Sunday Lead
That would be better.
Let's listen.
Sarah I look through the latest to the seven churches there a lots of things that we that we know it and I supposed visiting those seven churches which aided in Turkey. It was inevitable go into more detail in the weights to come with a look at church and what what was recent to that particular church, but I thought I looked around at the ruins of these churches are the cities and you could save the greatness of the city. You could say still some of the dipillas and Bruce was saying after all one ruined because they all have City Straits. I don't have sha. They will have temporal. I will have wool. They'll have all night things here and they I asked about the particular City and God's message to that City. It was remarkable to think of where that city was today and habits and pieces of it. I still there but the wrist lie in ruins the one reason or another message to a church be what it be what it be similar to one of the messages. A the church at Ephesus.
Or would it be something that was similar to the church at thyatira? Because the messages were quite deliberate and they were specifically for that particular church and for what they were going through and in Ephesus, we see that they were a very busy active Church in the midst of the very busy active why it is very similar to us, isn't it? We're very busy. We all have very active lost and we all are very busy and do lots of things throughout the day, but there was
Some of them had become a little cold hearted and forgot that personal sort of their relationship with the Risen Christ. Maybe thing Kate says that any of us that have become a little cold hearted cuz sometimes we can we can get a little bit fed up, and you know it we can we can get a bit offended by what people might say to us. And so therefore we can get to the point where we shut someone else and we think will he not like I'm I'm done with them because you know, they keep saying this to me all day. Kate doing that to me. Sometimes we got shot got a little bit. He may not be answering a praise the way we want and so we have the ability to think like God. Why are you doing this? That way you look back out of your life. And you say that at that particular point in time that wasn't part of God's plan for your life. And I think is MSU and he was in a dictionary years, we pride and pride and pride. We kept thinking what Gulf War II aren't you doing anything? Put on today's Doodle. God was doing something he was protecting Matthew and he was protecting us and when the time was right to Matthew that when everything happened it sometimes we can become a little cold hearted. We can shut got out of that plans as well and a daddy signed to somebody the other day that when when we are in trouble. And when things on a slippery slope and it's going all downhill or when there's illness. So, you know when money is show to prep that mental health is not cry. I told there's always things that can happen in life when things a day on WE cling to God. Because we need that reassurance. We need to know that God is is is there and we we cry out to him?
But then when things pick up sometimes we just go on with a lot of thinking life is great. I'm so happy. Everything is falling into plan and we seemed to just forget about God do I need to go to church this week? I guess they know about this family thing on or you know, I got to be so I've got that I believe a message for us is that we need to make sure that God is first in a life what we look at some of these churches and we say that they had many Temple they worshipped many gods. So what is a God? What is idolatry? It's anything that we put before God. Whatever your heart wants to do, whatever that is. First and foremost is it should be God. So if it's not God, it's a form of an idol. You are not putting God first. So the message for the church back then motivating these physical temples and they physical things that you could walk around the cities and say but for us to die, we don't have a lot of Buzz that we put things we put out the papal and we put events of the things I think that we need to watch out for The letter to Smyrna in chapter to this city was a city was it at the center of a Temple dedicated to the cult of the emperor and everybody was required to confess Caesar as Lord the Christians refusal to do so had led them to poverty. slender prison death Made me think would we be prepared to stand up and say I'm not worshiping that? Did Armani worshipping God would we be prepared to face prison and dis? This was the message to the church. The Risen Christ called them to be faithful and like the athletes and they live in a grande Stadium just drive until you gain a Crown of Life Raid 3 revelations in the next couple of weeks in particular that has letters to the seven churches you say what the thing that God is speaking to them about and ask yourself. What is God saying to me? Because we are the church. This is just a physical building. This message was to the papal. What is God saying to you? Do you need to be a person of Holiness the lettuce to its Authority here was a litter of Holiness. Do you need to be a holy a person not holier than that. Is and Graces and all of that but is God calling you to be a holy person scripture says be holy because I am Holy. What is God calling you to
How hot is Venus? The letter to where I'm glad to see how hot it is. What is God calling you to is it wholeheartedness for him IU Health bite has your Zeal for God wind is hot for your heart on fire for God.
We need to be wholeheartedly worshiping and loving God putting him first.
reality the letter to Sardis
Are we living in a real world? Do we look at the world outside of our world? And what do we say? Do we just say busy people going back and forth? Or do we say people that is cells for the kingdom of God? Because that's what that's what it is. That's what it's a bad. We have saved to say if we used to wait. This is all now. College didn't we are on a lot Clubhouse have a different style of uniform and he would had s and another s we was saved to serve saved to serve. God save to save others. Do we say people as souls for the kingdom of God or do we merely say them as people walking by?
What is Book of Revelation? it was
the Greek word is apocalipsis meaning on violin. So go to look at it and allow this book to and vile for us. It's a non-violent of God's truth which would have otherwise remained hidden, but we need to see what God is saying to us as a church. This book is a revelation to the church is given by God to his servants and in particular for those seven churches in the province of Asia. But they have real meaning for us today. Situation of these churches was one of persecution. It was one of era. It was one of immorality. But God had a message for them. And that message was it some they needed to clean up their act. And so he he gave these letters he revealed them to John and as you look through them he say what is being said they were going to look at them in a couple of weeks in much more detail high but there are some things that I quite familia in each of them. For example in each of the letters. It says I know I know
In Ephesus, it's so now your dates. In Smyrna, I know your afflictions. In Pokemon, it was let me just find it.
I know where you live.
I know a citation has he thrown? Get you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me. They will have this common thing. I know. To the church in Sardis since I know your days. To the church in thyatira. I know your days you love your Faithful Servants your service your perseverance. HFM say why not?
As you read through them in the coming weeks. Think about what God knows about you. What does he know? Does he have your whole heart?
What is he saying to you? Do you need to clean up your act other things that you need to change in your life? You need to give yourself more fully to him. Is this some sort of service he's asking you to do. These are the things as you read through them that we need to be asking ourselves God. What is it that you're saying about me? I know I know you Helen. I know year. And then he will address it.
So we are going to look at them in more detail in the weeks to come as I said, but what I want you to do is to read through them in to have a look and to prayerfully consider what God is saying to you we going to sing now though all that. I am all I can pay all that. I have all that is me accepting use fluid as you would choose Lord right now today take every passion every skill psycho my dream and bend them to your will my all I give Lord for you. I live long would come what may come what may not fall I leave love for you because by things are going great. But for you, I'll live load come with my all that I am all I can be. What is God saying to you have a look at those letters this week and see what God is saying to you. We going to sing the song in this morning. I want you to consider this. Have O'Leary's of you is beautiful verses to this song as well. This is Austin. I come with my problems and kids running to you in distress, but I must give you the whole of my life Lord. I must give you my best. This to Lord life has no purpose and let it is yours unless it is yours a life without you has not called all that fulfills me is doing your will knowing that you're in control all that I have or I can be all that I have all that is me that sing the words to get them stopped with the course and then we're going to the versus this morning. If you'd like to go to the place of press you can sit on giving you a role then please do so.
9 in
Can you call me when you can?
God is trying to ask is more.
Father God may we be people that?