Sermon Tone Analysis
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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range
Tone of specific sentences
Social Tendencies
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Recently I thought about some of the messages and series I have preached this year.
We have discussed receiving MORE from God.
We learned about the Great Commission.
We studied the life of Joseph.
We just finished looking at our responsibility to Praise in Progress.
As I prayed about what I should preach now, it was like I heard the Lord say, talk about Me for a little while.
So today, we will begin a series about Jesus.
I want us to think about the One who made all of this possible.
Today, I want us to see that Jesus = Salvation.
Who is thankful that Jesus provided a way for us to be forgiven of our sin?
When I was five years old, my family went to Alabama to my aunt and uncle’s home.
It was summer and they had a swimming pool.
One of my distant cousins took turns pretending to push each other in the pool.
Guess what happened?
He pushed me in.
As I mentioned last Sunday, I can barely swim as a twenty-eight year old.
Imagine me being a five year old.
I was stuck, I tried to get to the top and I could swim.
I sucked in a bunch of water, I panicked as I sank to the bottom.
Suddenly, one of the relatives jumped in and saved me from drowning.
I thought about this story this week and I called my mom.
I asked, do you remember when I fell in at Aunt Marian and Uncle Bill’s pool?
I still don’t care for him that much...
I confessed we were both at fault and it was bound to be one of us.
Even though I was a young child, I still remember the feeling of sinking and the feeling of being saved.
When we think of salvation, we should remember that we were sinking deep in sin.
Our lives were stuck and no matter how hard we tried, we could not get free.
Then one day, Jesus reached down to us and showed us a better way.
Of all the great things Jesus does for the world, the greatest is the salvation of our souls.
Humanity sinks deeper and deeper into moral depravity, spiritual negligence, and immoral actions.
People try to get better through self-help, self- care, and self-motivation, yet long-lasting change never follows.
We were all there at one time until someone introduced us to JESUS and we accepted Him as our Savior, bringing out out salvation.
As I prayed about how to present the simple yet profound message of salvation, I remembered a book I received in the mail late last year.
Written by Ken Ham, who founded the Ark-Encounter in Kentucky, he titled his book, “Gospel Reset- Salvation Made Simple.”
One quote stuck with me:
“A historic transition is occuring.
Barely noticed, slowly, quietly, imperceptibly, religion [when they say religion, they usually mean Christianity], is shriveling in America, as it already has in Europe, Canada, Australia , across the developed world.
Increasingly, supernatural faith belongs to the third-world.
The first world is entering the long-predicted secular age where science and knowledge dominate.”
We live in age in our nation where absolute truth is replaced by personal opinion.
A recent president said in 2006, “Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation.
At last not just.
We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim Nation, and a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of non-believers.”
This thirteen-year-old statement is now a fact.
As a result, many people are not coming to Christ as they once did in the past.
The reason?
The author of the book believes, We often start at the cross and move forward, when people do not even have the foundation that there is a God who made the heavens and the earth.
It is like trying to build a home by starting with the roof.
So this morning, I want to lay a foundation, weaving through Old Testament and New Testament scripture to show that Jesus = Salvation.
I have three points, [Humanity’s Separation], [Humanity’s Substitution], and [Humanity’s Salvation].
Let’s begin
Humanity’s Separation
After God created the heaven, the earth, the sea, the dry land, the sun, the moon, and all the animals, He made man in His image.
Knowing it was not good for man to be alone, He gave him a wife.
After God created the heaven, the earth, the sea, the dry land, the sun, the moon, and all the animals, He made man in His image.
Knowing it was not good for man to be alone, He gave him a wife.
He gave them a garden, a paradise, with everything they would ever need.
The had only one rule, do not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Scripture does not tell us how long they were in the garden, but one day the devil deceived Adam and Eve.
He distorted the truth and Adam and Eve gave into temptation.
Their momentary lapse had catastrophic consequences.
Through their action sin entered humanity.
With sin followed a separation from God.
Genesis 3:8-13
I find this to be one of the saddest passages of scripture.
It shows us a few things.
First it shows us that it was a common practice for God to meet with Adam and Eve.
They are the only two people who ever saw Him face to face.
Second, it shows us that it was God’s intention and design to fellowship and be close with His creation.
He created us for communication and friendship.
They are the only two people who ever saw Him face to face.
Third, notice the heartbreak in God’s words.
They hid themselves because of their sin and God cried out, “Adam, where are you?”
Adam confessed, I hid myself when I heard Your voice because I was afraid.
With sin came fear and with the fear came a desire to separate themselves and hide themselves from the righteous and holy God.
What was their punishment?
Because of sin, God sent them from the Garden of Eden and separated them from Him.
From there on out, it appeared that God would be a distant God in the heavens.
His perfection could not be around imperfect sinners.
Notice God’s love.
He could have easily killed Adam and Eve because of their sin.
It was His right and really He should have.
But in His great love, He separated them while He unfolded His plan to get His people back from the sins that plagued humanity.
To understand how Jesus = Salvation, we first need to see Humanity’s Separation...
2. Humanity’s Substitution
Though Adam and Eve made the conscience decision to sin, God spoke directly to the source.
He cursed the serpent and issued a promise.
You came against the woman, the Seed of the woman will bruise your head.
I wonder what the Old Testament people thought when they heard this passage.
What woman would bear the seed that would defeat Satan?
If they expected a quick answer they would be disappointed.
It would be over four thousand years before the answer came.
Instead, for thousands of years, God’s people lived in a cycle of habitual sin.
The would be judged, God would send a prophet, they would listen to the Prophet and then they would repent.
But they just couldn’t control the sin problem, which furthered their separation from God.
Until one day, God sent the angel Gabriel with a message for a young Jewish girl.
The girl was named Mary and she was part of the group of God’s people who faithfully looked for the day when God would send the Messiah.
Imagine the surprise and shock of the girl who never married.
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