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The Lord's discipline exposes the inner longings of our heart and compels us to find our satisfaction in Him alone.

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If two worlds are lining up properly the people who are in the core right now listening in on the sermon will be able to see me. I can't see you but I hope you can see me over in the court and I just wanted to acknowledge your presence over there and know that we're thinking of you here as as we work our way through this passage Psalm 38. I am I must be honest with you this song.

Has been a source of great trepidation for me this week or this month past month. I've been looking at it and preparing for it and It's a serious and weighty matter June spoke last week of the discipline of the Lord and the afflictions that Christians have in their lives. And this week. The song is about a particular kind of Affliction at particularly the kind of Affliction that comes into our lives because of our own disobedience.

The Lord is faithful to discipline his people and that's the song that we are reading today. So I'm 38 if you'll turn in your bulletins, I think on the back of your outline, there should be some 38 I laid out there for you. If your if not, you can follow along in your Bible that are on your electronic device the Bible on your electronic device, but turn with me to Psalm 38 and let's hear the word of the Lord.

a Psalm of David for the memorial offering Oh Lord, rebuke me. Not in your anger nor discipline me in your Wrath. For your arrows have sunk into me.

And your hand has come down on me.

There is no sound nest in my flesh because of your indignation. There is no Health in my bones because of my sin. For my Nick with cheese have gone over my head like a heavy burden. They are too heavy for me. My words stink infester my wounds stink in faster because of my foolishness. I am utterly bow down and prostrate all the day I go about morning. For my sides are filled with burning. And there's no sound that's in my flesh. I am feeble and crushed I grown because of the tumult of my heart. Oh Lord, all my longing is before you.

My sign is not hidden from you.

My heart throbs, my strength fails me and the light of my eyes. It is also gone from me.

My friends and my companion stand aloof from My Plague. Am I nearest can stand far off? Those who seek my life lay their snares those who seek my hurt speak of Ruin and meditate treachery all day long. But I am like a deaf man. I do not hear like a mute man who does not open his mouth. I have become like a man who does not hear.

In his words, there are any whose mouth there are no rebukes. But as for You O Lord, do I wait? Sorry, but for you? Oh Lord, do I wait? It is you. Oh Lord my God who will answer? For I said only let them not rejoice over me who boast against me when my foot slips for I am ready to fall and my pain is ever before I confessed my Nicola T. I am sorry for my sin. But my photos are vigorous they are Mighty and many of those who hate me wrongfully those who render me evil for good. Excuse me, because I follow after good. Do not forsake me. Oh Lord. Oh my God be not far from me make haste to help me. Oh Lord my salvation. Let's turn to the Lord in prayer before we get started this morning Heavenly Father. This is a weighty song. And a difficult song Lord, there is not one here who has been free of your discipline for we have all sinned and if we are your children you have disciplined. I'm glad I don't know the state of everyone in this congregation this morning. But I long to be a help. to your people

along to give them your food in due season.

Lord I pray that you would prepare our hearts to hear your word. I pray that you would give me the ability to speak clearly and concisely

what you have laid on my heart from your word this morning. I pray that your Holy Spirit would Empower me? I don't pray for eloquent words. Oh Lord, but I pray for Words of Power by your Holy Spirit.

Matheson Christ name on man

All right, so you can tell this has been an emotional month for me. That's emotional week. I will try and control myself and get on with the sermon but I do want to be of help to you and I do want to for those of you who are experiencing right now the discipline of the Lord I want to be of help to you. David at the help to me in this song as he walks through what it looks like for a Christian to be disciplined by the Lord and what our response to that discipline should be David wrote. This song says that very clearly it says the psalm of David. We don't know the circumstances of the Somme and there were not too many commentators that I read on this song that has heard it even to guess what the circumstances of David's life were so I'm not going to venture into trying to figure out the circumstances that David was living under what sin did he commit? What did he do that resulted in this sin? I'm just going to leave it there at David's Psalm of lament over his sin. But it is clear that David is greatly Afflicted in this song and that he is afflicted for very specific reason and not his because he had sinned against the Lord and I don't know if it was a one-time thing of one sin that David committed or if it was a general drifting of David life into thin over a long. Of time. I suspect that's maybe what it was the David had drifted into sin and he had gone far down the path of being of departing from God and leaving the presence of God and now God through discipline was calling attention to his sin. the occasion of the song Where this song was to be read it says right in the very beginning. It says a Psalm of David for the memorial offering that's what the ESV version says. The NTSB says it's a Psalm of David for a memorial and the King James version says it's a Psalm of David to bring remembrance. And one thing I learned as I Was preparing for this song is that the Lord wants his people to be a remembering people and he wants his people to be a thoughtful remembering people. He is not satisfied that we are people who do not give thought to our lives. Night do not give thought to his words and do not meditate on his words and remember things.

