about dress code take 12. What about the brand Polo t-shirt?

Bottoms for boys his pants or shorts grey blue navy blue people ask about shoes number for 12 shoes close to close batch back shoes with shoelaces are fastened velcro straps for preferred students must wear soft-soled shoes flip-flops and hard Sole shoes boots just doesn't really go well and it doesn't go well.

So I started spring tennis shoes to change for PE instead of wearing them to school and may be required to change shoes during flight time to avoid sometimes kids need to sit down and get up.

We don't want your kids coming in here wearing a size clothes that's to 3000 larger. And we also don't want to have to pull it off of them. God forbid if something were to happen or you would have to someone else and I wish I could tell you that I had a ear piercings girls can but that's it.

A boy's hair for kindergarten 5th grade must be above the eyebrow and they come to the middle of the year and at the column.

Any questions about the dress code policy?

page 13

You're going to come and volunteer. I please consider me to wear a skirt to your ankles being around a bunch of kids and

October 6th, not a good day, but you really bad. So we put our Facebook page as soon as I know we're going to be closed. I will let you know our extended care for those little Warriors children as much as possible. We're going to try to be open. So if you notice on WSMV closed no extended theater.

You volunteer to do a background check be a chaperone into drive, even if you decide to go, but I will pay for it. It's on us is the school. So we need to know that.

I'll talk about the fundraising in just a minute report cards go home once quarter. Usually the second week of the next quarter.


you can get your report cards that will turn his back on in the fall of the year. We will have an afternoon evening at school if you have one. We don't really do.

And we're glad to do that, but you'll hear more about the parent-teacher conference.

One thing I want to point out about our lives policy some school policies are different. If you look up a national policy environment here we have to do as well. We are not MediCal experts. We do not pretend to do I don't

We have a policy.

We're going to try our best to make sure it doesn't happen or that we make sure it doesn't spread before it can be readmitted to school, but it's not attached traffic if your child misses preschool. That makes sense so I can get them off the school then about 8:30 to run 1.5 for spreading your germs. Everyone else. Just know.

He knows what you're doing and this is going to call your Aunt Betsy do whatever you got to do, but we've been there done that. Please don't send medicine School in the kids backpack and lunchbox. Please don't do that if it's over the counter stuff or if it's for the office or in the classroom up out of the way so that it can be given to them at the right time and we have all the time and you can read the details about that.

Holidays holidays we love we love Christmas. We are not anti Santa Claus other than to say that we are Jesus Christmas people. Okay, we are not going to tell your kids. You know what you think that you don't get into if they want to celebrate it all the way Johnny green guy. Otherwise, we're not giving is always good and all that stuff, but we're not going to dental eastern cottontail hopping down the bunny trail. We're not making any statement about that. It's just what is best for the school.

Lunches are provided with a August order form for pizza will get to pick what you want for your children and starting on the 15th of August. We will provide lunch for them if they sign up for Domino's Pizza Pizza cookies chips with free sign or they're the older grades and Arcee and I know some Sprite.

I don't drink it then. You want to have soda?

You worry about photograph photographs and videoing. There's a place online for you to Mark whether or not we can take a picture of your child and put them on Facebook page.

We're on the last time. I'm going to ask you for mercy and pity 5 extra minutes and I'll be finished. Okay, if your child, it's not it should not have been from a lack of communication on our part of working with me.

So you can read what our policy is there about that. We're going to have meetings with you and I'll give you some more information about email notice the underlined or responsibility to let us know so we can update that. Okay? School office hours if you stop by in the middle of the day, and we don't know you're coming. It could be that I'm in the classroom dealing with kids and I can't I can't take your meeting. You know, you're going to stop by you can just drop me a message my phone.


Read textbooks toys toys.

Toys R Us toys that will cause kids to want to fight with each other over towards OK unless there's some kind of agreement with the teachers going to come into school main entrance just do not answer the door don't pay attention to adults and that regard their outside beating on the door.

I'm finished told you about the forms that you just real quick. Tell you what's on the information form, okay?

Arrested for your name in the Bible. Are you married to your child's parent? And are you the child? That's what I will know when I see you who you are to the job study that make sure I want her teachers, you know, so that we just want to make sure that we're not saying the wrong thing and if you don't have anyone willing to allow us to put into our mass text you won't be able to see because whatever happened.

