The Rich Fool
Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 30:09
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Sermon Tone Analysis
Opening Illustration - Everything in our world is fixated on having stuff - ex: every store has pot load of candy, pop, gum at counter to entice you that you “need” it. Posession oriented. The world appeals to our greed, to our wantings, etc. 99% of all commercials are adds for stuff (deals, new products, etc.) the other ads are focused on retirement savings. World is focused on having stuff, on building a future pile to end up in retirement where we can eat, drink, and be merry.
Intro to today’s passage
Jesus’ teaching before text
Man’s question
Parable of Rich fool
Transition to main point 1 — this parable is a warning to watch out… that we can self-focus on our life here now and miss true life.
I. Warning against covetousness (v15)
I. Warning against covetousness (v15)
And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.”
Jesus is giving a warning, drawing us to attention
Not saying that having stuff, or being rich is sin, but He is reminded us that life does not consist of it — that it is not what life is
Tells a parable -
Go through the parable making connections to today
The land produced abundantly - thought to himself
Didn’t thank God, but went into the 5 “I’s”
Connect the 5 “I’s” to today’s world aiming for happiness and ultimately retirement
V. 20 — (read this)
V. 20 — (read this)
But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’
Fool - what made him a fool is not the fact that he had all the crops and built up new store houses
Fool - because his focus was on himself, his earthly future - about controlling his own life
That’s the problem - thinking we are in control of everything.
read v. 20 again
he had all that he could have and more, but for what?
Life isn’t gauranteed for future years — and the hard truth is that all the possessions and riches will not matter because you end up someday leaving it all behind.
I have two drawings by Eugene Burnand that depict this truth (show slides and describe it)
Grandpa stuff illustration
Jesus says the one who lays up treasure for himself is a fool and not rich toward God!
Transition to main point 2 - So what does it mean to be rich toward God - rich to God?
II. Rich to God
II. Rich to God
What we’ve been given through Christ is the most riches one can get
God’s grace towards me
God’s adoption of me into His kingdom
None of us deserve it, but he gave it anyway
Just like He gives us our needs (provisions)
Remember last week -- Lord’s prayer (touch on this)
Being rich toward God is storing up love for one another, a giving heart to others (for needs) serving the Lord faithfully for the kingdom and not our own gain
How does this look?
It isn’t showboating about what you are doing for the Lord, it is recognizing where all our gifts and blessings come from.
Him (point to heaven)
Being rich in God focusing less on self and more on others
Explain -- $20,000 illustration
Say you receive an inheritance of $20,000. What do you do with it? (I would have done this -- but this is what actually happened.) -- investment into the kingdom of God -- giving so that those who do not know Christ, have the opportunity to. -- this is being rich in God. understanding that it will disappear at end of life and will not bring everlasting happiness.
Being rich to God is giving back to Him, His mission, His body, His Kingdom
For the sole purpose of proclaiming the Gospel, reaching the lost, and building His family
Landing the Plane
Landing the Plane
God gives possessions to be used in service of the Lord
Jesus doesn’t condemn possession of worldly things, but the covetous of worldly things.
Jesus is teaching us to trust/to have faith in God instead of the worldy things.
The text next week begins with the connecting word, “therefore”
He is saying do not covet the things of this world as what will keep you secure and provided for, but instead, trust in God who provides abundantly for your needs.
Life doesn’t depend on your possessions, the possession of life (true life) depends solely on God. (repeat)