the occasion for the song that was most helpful for me came from the Septuagint in the Septuagint. I don't know if you know what that is. The Septuagint is the Greek translation of the Hebrew of the Hebrew Bible the Hebrew pentateuch of the Hebrew scriptures. So it was that it was the Greek translation of that and it was most helpful to me because you you get an idea of what the Hebrews thought that text was about in the Septuagint says a Psalm of David for remembrance concerning the Sabbath concerning the rest the Sabbath day the rest day that God had given his people So we were to remember something and we were to remember it in specific relation to the Sabbath and if you remember Deuteronomy 5 or 12 to 15, you can turn in your bibles are with me. If you have it Deuteronomy 5 or 12 to 15. It says observe the sabbath day to keep it. Holy as the Lord your God commanded you six days shalt you labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath to the Lord your God on you shall not do any work you or your son or your daughter your male servant of your female sermon or your office or your donkey or any of your livestock or the Sojourner? Who is within your Gates that your your male servant and your female servant May rest as well as you Nanny says this listen to what he says you shall remember. That you were a slave in the land of Egypt.

And the Lord your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm there for the Lord your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day.

So this song was particularly written for the Sabbath day and we were to remember two things on the Sabbath day that we were slaves in Egypt that they were slaves. The Israelites were to remember two things that they were slaves in Egypt and that the Lord their God had brought them out with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, and I'm not going to go any further on that point right now, but I want you to take that thought and that I didn't want you to talk in your pocket cuz we're going to come back to it at the end of the sermon.

It's interesting the way David starts this song and Psalm 30 and Psalm 38. It's a little bit like I know I picture like the Vietnam War when the helicopter was dropped into a Hot Zone in in the war in Vietnam and a helicopter came down and they came down in the midst of firing and shooting and gun fire. And that's kind of how David starts this song. He starts. Oh Lord rebuke me not in your anger nor disciplining your rap, all of these circumstances around David life. He doesn't even give us the picture of those circumstances. He doesn't even help us to understand each other's drops is right in the middle of this song of this prayer O Lord rebuke me not in your anger nor discipline me in your wife and that teaches us the first thing in this song that the biggest priority we need to get right in. Our lives is a right view of God in our discipline. We need to understand what God is like we need to understand who God is if we get this point wrong, we will get everything else wrong. We need to understand when God is disciplining us who he is like what he is like and David says this prayer O Lord rebuke me not in your anger nor discipline mean your ride. What what other reason did God discipline us for other than the fact that he is angry with us. I think what to the psalmist is intending here is Lord let your rebuke not only be wrathful but let your rebuke have a loving and to it let the let the end of your rebuke the loving towards me Hebrews 12 verse 4 to 11 talks about the discipline of the Lord Hebrews 12 verse 4 to 11. It says in your struggle against sin. You have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood and you have forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as Sons my son. Do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord nor be weary when we prove by him for the Lord disciplines the one he loves and chastises every son whom he receives.

Picture that the Lord wants us to have of him how the Lord wants us to view him when he disciplines us is as a father disciplining his son is that the father who is wanting to train his child to be ready for an inheritance to be ready to take on all the responsibilities of an inheritance and he wants his child to have a relationship with him a good relationship a clean relationship with him. So the very first thing that God wants us to see is that when he disciplines us he wants us to view him as a father and a son a son him God is preparing to inherit something and in our case is preparing to inherit eternal life.

