Main Series: Esther: When God Writes Your Story
Main Title: It's Time
Main Scripture: Esther 9:17-10:3
BIG IDEA - The response we have to the moving of God in our lives will serve as a testimony for others to see what we truly believe.
I. A Time To Rejoice
II. A Time To Remember
III. A Time to Resume
Three Principles:
I. Our rejoicing should point those around us to the One behind our joy.
II. We need to take advantage of the opportunities we have to remember our Deliverer.
III. As Mordecai sought the good of others, we too should be using the opportunities that God gives us in the story He is writing to bring hope to those around us!
How are you responding to what God is doing?
Other Scripture:
Psalm 27:6
John 16:33
Philippians 4:4
Deuteronomy 6:12
Psalm 19:33
Galatians 6:10
Luke 22:19