For the Sake of One

Life & Teachings of Jesus  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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God loves and seeks all unconcerned about race, creed, social status, or health

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I. For the Sake of One

At District Assembly this year, there was an interesting video shared on behalf of African Nazarene Educational Institutions. It was a young girl sharing her story about how she came to attend the Nazarene College in her area. What made this particular story so precious was that she had Cerebral Palsy. It was a long story and it was difficult to understand her, but what I want you to hear is that she completed her studies and graduated. To her shock, she was offered a position with the United Nations (I believe it was) to speak on behalf of all people with Cerebral Palsy. This seems amazing to us! People are often fascinated with the accomplishments of people with difficult handicaps. And let us be honest, in part it is because we do not have very high expectations of them and do not expect others to hire them. We tend to label and place people in categories. However, God does not label people. He is concerned with the needs of all and there is no challenge too great from him.
Jesus finishes his teaching
When we last spoke, Jesus was teaching along the shoreline of Galilee. Now anyone can teach, but what gives a person the authority to teach others in order for them to apply what is taught? In the following four events, we see Jesus authority demonstrated as He...
1. calms the sea (authority over nature),
2. exorcises demons (authority over spirits, and
3. heals two people (authority over the physical body).
xorcises demons (authority over spirits, and heals two people (authority over the physical body).
When Jesus finished teaching the crowd that evening, He decides to cross over to the other side of the Sea (lake) of Galilee. I think we assume it is to escape the crowd. This may be so, but God has a way of always taking care of more issues that one.
The other shore is Gentile country. It is mostly Greek Hellenists, so why is Jesus so intent on going over there when His ministry was mostly to the Jews?
That is where I wish to start today. Please bow your heads and pray with me.
What is interesting about Gerasene?
Gerasene is Gentile country, but Gerasene has an interesting history. If you are familiar with the Hebrews and their populating process of the promised land, you may remember that the tribe of Dan and half of the tribe of Manasseh requested not to cross the Jordan, but instead they wished to settle on this side of the Jordan. God agreed and allowed them to do so. They signed a treaty with the other tribes stating that they would not set up their homes until the enemy had been routed so the other tribes could settle also. They also agreed that if there were enemy attacks on the other tribes, they would come to their aid. Do you think they followed through on those promises? Not really, there were times when Israel called for arms and the tribes on that side of the Jordan did not respond.
At the time of this story, this piece of property is owned by the Greeks and practices Hellenism. (Debates between Garda vs Gergesa). However, there are a few Jews still sprinkled among them. It would not surprise me if they were from the tribes of Dan and Manasseh, as this would be home for them.
Now that we know the history of the territory, let us get into the story.
The Story:
Crossing the Sea of Galilee had been tough. It was kind of like the Columbia River. Storms could arise suddenly and when they did, you want to be anywhere but there! They did not have weather specialists as we do today equipped with radar indicating when cold or warm fronts are coming in. When cool air met warm air, it would create severe winds. We know as that is what we had last week. That is exactly what happened. A cool air front came and collided with the hot air that had settled over us and boom! Winds were blowing and tearing limbs from trees, canvas from Gazebos, and just a lot of garbage got thrown around. So you can imagine that the Disciples were most likely very tired and irritable. Jesus would have been also. He was tired from a full day of teaching and the disciples woke Him up from a sound sleep. No wonder He said, “Where is your faith?” I think He was feeling irritated. (Think I am wrong? Remember, Jesus was human with all the feelings and emotions that come with that!)
Crossing the Sea of Galilee had been tough. It was kind of like the Columbia River. Storms could arise suddenly and when they did, you want to be anywhere but there! They did not have weather specialists as we do today equipped with radar indicating when cold or warm fronts are coming in. When cool air met warm air, it would create severe winds. We know as that is what we had last week. That is exactly what happened. A cool air front came and collided with the hot air that had settled over us and boom! Winds were blowing and tearing limbs from trees, canvas from Gazebos, and just a lot of garbage got thrown around. So you can imagine that the Disciples were most likely very tired and irritable. Jesus would have been also. He was tired from a full day of teaching and the disciples woke Him up from a sound sleep. No wonder He said, “Where is your faith?” I think He was feeling irritated. (Think I am wrong? Remember, Jesus was human with all the feelings and emotions that come with that!)