If your child to send it before after here with really like to know that you can fill this out and turn it in. Monday just gives us a heads up. What time you think you're going to drop him off kind of important for us to know about Staffing and just what we can expect you're not asking you to be.

Breakfast issues if you want your child, it's not in the little Warriors five-day-a-week program to have breakfast and have to get here before 7:20 because after 7:20 today, please let us know if you want them to have breakfast while the sign up sheet for that and the breakfast is Life cereal Pop-Tarts waffles stuff like that. It's not like a

Are you willing to serve on a parent-teacher organization of PTO? I went the best time for you.

If you say no to that, no problem. I'm not going to let you know, you know.

We're thinking about offering our parents Bible study to help you with parenting parenting issues raising kids one night during the week like six or eight weeks. This fall may even move it to every other week. I would like to know if it's good enough for basketball for girls.

We could really use your help on that. Are you interested in serving as volunteer at the school for very classroom of school needs if yes what days and times are most likely to be available. How would you die from choking on a payment at committee to help us with our accreditation process? That's what the form is about. Not that big a deal. If you can give me as much information as possible so that I can

Appreciate that so that'll be in the classrooms for you.

And that big information for me to take homework on this weekend. Just send it back Monday.

The fundraiser we try not to overdo it on fundraisers. We're probably going to do one one more this year than normal that start off the year. You've heard the smart cards talk about every County around here. I'll go ahead and tell you this now. So what we're trying to do Google Chrome laptops is coming to an end. They're not big do not got nothing to be serviceable in the next year or so. So we're going to in Belize with them and renewal new laptops and we have to send back the four projectors that we were releasing as well.

2 by 20 cuz we don't think we need 30 with the way the classes will use them 30 laptops than $400 because we have one major TV in the classroom here least amount in every classroom. So that a teacher can you plug an HDMI cable into the laptop show what's on the screen and have that technology to run across the room?

Fundraiser the smart cars we get $11 because we'd agreed don't laugh. But anyway Moonpies.

We get $11 for card sold and so obviously to raise $4,000 you can do the math and figure out we have salad no cards or something of that nature to get close to that. I don't think we can probably a few years ago one grandparent was stuck at the Opryland hotel for a weekend because something in her house, she went to every door she sold 110 car, so I don't think you should go up to Opryland Opry Mills.

We are we are we make our ability to stay open and we are in the process of trying to get our own 501 c 3 status so that the school is its own nonprofit and try to buy the property from the church has a very small church on Sunday to ask you to pray with me about something that is very quite frankly a little apprehensive about trying it because that it's looking like around November or December of 2020. This is a 2020 initiative that we talked about. I'm trying to break the world record of speaking for over about a hundred hours so I can break a fundraiser try to raise money as we make it public and so you can polish 5 minutes up and after about a day you get to break the record right now. So I'm going to try three goals. If you get to a hundred hours, then I would like to get to five full days which will be a hundred and twenty hours.

But I don't know, you know for 7 days and didn't speak before he started cuz I never shut up about some would you play with me about that? That's part of the problem now is more effective a fashion and not have as much overhead so that

How to step out of that to build a team of people that can help us with local and more in a regional sponsors how to get a team to film it and put it on Facebook and I'm Different social media sites while I'm doing it at giving platform. We were making something you say. You don't know what it's for service members to come back from war and they are suffering from PTSD and it's a home for them to live in and help me get them rebuilt.

I have a throbbing lump for lack of a better term and either I want to park I listen to a guy and I really like Michael Berry night. Sometimes he is a huge go to help us to get more. Maybe I'll be back in the National Guard by September that's in the middle part of Tennessee to help soldiers and service members. I mean, it's a real I'm just dreaming.

Help me. I was definitely appreciate the help.

that big girl

I appreciate your patience and allowing me to go over by 13 minutes.

Thank you for allowing your children to be here. Please let me know if there's any issues you will get some communication from us over the weekend about ClassDojo again, please don't go in and try to find out this weekend this weekend to remember you don't have to buy school supplies for your backpack lunch box water bottle. And what's the other thing backpack lunch box water bottle and the

ice cream everything else. We've got covered a lot of money to receive it on the face of the Earth will be blessed.

Thrilled to have your kids here thankful to get to know you this year. Your first year. Did you already know me? Those you that your first year thrilled to get to know you excited that you're here, please. I should have done to begin your Facebook page first month of the year second day of the year. Whatever works for you is all good. We'll make it work. Okay, go back to your classroom teachers and we look forward to seeing you on Monday.

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