To the Church in Laodicea
Sermon Tone Analysis
Mission and Vision
Mission and Vision
So glad to be back home
Thank you to our guest preacher last week… Anneleise!
Today we are wrapping up our sermon series titled dear church
The 7 letters to the churches in reveleation
Laodicea was a very wealthy city in this time
They were the swiss bankers of the Roman empire
There was also a very profitable textile industry in Laodicea where a fine black wool was woven in to clothing
They had a medical center that created a salve that was used as healing for the eyes
Also… the city was located equidistant from Colossae and a city called Hierapolis
Hierapolis had a natural hot springs that served as a spa for those in the area
Colossae had a natural spring that had cool drinking water
Scholars believe that Laodicea piped in water from hot springs and from drinking springs into the city
Of course the cold water would heat up along the path and the hot water would cool giving the city lukewarm water
We see all of this come into play in this letter
Laodicea is one of the churches that only has rebuke in Christ’s message to them
He doesn’t pull any punches with this church so lets dive into the scripture
Jesus starts by telling us something about himself that is going to be important to what we are about to hear
The words of the Amen
Amen means and Let it be so
Jesus is the fulfillment, the conclusion, the amen to all of God’s promises and to all his authority
The Buck Stops Here
The faithful and true witness
Speaking again of his divinity.
the faithful and true… being one that can be held as true
The one who co-signs on God’s creation
The beginning of God’s creation
This isn’t saying that Jesus is a created being
The word in Greek Archay αρχη Means origin, ruler or beginning
This means in the creation it all starts with Jesus. It’s like saying the alpha and the omega
He is the ruler of all creation, the most important thing in all creation
Jesus isn’t saying that he is a created being but that for created beings he is preeminent
His word, his truth, his rebuke… who He is is more important and must take the front seat to anything else in all creation
I know your works
WE see the pattern
No hiding from God who is preeminent in all thing
You are neither cold nor hot
This is preached a lot to say that you need to be hot and not cold
People use this passage to point to being on fire for the lord and to being either pursuing Christ or Rejecting Christ
This is why context is so important
Hot for healing… Cold for Drinking… lukewarm is good for nithing
I wish that you were one or the other… either be good at healing or be refreshing… be effective is what he’s saying
whatever you’re good at… do it well
Whatever I’ve blessed you to be, do it to the best of your ability
Don’t do this halfway thing
he says that because you are neither good at one thing nor the other… I’m going to spit
better translation would be vomit
I’m going to throw up
Any one ever seen the little rascals from the 90’s?
Dear darla, I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. You are scum between my toes. Love alphalpha
Jesus isn’t saying all that. But what he is saying is that the tepidness of your good-enough churchgoing is sickening
You’re not doing anything well
You’re just good enough… But you’re sense of good enough aint good enough
For you say I’m rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing
We see over and over again in these letters that the church to which we are speaking has taken on so much of the identity of the town they are in
The negative that is in the town… the identity that the town prides itself on becomes the identity of the church
Instead of standing out and being a light for Christ in that space, the church becomes a meeting place for the worldly ideas of that region and manifests as a social club saying that they are the church
This church was acting just like the town where it was placed
They thought because their tithes were coming in, because the new building plan came through, because they could expand their children’s wing… that they were good
They identified the gifts that they had been blessed with, primarily monitarily, and they mistook them for the giver who is the true source of all wealth
They thought that because they didn’t have a financial need that they were doing okay
This is so like us… if we have money we’re good. If we don’t were not
But the kingdom of God doesn’t act like the world
Jesus says Not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor...
I don’t care how much money you have if you are not rich in the things that matter you are poor and pitiable
If you are the wealthiest person in the room and yet you don’t have Christ… you are in fact the one to be pitied
Jesus says it like this… What good is it to gain the whole world and loose your soul?
I don’t care how good your church looks on the outside… Jesus sees the heart and says you guys are wretched.
So what you have the who’s who of whoville?
So what everyone in your midst drives a brand new chariot with golden wheels… who cares!
You are still wretched. And no amount of outward shining up can clean the heart
Jesus called the religious people of his day whitewashed tombs
The outside may look nice but the inside is nothing but death
He also says you are blind and naked
Remember that Laodicea had a happening arts and fashion district with a distinct clothing that made the town lots of money
They also had the famous eye salve that helped people see
Jesus is using these physical things that the church people took so much pride in and called them the weaknesses that they truly were
Don’t care how much clothing you have on… I see through all that and if you are not clothed in righteousness… then you are naked and ashamed
I don’t care how good your health is…if you are not walking by the light of the lord you are blind
Jesus tells them to buy from Jesus godl refined by fire so that you may be rich
purchase at the cost of yourself something that cannot be taken
When you buy something there has to be a transaction
Jesus isn’t asking for money… he’s telling the people of God to lay down the broken and blind and naked self serving person they are and recieve from Jesus a wealth that has been tested and will never let you down
Refined gold is pure. It’s worth more
Jesus is telling us to stop waisting our time our resources on things that aren’t worth as much
An white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen
Again the town had a black wool that they were famous for
Jesus isn’t saying that black is bad and white is good
He’s using the color white as a symbol for purity and for righteousness
Stop putting your trust in the things of this world to try to hide your shame
Your reputation, your ability, your image, your family, your self-righteousness
Instead cover yourself in the purity of Christ.
Cover your shame and your nakedness in his grace and his mercy
The righteousness of Christ that is imputed… that is given to you. Rest in that and not in what you think you can do for yourself
And salve to annoint your eyes so that you may see
again using an earthly reality to point to a heavenly one
You think youre good because you got eye drops… but you still can’t see
instead you need to annoint yourself or be annointed by the spirit so that you can see the things of the Lord
So that you can view things as they truly are and not through the corruption of the flesh and this broken world
Those who i love i reprove and discipline...
Jesus wounds to heal
he only rebukes those who he is calling back into relationship
If you are feeling conviction… that is not Nick Smith. That is God bringing conviction into your life so that you can repent
So that you can come back into relationship and not be cast off not be lost
Behold he stands and knocks
That tugging at your heart is Christ knocking and asking for you to respond. To open the door so that he may come in and eat and commune and be one with you
The one who conquers will be given rest and authority and rule
Jesus says just as I sat down with my father you will sit with me on my throne
You will be able to not have to work and strive and stress and try by your own might but you can rest in the righteousness of Christ’s might.