Now they have finally reached ground. They are probably counting on breakfast and a nap when they notice a man a short distance away. He is naked and shouting various unintelligible things. There are shackles on his wrists and ankles with broken chain links hanging. He is thrashing around in such a violent way that no one could get by him. Then he notices Jesus and he comes running, loudly shouting, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg you, don’t torture me!”
Why did the man suddenly notice Jesus over all else? I believe there are two answers;
Jesus had noticed that man and called for the demons to come out of him. (Scripture is display only). And...
Luke 8:29a NASB95
For He had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For it had seized him many times; and he was bound with chains and shackles and kept under guard, and yet he would break his bonds and be driven by the demon into the desert.
Because the demons within the man recognized Jesus for who He was; The Son of God. The one person who could bring them harm.
It is difficult to know what their understanding of demon possession was on those days, but Jesus instantly recognizes that the person speaking is not the man, but the demons. So Jesus asks, “What is your name?”
The response? Legion. Legion was the Roman designation of a troupe of some 5,000 - 6,000 soldiers. The name Legion communicated that there were too many to list. Can you imagine the torment this poor man was inflicted with considering the huge number of demons controlling him?
If there is any question about Jesus authority, it should be quickly answered in this moment, for the demons beg Jesus not to order them into the Abyss. It is difficult to explain the Abyss. It is mentioned several times in scripture, but allow me to give the descriptions that go along with the word in scripture; netherworld, endless pit, deep water, plunge, sinking, dark… It is believed that it is the deepest part of hell where Satan and the worst of his demons will end up.
I think Matthew’s version is particularly interesting here. In Matthew’s version of the story they say, “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?” I am no expert, nor have a doctorate of theology, but I believe that Satan and his crew know that unless they succeed, there will be an appointed judgement day when what they know now will end. The freedom to act will be no more in that day. They will be cast away forever. These demons are fearful that they may lose their freedom early and with good reason. In , Peter talks about angels for whom God has already sent to hell to await future judgement. It is possible these demons fear they are facing the same early imprisonment.
So they beg Jesus to send them into the swine instead and Jesus gives them permission to do so. The swine in a frenzy then run off the steep embankment and into the sea where they drown. It is ironic that the demons were seeking to escape the deep waters of the Abyss and instead end up dead in the depths of a Sea.
We do not know how many demons Legion represented, but it is interesting that there were approximately 2,000 swine that ran into the sea.
Well the herdsmen were beside themselves. They quickly ran around the city and outlying areas reporting what had taken place. The news traveled like wildfire and the people all came to see for themselves what had happened. As they returned, what did they find? This man, who had lived among the tombs. A man who had probably frightened them and bothered them, was now like them. He was dressed and in his right mind. He was also sitting at the feet of Jesus listening to him like a disciple would.
You would think they would be thrilled! You would think they would run and find other people who were sick or needing help and bring them to Jesus also. But no, that is not what they did. Instead, with fear in their heart, begged Jesus to leave. So Jesus did. The man Jesus had healed asked to go with Jesus, understandably so. There was nothing in Gerasene to make him feel like staying. After years of possession, he would have no possessions. The people around him would probably not welcome him, always remembering him as he was. Now that he is healed, they are asking the one who saved him to leave, so he would much prefer to go with Jesus.
However, Jesus had something else in mind.
Luke 8:39 NASB95
“Return to your house and describe what great things God has done for you.” So he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city what great things Jesus had done for him.
And so he did...
Now that we know the story, I want us to look at this story from Jesus perspective. First of all, scripture tells us that God is omniscient. That means He knows all things. God does not do anything without purpose. So why was Jesus directed to go to Gerasene, as I believe scripture shows clearly that God directed Jesus each step of the way. Jesus was always intentional about praying and seeking God’s guidance. So what was the purpose in going to a place that would deny Him? The first answer is...