It goes on from there. It says it is for discipline that you have to endure. God is treating you as Sons it is for discipline that you have to endure. So God wants us to see him as soon as his father. He wanted to see us as his sons and he has his father and then he says it is for discipline that you and you are that word endure there. Meat is always a Greek word poop amini, which means to get under and weight. to get under and weight

How often when you're disciplined by the Lord is your only thought to get out from under? In my life, that's true when I'm disciplined by the Lord. I just want to get out it is uncomfortable. It is unbearable. We can see David anguish in this song and the only thing that we want to do in our flashes to get out from under it. God's word instructs us that what he wants us to do is to get under it and wait to get under it and let the discipline of the Lord have its effect in our lives. This passage goes on for what son is there who is Father does not discipline? If you are left without discipline in which all have participated then you are illegitimate children and not Sons besides this. We have Earthly fathers who discipline. And we and we respected them shall we not more be subject to the father of spirits and live? And it's interesting that word subject be subject to the father of spirits and live that word subject is of the word Hoopa tassel like that poop, No for get under and Wade poop at a so is to arrange yourself under you get under as and subordinating yourselves under God under his leadership and you so what God is asking us how God wants to be viewed as a father and we are to subordinate ourselves under God under his authority and we support ourselves under his authority by subordinating ourselves under his discipline by getting under his discipline and waiting. Is it hard? Absolutely, but this is what God is calling us to do. He wants us to have a right view of him in the view that we need to have of him is as a father.

I know that there are many people probably here who grew up with a father did not exemplify the character of God in here and upbringing so they will be difficult for that for those who are in that situation to have a picture a good picture of who God is and who God is like this is where you need to lean upon God's word and Trust God's word with Hard 2 Face. God wants us to have a right view of him and it starts with understanding that he is a father to us and then we submit ourselves are we arrange ourselves under his authority and we get under his discipline and we wait there and we don't struggle to get out from under it because the discipline of the Lord is there in our lives for a very specific reason and God is working out his purposes through the discipline. David then goes on we need to have another next point I have is we need to have a right understanding of God's purposes and discipline Psalm 38 verse 2. I'll just read Psalm 38 verse 2 for you. You can look at it on your bulletins are just for your arrow is have sunk into me at your hand has come down upon me those arrows we talked about in the in the scripture. We talk about Satan's arrows being fiery darts and all of Satan's arrows are fiery darts of Lies. But God's arrows are fiery darts of Truth and they go down into the deepest parts of our hearts. So we have a conviction of sin. We have a conviction that we have sinned against God. So when God disciplines us we have conviction of sin to a right understanding of God's purposes is that God is convicting us of our send God is bringing us to a conviction of our wrongdoing and it says it's hand is heavy upon me. I take those as to set up two different things. He says it's his arrows have some deep into me and his hand is come down heavy upon me. I understand that to mean it the arrows being the word of God that the word of God comes into our allies and can fix us of sin. But our circumstances can make us aware that we are out of favor with God sometimes our circumstances when God's hand is heavy upon us. It causes us to think to ourselves. What is going on in my life. Sometimes it's Not discipline. Sometimes it is discipline, but it causes us to think in the circumstances of our allies bring it to remembrance and then the word of God convicts us when we read God's word. We have to be convicted by it and the offbeat arrows that sink deep down into our hearts. so conviction of sin is one of the thing one of the purposes of God and discipline. So my question to you is how do you respond to the Lord rebuke? I have raised children. You have all many of you have raised children. If you have not raised children, you've been raised by parents and perhaps you can remember how you responded to your parents rebuke and I remember in disciplining my own children member the discipline of my own wife anger sullenness avoidance fear blaming other people right getting out from under it. Those were my responses to got to discipline from my parents. And those also can be our responses to God's discipline in our lives what God is aiming to do is to convictus UPS in And we would do well to be careful how we respond to God not an anger not in sullenness not avoiding him not blaming other people not in fear and trepidation but an acknowledgement that this is my heavenly father who loves me and cares for me and he wants me to be in a right relationship with him. The second part of Understanding God's purposes and discipline. We can find in Psalm 38 verse 328 David says this there is no sound as in my flesh because of your indignation. There is no Health in my bones because of my sin for my iniquities have gone over my head like a heavy burden they are too heavy for me. It is like a person drowning in the water and the water is coming up over top of his head and it's a bird that's too heavy to Bear. We are under the load of it and it is crushing us down. My wounds stink and faster. Because of my foolishness our sin becomes in our condition be as a result of our sin becomes odious to us. I am utterly bow down and prostrate all the day I go about morning for my sides are filled with burning and there is no sound as in my flesh. I am feeble and crushed I grown because of the tumult of my heart and from this I take I understand that God's purposes for discipline in my life. Are to make me not trust in myself to make me not trust in my flesh.

