Sermon Tone Analysis
Overall tone of the sermon
This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Well, here is an end: GMSK, July
Jesus from a prophecy to a baby to our Savior
Here is the end of His time on earth, for now...
Most things end
Minutes, hours, days, months, years
We know about things ending
The saddest ones are the ones that don’t have a beginning
But Jesus’ Ending was a New Beginning for us
**READ **
All authority is in Jesus’ hand
Commanding with authority
There is no other authority— ALL authority is His
Some were doubting this.
“What if this is a fake?
What if he didn’t really come back to life?
What if we are imagining it?
What if He doesn’t really have the authority?”
The cure to the doubt: believe Jesus’ words
You have a command to go and a purpose in going
The command to go means you don’t stay
You have a new motive
Before this you sat there
You sat and played in the mud
You had a purpose: pleasure, success, feel important, feel special, have fun.
And do it all right now.
Now the call on your life is not: be comfortable
If you believe that Jesus is the God, Man, Servant, King then you have a new call on your life
Now the call on your life is: Go.
If it’s hard: Go.
If its uncomfortable: Go.
If it means you lose your friends: Go.
If it means you leave your family: Go.
If it means you lose your life: Go.
All of your decisions have to be asked: is this me Going?
Is this me doing what I should?
You h
Go TO make disciples
The change in WHAT your doing is reflected in the WHY
You’re not the focus anymore.
He is
You leave yourself, your life, because Jesus has given you a new life and GO
What does it mean to “go make disciples”?
You leave to effect others for Christ
You speak to show others love
You act to explain the gospel
You go to teach others to follow Jesus
...Are you doing that?
Is that what your life is doing?
Make True Disciples: baptize and teach them
True Disciples: This purpose is not thin, weak, empty, or just pretty to look at
Real, sturdy Faithful Christians
A disciple has one purpose
A disciple won’t hold anything back
A disciple
You find them, baptize them, and teach them because you want to proclaim it and live it.
They are baptized and learn because they want to proclaim it and live it
They learn because they want to live it
He taught me to want to proclaim and live it
I see joy when I look in some of your faces
I see disciples here: You’ve learned, been baptized, and you are striving to obey God
Teach them to obey = Teach them to have Joy
You are changed, so you obey.
When you obey you see joy.
As you pursue obedience, you find joy
… Even obeying when it is hard...
“- Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart’s desires.
and he will give you your heart’s desires.
Christian Standard Bible.
Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers.
Jesus is with you.
God is with you.
The authority-holding God of the universe: He is with you.
Notice that this you are supposed to remember this
Even though we are told about His authority
Even though we are told what to do
God knows that some doubt.
** Lauren trust falling**
Our doubt meets this memory: Jesus, in His new body, risen from the dead, on the way to heaven to prepare us a place saying “I am always with you”.
Jesus finished the work on the Cross.
Now begins a work in us.
This New Beginning
Jesus accomplished what He needed to.
Now, there is a new chapter.
He bought our freedom and tells us to live that way now
He gives us gifts and expects us to use them now
He open the door and asks us to walk through it
He gave us grace and commands us to give it to others now
We are all ending a chapter tonight, and have a new beginning tomorrow morning
Go and Remember
I don’t know how
Do you need to tell more people about who Jesus is?
I don’t read my Bible every day
Do you need to experience more joy by obedience to God’s commands?
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9