A. The Man From Gerasene

1. Living in hell

no belongings
no clothing
no home
living among tombs (dead people)
essentially, this man was dead

2. Cries out for help

there was no one to help this man
God saw this man
God sent Jesus to help this man

3. Saved from sin; Saved to life eternal

This man was not only lost to this life, but was lost eternally
Jesus brought salvation from his situation
Jesus brought him hope for a future
Jesus brought him salvation eternally
Isaiah 65:1 NASB95
“I permitted Myself to be sought by those who did not ask for Me; I permitted Myself to be found by those who did not seek Me. I said, ‘Here am I, here am I,’ To a nation which did not call on My name.

4. Called & Commissioned

Called & Commissioned
a. From a purposeless life to a purposeful life
b. Commissioned by God
This man may have been the one who responded. But God had a second purpose for sending Jesus. God was not giving up on...

B. The People of Gerasene

Isaiah 65:2–5 NASB95
“I have spread out My hands all day long to a rebellious people, Who walk in the way which is not good, following their own thoughts, A people who continually provoke Me to My face, Offering sacrifices in gardens and burning incense on bricks; Who sit among graves and spend the night in secret places; Who eat swine’s flesh, And the broth of unclean meat is in their pots. “Who say, ‘Keep to yourself, do not come near me, For I am holier than you!’ These are smoke in My nostrils, A fire that burns all the day.
The people of Gerasene had issues that kept them at bay from God.

1. Priorities

What was lost? (Swine)
What was gained? (A man’s life, freedom from anxiety about this man’s deeds, hope for themselves and others)

2. Fears

The man living possessed was not the only person living in fear in the territory. The reaction from the people of the region was fear when they found the man free and healed.
What are they really afraid of?
That fact that the man lived possessed by so many demons tells me something about that region. (Share about Ray Beeson and spiritual warfare. There are different spirits that rule over various regions. In Auburn it was the spirit of independence and control.) Where the spirit of God is there is peace, but when there are spirits of Satan around, fear is generated. These people were living in a region controlled by fear, which brings us to my last point.