It brings us into a place of desperation a place of neediness a place of humility.

in a place of mourning and none of these things are part from God's plan and purpose for discipline. When he disciplines us this is part of the process. This is part of the process of us being restored in the fellowship with God. We are convicted of sin to we lose all confidence in our own abilities. And we lose all confidence in our own Flash in our own ability to deliver ourselves.

And the third purpose of God in sin. It's found in some 38 person. I know Lord all my longing is before you my sighing is not hidden from you. author purpose

the third purpose for God's discipline in our lives is a placement of all of our longings before God. That we are now focused on God and that is it. There's nothing else that matters. Nothing else is a concern to us. We are all we are all ears to God and white. We are looking at God and we are all ears to what he has the teachers and to what he has to say, we place all of our longings before God whatever those longings are the desperation the neediness the cute the in the morning whatever all that is a boat. We place that before God and to know that God is a father to you. And he is not stiff-arming you that he is listening to you that he is hearing you. And that he is acknowledging you. And that is just a part of his plan and purpose for bringing you back to him and restoring you to himself.

And having all of our longings before God and all of our focus and all of our attention upon God is a good thing considering what David goes into next in this song. And I'm calling this a right response to others a right response to other so we need to have a right view of God. We need to have a right understanding of the purposes of God in our discipline and we need to have a right response to others. It was clear. It's clear from this song that David's sin and David's discipline was a public thing. other people knew the David had send other people knew that David was being disciplined by God. And it says if David is in a play. and there are other little Sideshow is going on onstage little people talking in this corner people talking in that corner, but all of that is just the setting and David is standing on the stage and he is in the spotlight.

The spotlight is on him. And God is taking the Hem of His Garment and he is lifted up over his head.

And he has brought shame upon David.

Because of his sin.

I have an understanding in our day. That Shane is a bad thing. We ought not to shame somebody. But the Bible does not view shame that way do you remember the story? In Exodus when Miriam and Aaron decide to go and confront Moses about Moses leadership. Vanguard strikes Miriam with leprosy

and what was his cries out to God heal her please heal her. God said to Moses and not situation. He says if her father had but spit in her face would she not be unclean for 7 days? This is God talking.

If her father had butts patted her face would she not be unclean for 7 days? Shame is a part of your healing process. And Marion was put out of the camp for 7 days. After which time God healed her and brought her back into the camp, but shame was part of the process.

And we need to understand that shame is part of our healing shame as part of a god uses to help us convictus UPS in to realize the gravity of departing from God so that we can go forward in life walking and right relationship with him not falling into the same problem again. You no shame. It is interesting. Shame ICS Louis spoke of Shame this way and I remember the shame of my own sin. And being very helped by this comment from CS Lewis. CS Lewis's his him and hid in the great divorce. He says this he makes his, do you remember that? There were things in this world that were too hot to touch with your finger, but you could drink them. All right shame is like that if you will attempt it if you will drink the cup to the bottom, you will find it very nourishing, but try to do anything else with it, and it's called. So here's what you do with shame people. Here's what you do with Shane. You drink it down right down to the bottom. And you receive the discipline of the Lord and you will find it to be nourishment to your souls. You will find it to be helped to your body. But shame only comes when other people know of our sin shame only comes when other people are aware that we have sinned apart from other people knowing we don't have much same Dewey but when other people find out about our sin when other people find out The God is disciplining us shame enters into our lives. We become ashamed of what we have done. And CS Lewis is very instructive on this drink it down. Don't resist it just drink it down and you will find it to be nourishment to your souls. What was the response of David's family and friends? So that's David dealing internally with the shame for David also had the response of his family and his friends and Psalm 38 verse 11 and 12. He says my friends and my companions stand aloof from My Plague all my nearest kin stand far off to those people who he considered to be his family and those people he considered to be as friends distance themselves from him. They drew back from David and it was as if David's shame. They didn't want anything to do with David shame. They they drew back from David and it does f in the middle of the night. They unhooked their wagon from him and good. I'm going to go find somebody else to hook my wagon to because I do not want to be associated with this person. Church This is not the way we deal with people who are struggling with sin with this is not the way we deal with people who have been rebuked by God and you are listening to God's rebuke. We do not distance ourselves from them. Let this be a lesson to us. It should not be this way. But it often is and if you are the one whom the church and the friends your friends and your family are drawing back from because of your sin again, God teaches us how to deal with that. I'll get to that in just a second because David also had enemies. Enemies who were aware of his sin in his State and his discipline of the discipline of God and he says this about them those who seek my life lay their snares those who seek my hurt speak of Ruin and meditate treachery. So I seek my hurt and speak of Ruin and meditate treachery all day long. So we have our friends in our family who are become aloof to us and David also has enemies and what these enemies are doing as they are seeking to hurt us. And it's as if they take a hold of those arrows that God has shot into our hearts and they grab onto the end of them and they just move them around like this. They are seeking are hurt and they take hold of those arrows. The God is using to discipline us. And it make it worse. Increase our pain and anguish not decrease it. They seek to make it worse. And this is what an enemy dies in the sad thing is I know people in the church. Do I add more like enemies than the act like family and friends? And this is a shame to watch Church. Do not let this be us. If we are seeing people who are in anguished and we are seeing people who are under the Lord's discipline. We ought to be very careful.

