Sermon Tone Analysis
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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
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First, the rapture of the church has to take place.
Once the rapture occurs, the church will be out of the way and the Antichrist will come into power.
With the Antichrist in power, the world will enter seven years of tribulation.
Revelation 19:
Second, the Antichrist will come into power.
With the Antichrist in power, the world will enter seven years of tribulation.
We believe in the rapture of the church of Jesus Christ.
Jesus promises that He will come again.
When Jesus returns, it will begin a series of events that will revolutionize this world.
Third, the unholy trinity of the Tribulation will be: Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet.
Fourth, the Jesus will return to this earth at His second coming.
He will fight the Battle of the Armageddon.
Fifth, Jesus will thrown the Antichrist and the False Prophet into the Lake of Fire.
After the rapture, this world will enter into seven years of tribulation.
During the tribulation, there is a man, anointed by Satan, who will sweep into power who will want to lead the world into one religion, and one system.
The antichrist will create a peace treaty with Israel, only to break it three and a half years later.
At this time, persecution will increase against Israel, and the antichrist will try to turn his empire into worldwide domination.
It is important that we live with daily anticipation that Jesus is coming again and He is coming soon.
This is the way the New Testament church lived.
They believed that this could be the day that Jesus could return any moment.
This will last for another three and a half years, only to be stopped by the second coming of Christ.
It is important that we live with daily anticipation that Jesus is coming again and He is coming soon.
This is the way the New Testament church lived.
They believed that this could be the day that Jesus could return any moment.
At some point, this understanding lost its emphasis.
Then when Constantine made Christianity its official religion for the Roman Empire, bishops and pastors started to adopt the mindset the Romans instead of the Kingdom of God.
Slowly they started to view their role as earthly leaders instead of spiritual leaders who prepare God’s people for His coming.
Then focus turned from what Jesus would do when He came, to what they could do in their positions of power.
Through this there was less of an emphasis on Christ’s coming and more of an emphasis of how the church could get along with the world instead of the church changing the world.
But now, we live in a day that is closer to Christ’s coming than ever before.
We will look at a number of scriptures to answer three questions about the Millennial Reign- [When], [Where], and [What].
Let’s begin
The second coming will take place in two phases.
The first phase will be the rapture/resurrection. George asked me once will everyone hear the trumpet, I read something in preparation for this message that I think answers the questions:
So the rapture will be private, just for God and His saints.
People will notice our disappearance, but they will not understand why we all left at one time {so it is likely that they will not hear the trumpet either}.
At the rapture, Jesus comes for His people, at the second coming, or the revelation, Jesus comes with His people.
Where will we come at His second coming?
We will come to the Mount of Olives.
Remember, the angels told the disciples, He will come in like manner.
He left from the Mount of Olives and He will return to the Mount of Olives.
When He does, the Mount of Olives will split in two where we will head in procession to war against the armies of the antichrist.
So where Jesus returns is important, it will be at the Mount of Olives, where we will then head to the Valley of Megido.
When will there be World Peace?
We looked at where we will return, but when.
I cannot give the precise date, but I can provide a timeline based on God’s word.
begins with heaven’s perspective.
All of heaven will begin to rejoice and sing Alleluia.
Four times,
· alleluia, salvation and glory and honor belong to God
· alleluia, Her smoke arises forever and ever
· alleluia, will be what the 24 elders say as the fall down and worship
· Alleluia for the Lord God omnipotent reigns, will be the sound of all of heaven, including us!
Then we will have the marriage supper of the lamb, where we will have one final celebrate in heaven, where we will live for the LAST time before coming back to earth.
At this point, John saw the second coming.
Jesus will ride a white horse, and who will ride with Him?
We will.
So we will land on the Mount of Olives and the whole time, the beast/antichrist, and the kings of the earth ill gather with their armies.
They will prepare to war against each other, but Jesus will come and out of His mouth will come a sharp sword, with which He will strike the nations.
Jesus will win and take the beast/antichrist, the false prophet, and all those who took the mark of the beast, and cast them into the lake of fire.
Then what happens next?
Jesus will take Satan and lock him in the bottomless pit.
How long will Satan be locked away?
1,000 years.
We do not know the precise date, but we know that it will happen, because God’s word promises it will happen.
We have briefly answered When will there be world peace, now let’s see…
Where Will There Be World Peace?
After Satan is locked away for 1,000 years, then Jesus will usher in the Millennial Reign of Christ.
This will be 1,000 years of peace and leadership from Jesus as our King on earth.
There are three terms we needs to memorize, {Postmillennialism}, {Amillennialism}, and {Premillennialism}.
These are the three schools of thought concerning the Millennial Reign of Christ.
This is the belief that the millennial reign is not a literal 1,000 years, rather it began symbolically when Jesus rose from the dead.
They believe it will end when Jesus returns, but that there will be no future kingdom.
They have the view that eventually more and more people will get saved until the majority of the world has accepted Christ.
Then Jesus will return with a resurrection of the dead, to be followed by the end of the age.
Amillennialism – a means no, so people who believe in amillennialism believe that there is no millennial reign of Christ.
They spiritualize the book of the Revelation and preach that Jesus was bound on the cross and now we live in a spiritual millennial reign of Christ.
Premillennialism-this is what we believe.
We believe that God will fulfill His promises for both the Church and Israel.
We believe that at the Millennial reign, Jesus will return, sit on the throne of David and establish a kingdom here on earth.
Premillennialism differs from Post and A millennialism in that we believe Jesus will physically return to this earth BEFORE the millennium.
Whereas Postmillennialism believes that we are in the millennial reign for it is spiritual in nature, and Jesus will return AFTER.
Amillennialism believes that is NO millennium, and Jesus will return to judge the earth.
But if we are to take scripture literal and not figurative, we must believe that Jesus will return at His second coming, lock away the satan, and then rule and reign for 1,000 years.
3. What Will Happen when there is World Peace?
What will it be like on earth during the millennium?
There will be universal peace
Isaiah 2:2-
2. Jesus will reestablish David’s throne
, “Behold, the days are coming,” says the Lord, “That I will raise to David a Branch of righteousness; A King shall reign and [a]prosper,
And execute [b]judgment and righteousness in the [c]earth.
6 In His days Judah will be saved, And Israel will dwell safely; Now this is His name by which He will be called: THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
There will be joy
, Therefore the redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away.
4. The earth will be blessed
4. The earth will be blessed: ;
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