3. Lost Opportunity

They have been living in fear for a long time and this was their opportunity to find freedom, but instead of taking a chance, they clung to their fear. Instead of listening and trying something new, they held unto what they already new even though it meant continuing in fear.
The people of Gerasene are not alone. Many people never allow Jesus a chance because they are afraid. They are afraid of what they will lose even when what they lose is no better than swine. Their lives are filled with addictions, immorality, conflict, and fear and yet, they would rather hold onto that than listen to Jesus and take a chance on something different. I had a co-worker named Sarah. She was as promiscuous as they come. She had three young sons, but after they were in bed, she would entertain different men. She was hunger to be loved, so she filled that void in her life with cheap sex. God offered her true love and fulfillment, but whenever I talked to her about it, she was afraid to let go of the men in her life. She was afraid that sex was the only way she could feel loved. She was not even willing to give God a chance to show her something different. Her answer instead was to have her cheap relationships and then go confront to a priest in hopes that it was enough to satisfy God. What she didn’t understand was that God did not want to be appeased. God wanted to heal her and bring her peace, true love and contentment. But instead, she clung to her fear and what she knew.
People of the world are not the only ones who allow fear to hold them in their grip. Many Christians never come to know the fullness of what God can give because they are to afraid to give God full control of their lives. When we preach on sanctification, they freeze up afraid of just what that would mean for them. I know, as I used to be one of these. So we hold onto what we know and it gives us a feeling that we have some control over our life, but the truth is, we are never in control of our lives. If God is not have full control, then Satan has a foothold to manipulate us. The idea that we are in full control is an illusion. Satan seeks to harm us. (Address picture, not fully accurate. We are alive and produce fruit as saved individuals, but the fullness of it comes with sanctification.
1 Peter 5:8 NASB95
Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
Fear also prevents us from serving God as we should. We feel that those who will listen are one in a hundred and that the others will judge us or use us. So we hesitate when it comes to sharing the good news with people. The nation of Gerasene was full of people unwilling to listen, even with evidence before them of what God can do, yet there was one man (perhaps two) that desperately needed God’s help. So God sent His Son to Gerasene. We may have to work through a lot of people fearful, hesitant people to find that one, but if Jesus can do it, so can we.
Not only did Jesus go to Gerasene to save that man, but Jesus went to the cross to atone for that man, for those people, for you and for me. He did it not for the masses, but for the individuals. I believe He would have done it for only one. That is how great God’s love is!
Not only did Jesus go to Gerasene to save that man, but Jesus went to the cross to atone for that man, for those people, for you and for me. He did it not for the masses, but for the individual. I am convinced He would have done it for only one. That is how great I believe God’s love is.
God did not give up on the Gerasenes. He left a farmer to sow seeds and to cultivate hearts. The man who had once roamed among dead people and graves, now roamed around the lost in the city and countryside. It was not an easy task. These people knew his past, they had seen him in his despair. However, now they could see a changed life. They needed to be able to see that it was real, it was permanent. It wasn’t going to evaporate in the morning sun. As they watched and heard his story their hearts were being cultivated for another time and another chance. God does not give up. However, God does not force Himself on people. He waits until they are ready, but He also provides the resources to help prepare them.
We are to live our lives before people so they can see the evidence of what God has done. However, that is not enough. We have the same instructions that the man was given.
Luke 8:36 NASB95
Those who had seen it reported to them how the man who was demon-possessed had been made well.
Luke 8:39 NASB95
“Return to your house and describe what great things God has done for you.” So he went away, proclaiming throughout the whole city what great things Jesus had done for him.
We cannot worry about the multitude who turn away, but only about the one who will say “yes.” There is a well known parable about a shepherd who leaves 99 sheep who are safe, to find the 1 that is lost. We must do the same.
What is your fear today? Is there something in your life that you are unwilling to give to God out of fear? Perhaps it is something ugly like Sarah’s promiscuous life. Or perhaps it is just fear that God will ask you to do something you do not want to do. Or perhaps God will ask you to give up something you do not wish to give up. I had that fear for a long time. I drew a line in the sand and said, God I am willing to follow your direction up to this point, but the dreams on this side of the line I want to hold onto myself. But the day came when I realized that holding onto those things was not serving any purpose. I was not succeeding at them without God. I did not have as much control as I thought. So I eventually erased that line and gave it all to God and I have never regretted it. The only regret was that I hadn’t done it sooner.
Maybe your fear is that if you do share with others they will judge you. My experience is that when they judge me, it is usually to respect me. Even if they do not accept Jesus from my testimony, they still usually respect me for the good life that I lead.
Maybe your fear is that people will use you. That is sometimes the case. Our welfare system has created a lot of users in our world. As Christians we try to help people and sometimes (maybe even a lot of times) we get burned. In Yakima, our church sponsored a family from Russia. We helped them get into a nice home, get jobs, but shortly after they arrived they left for California as they heard they could receive welfare and not work. It happens! But we have to remember that somewhere out there there is one dead, walking among tombs who truly does want saved. We have to remember that the things we lose are unimportant. The swine were someone’s property, but the man was more important than their financial gain. If they had given God a chance, He would have taken care of their situation. We need to remember the same thing. God will provide and take care of our needs. We should not serve and share in fear, but in full confidence that God is in control!
Jesus gave His life for us. Can we give anything less for others?
Today we are going to receive Communion. As we prepare to do so, ask God to reveal to you what fear is controlling your life. Then ask God to help you to give that fear to Him so He can replace it with His joy, peace, and contentment.
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