How we treat those people because the Lord is disciplining them because he loves them and he is their father and he is caring for them. We are not to have the opposite effect. So what is David solution? I got what is David's right response to these people some 38 verse 13 gives us a very clear answer, but I am like a deaf man. I do not hear.

Like a mute man who does not open his mouth? I have become like a man who does not here and in whose Mouse are no rebuke. So those people who are drawing away from you those people who are seeking you hurt because of your discipline that you are under undergoing from God's hand. David is like a deaf man and a mute man. He doesn't speak and he pretends that he doesn't hear.

I become like a man who does not hearing his mouse or no rebuke. But for you, oh Lord. Do I wait in this is where we go back to a placement of all our longings before God. When we are when we are. One of the purposes of God and discipline is that we turn all of our attention to him and for me and experiencing the shame of other people knowing my sin and being aware that I had send one of the things that was helpful to me was just reminding myself. It's my time in the Limelight. It's my time on stage center stage with a light shining on me and the time will come for the light to move on to somebody else. But for now with me and God, that's all it.

That's all that matters. You can ignore all of the other stuff going on around you. It's just you and God, that's all that matters to remind yourself of that. This is your time in the spotlight. One day the spotlight will be on somebody else and then you can treat that person rightly. You can treat that person properly. You can't read that person. Well because you know how I felt.

For people to withdraw from you and for people to grab onto that arrow that stuck in your heart and start twisting it around and making things worse for you.

Play for you. Oh Lord. Do I wait it is you oh Lord my God who will answer for I sit for I said only let them not rejoice over me. So this is David's prayer to God. I said only let them not rejoice over me who boast against me when my foot slips. So a right response to others is drink down your shame. Sit in silence, wait upon the Lord and pray to him for him to be just and to do justice. in the situation

we move on from there to a right solution for our guilt. David gives us that right solution and Psalm 38 Verse 18. This is a common one you all know what you're all aware of it. I confess my iniquity. I am sorry for my sins. The whole point of God disciplining us is that we get to this point a confession of sins. Confession of sins before God and asking for forgiveness. I'm sorry for my sins know there are a thousand ways that we could deal with our guilt when the Lord convicts us of sin. There are a thousand ways that we can try and appease our guilt and deal with our guilt. But there is only one way that war and that is receiving the free gift of God's grace that he gives to us through Jesus Christ. That's it.

