Connecting the Next Generation
Next Gen Month 2019 • Sermon • Submitted
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This morning we kick off Next Generation Month
We are celebrating the Lord’s supper. There is a profound connecting between the Lord’s supper and Next Generation Month
Discuss the 2 ordininces
Baptism is the introduction
Communion is the continuation.
Continuation speaks of a faith that is passed down from generation to generation
The truth here is that though God be the only one to get glory for your salvation, he used someone to get the message to you.
If the previous generations had not been faithful, we wouldn’t be here.
A future generation depends on us. As we prepare for communion today we look at Scripture’s command to take the gospel to the next generation. May we respond this morning by deciding what our particular role is in connecting the next generation.
Three Characteristics of a church that connects the next generation with the gospel
Three Characteristics of a church that connects the next generation with the gospel
1. They understand the importance of reaching people while they are young
1. They understand the importance of reaching people while they are young
1- What an exercise in missing the point! This statement betrays a military mindset. Jesus, when you take over who gets the highest rank. Of course when Jesus fights your battles serving under Him is all about privilege and little about sacrifice. Christ is going to have to remind them that they have the wrong paradigm. Its not about what they get out of it.
2,3- Jesus calls a child and states that you have to become like them to be saved
This blows up their whole paradigm. Now you have to understand their culture. Children were not as important as adults. This didn’t mean they were not love or valued, but that they were expected to fall in line to authority.
Illustration- The Kids Table
Now Jesus states that their is something about the way they think, the way the trust, the way they have faith that we need to learn from
Children crave structure, direction, and authority.
What I learned as a substitute teacher
4- This verse makes it clear: Saving faith is childlike faith
Children can be saved
Teenagers can be saved
The best time to reach someone with the gospel is when they are young
2. They elevate rather than relegate Next Generation Ministry in the life of the church
2. They elevate rather than relegate Next Generation Ministry in the life of the church
5- Here Jesus elevates Next Generation minsitry
The meaning here extends to all that would come by a childlike faith.
The temptation would always be to belittle or ignore the ministry of children and new believers. Why
The belief that children cannot be saved
The belief that it is too expensive
We often cut corners on this ministry because they arent able to complain
Some will even use the excuse “They cannot even tithe”
Selfishness. We would rather focus our time and resources on something for ourselves
The need for volunteers. We need to double or triple our volunteer pool if we are going to do effective Next Generation Minsitry
Let me remove your excuses
“Im too old”
“Ive already done my time” (I will start praying that God will come get you)
“Im too busy getting fed”
This one is seductive, because it has a flattering effect on the preacher or the one leading the Bible Study
The whole purpose of food is to be converted into energy. What happens when we eat and eat but no exercise, we get fat. It is possible for this to happen spiritually. Some of you need to sit in one less Bible study and take what you are learning and put it into practice. If you just sit and soak, you are going to sour!
le Study
There are literally thousands upon thousands
3. They commit to making the testimony of their actions match the testimony of their lips.
3. They commit to making the testimony of their actions match the testimony of their lips.
6- Jesus takes the notion of causing someone to stumble very, very seriously.
If you cause a lost person to stumble they might miss out on the gospel
If you cause a young believer to stumble they may walk away from the church when they become an adult
If you cause a new Christian to stumble they may never grow in their discipleship journey
If you cause division within a church you might halt the work of the Holy Spirit
It is no small thing to stand in the way of the work of God
We must pursue holiness with intensity because it is not just our walk that is at stake
The blessing of the “cut it out” statments
It is not simply the eye that causes one to lust, covet, or hate
It is not simply the appendages that causes one to steal, kill, or hurt others.
The problem is heart
We need to cut the heart out
26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
Two mass shooting yesterday
What if we reached the next mass shooter before it was too late?
The truth of the matter is that people are entering every day in to a Christless eternity. The truth is that many raised in a godless generation are struggling hopelessly just to make it through another day.
How do we plan to reach them? An angry FB post? A political rant? Will we win them by complaining about them? Will we win them by sitting back in our pew seeking only to have our preferences met?
We reach them through the gospel. We reach them by getting the gospel to them, and getting them to the gospel. We reach them by loving them in the nursery. We reach them by teaching them the basics in children’s ministry. We reach them through the all out gospel effort of a VBS. We reach them through intentional student ministry that targets the hearts of teenagers.
And church, to reach them we must have all hands on deck. You don’t outsource this to “professionals” You haven’t “done your time”.
Church, lets say once again “Whatever it takes”!