I'll give you a just a quick little example of the very small example, but of how we might deal with our guilt. Just happened to me the other day. Actually it was sitting down. My son had given me a chocolate bar for for my birthday and I've been kind of trying to watch my calorie intake and to eat more reasonably and and I thought to myself that's great. I can enjoy the chocolate bar. But I'm going to enjoy it a little pieces and a little bit each morning with my coffee as I'm reading God's word and I opened it up. And before I realized it was gone the whole chocolate bar down 500 calories and my solution to my lack of self-control was I'll have to go out and run longer. I'll have to go out and do more exercise and work that off. And how many people in this congregation how many of you include myself in that are treating their sin that way when we sin against God we try and work it off. We try and self-flagellate if I can just make myself feel bad enough. I will tone for my sins if I can just Starve myself if I can just work harder if I can just run longer. It'll take care of my sins my friends that will not work. It is a dead end Street. God gives us the solution listen to his answer listen to his solution. I confess my sins and I'm sorry for my Nick Witte forgive me. John says very clearly John 1 first John 1 verse 9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Guilt gone. We just need to believe it with faith. That is how God removes guilt God removes guilt through putting the penalty on his own son so that we don't have to hit carry it any longer, but the whole thing all of this that has happened to David's life. Understanding is purposes for discipline a right response to other people all of these hardships and difficulties that have caused desperation and neediness in David's life. Have all happened so we could get to this point our eyes are focused on God and we say Lord I have sinned against you forgive me.


It's all right solution and then David offers a right prayer before God. I write prayer before God and with this the song closes the song ends. He says do not forsake me. Oh Lord. Oh my God be not far from me make haste to help me. Oh lord of my salvation. And with that the song comes to an end with those words rolling off of David's mouth into the ears of the almighty God. He prays for God to heal her.

On the Sabbath on the rest day. He prays for God to heal him in the question at all three going through our mind is this What is it that David wants? What is it that David is looking for in this prayer? And you remember that I started out this sermon talking about the Sabbath day. Once the two things that we are to remember that we were slaves in Egypt and that the Lord had brought us out with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. Dear David was living in the promised land and he had decided that sin was a better option than God.

And he found himself back in Egypt. Did Tom sell back in the place where he probably didn't want to be? back in Egypt and God by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm delivered him again from Egypt and it is just like the people coming out of Egypt. I passed through the Red Sea there their and they're de Pastor the Red Sea and again that the passing through the Red Sea is the Salvation that we have through Christ and they passed through the Red Sea and they receive salvation the Salvation that came to them. So easy a confession of Lord I have sinned. Forgive me through Christ, but confession that came so easy and what is it that the Lord did for the Israelites when they came out of the Red Sea the very first thing that he did was he put them to the test so that he might know what is in their hearts and I believe that that is why the song and the way that it does on a Sabbath day with nothing with no loose ends tied up. David is sitting there the prayer rolls off of his tongue Lord Heal Me Lord Lord restore me, and there is no answer. We have all of these enemies. Who are sitting there making fun of him? We have his family who is drawing aloof. No resolution. We have all of his that desperation. All of his needing is all of these unanswered prayers hanging there. I think the question is this. Do you want? The gifts that God gives you or do you want God?

Do you want healing or do you want God and that is the test? That is the test for each one of us because gay David you could go through this whole thing and you go a conviction of sins check. You could go a lot of confidence and self check when you get all my long is before God check now Lord. I'm just going to reach up in the sky and pull that great big lever down and you can give me healing you can give me what I want. That's not what God wants. God wants you to love him more than anything.

He wants you to love Jesus more than anything including your healing. including your rescue from all of your troubles that he is given to you at so perhaps right now the Lord is testing you. The Lord is you have you have gone through all of this? You have confessed your sins. You are you're all your focuses upon God you're putting no confidence in the flesh. You've drank down your shame. You've been silent before your enemies. You pray to God you're waiting for him. You've now confessed your sins before God. And now you're waiting. And are you disappointed with what you've received? Are you disappointed that the gift that God has given you eternal life through Christ Jesus our lord. Is that not enough for you?

It ought to be enough for us Christ ought to be enough for us. And that is the test. That is before us is Christ enough you stop this morning and you ate from the table. You drank the cup you ate the bread. Declaring that Christ was enough you cross through the Red Sea this morning and eating the table. Is Christ enough for you? That is the test to pass. So how do you pass a test get on with finding Christ to be enough for you? Trust him love him. Find him to be enough for your soul find all of your satisfaction in him. And that's where God wants us to find him to be enough. May the Lord help us to do that. Let's pray Heavenly Father we come to you and to give thanks to you Lord for your word. Thanks. Thank you for the help that we receive thankful. Thankful you for the instruction that you have given us the Lord. I Thank you more than anything for Christ and I pray Lord that he would be enough for each one of us. And pray this in Christ's name on men.

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