Put a Frame Around it
Sermon Tone Analysis
Put a Frame on It.
Outlining what it means to be a member of Broken Arrow Nazarene.
Frames center our attention on the Big Picture by making it easier to focus on all the detail.
I have a ton of special pictures and painting Show Painting without frames…Dog oil painting, sketch, Hope in troubled times painting....These all have great meaning but if I want them to last or to show them off the best way to do this is to frame them (Football pictures wrinkled and faded…no frame…they mean a lot to me but I have never really shown the off nor protected them the way I should.
Frames also act as a way to focus our attention on the big picture…without a frame our eyes wander to the bland wall or past the boarders of a picture a frame gives it boundaries and the ability to see every detail in a panting, picture or even an inspirational quote.
Many times we have unintentionally allowed the important things in our life to fade, wrinkle, lose their appeal, and lose focus because we have not kept them in front of us.
Community in a local Church is one of those things. Christian Community or Church are words that can lose not only it’s meaning but it’s luster if we do not keep our eyes on both the big picture and the practices and values that make these things a reality.
Many times people let their eyes wonder to other communities or faith traditions not because where they are is not enough but they have truly stopped remembering the real purpose of Church or Christian Community.
Today we start a seven week journey framing the important aspects of Christian community. More specifically what does it look like to be a missional Community of Faith or a Missional Church.
We started this process about a year ago asking people why the loved being a part of Broken Arrow Nazarene Church. We heard a lot of things but the one thing that we heard from almost 100% of the people we talked to was that when they came to our church they found a place where they could connect to God though people that truly cared for them.
They talked about things that people did for them almost right away like take them food, invite them to events, talked them trough difficult times in theirs lives…all kinds of things like those.
They felt accepted and loved and develop relationships…friendships with people…
Many of you found a place where you could belong even before you made any significant commitment to Jesus or the Church. You did that because of the love and care of those already here...
Even though it may have been and event (Like Friday) or even a crisis (Death, Divorce, Move, Illness or loss of a job) that brought someone to our church it was the intentional development of individual relationships that kept them here.
Community is still what people are looking for…they want a place where not only can they come and worship, but a place that people will go the extra mile for them. They are looking for a palce where they can truly belong.
Many people like to make fun of the term safe spaces but in this world that is exactly what the Church or a Christian Community should be. People should be safe to start over, learn, to ask tough questions, fail, get up again and more importantly be shown the Love of God by God’s People.
Jesus was the master of this….
Jesus…The Women and the Well, Lepers outside the city, Mary washing His feet, Nicodemus.
Peter…The man begging for money,
In every one of these circumstances Jesus met people where they were. He did not ridicule them He did not lecture them…He engaged them in relationship.
We cannot be the hands and feet of Jesus from our
So if Jesus did this and his apostles did this if you have done this in the past...doesn’t it make sense that we would focus on continuing to be this kind of community.
Jesus tells us that our Mission very clearly in scripture.
36 “Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?” 37 Jesus replied, “ ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”
Tyndale House Publishers. (2013). Holy Bible: New Living Translation (). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
So if Jesus did this and his apostles did this doesn’t it make sense that we would focus on continuing to be this kind of community. This is something that is already in our DNA as a Church I just think it is important to drive this home in the next few weeks.
Connecting people to God and others by creating a space where everyone can belong
We connect people to God by intentionally investing in the lives of people. People that we go to church with…and people that are searching much like you were when you first started attending.
We do not connect by hanging a sign out that says everyone is welcome. We connect by going into the world and intentionally loving people that are different.
36 “Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?” 37 Jesus replied, “ ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”
37 Jesus replied, “ ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”
Tyndale House Publishers. (2013). Holy Bible: New Living Translation (). Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers.
Knowing and being reminded about our mission is important! This is the point where many people begin the process of turning off the message.
Matthew 22:9-10
36 “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”
37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
New Living Translation Chapter 22
9 Now go out to the street corners and invite everyone you see.’ 10 So the servants brought in everyone they could find, good and bad alike, and the banquet hall was filled with guests.
People do not go to places they perceive they are not welcome.
Connecting people to God and others by creating a space where everyone can belong
In our last DAB meeting One of our members was talking about a man that helps her and her husband work cattle. They had known him for years and she realized she had never talked to him about Jesus…she asked him if he knew Jesus and he answered no…she asked him if he believed in God and he said yes…then she asked him why he did not go to a church that was literally right across the street from him.
He answered he drank and smoked and did not want to be a hypocrite and go to church…He did not feel like he would be welcome…he said a man told me that I would be welcome anyway but I just don’t believe him.
It is not up to people that have baggage to get over feeling unwanted…it is up to us to make them feel like they belong even if they are not yet living for Jesus.
Knowing and being reminded about our mission is important! This is the point where many people begin the process of turning off the message.
We have heard so much about mission that we are sick of it…or maybe you think this is a worldly approach to ministry.
This Church has a history of this. This Church still cares for ALL people and our new mission statement to connect people to God and others by creating a space where everyone can belong…is a way we can keep this wonderful calling in our mind.
You read somewhere on the internet that this type of thing is off the devil or you have a friend that is struggling as their church works through this idea of Mission Vision and Values…and it leaves a bad taste in your mouth…
When we keep this Mission in focus we will then begin to see the tangible results…Results comes from Knowing, believing in...and embracing core values and practices (we will touch on these at the end of message and over the next few weeks) not programs.
You may be wondering what it looks like when know, believe in and embrace mission?
When the disciples did this the result was the Way of Jesus grew and an exponential rate…I think that when a Church or Christian Community is healthy and learning and Obeying God by being an active part of His Missionthe natural result is that growth.
19 Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. 20 Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
This passage tells us that we are to be a community that Makes disciples(Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations), and Evangelize the world (baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit)..Then in community we will nurture each other to continue to learn and obey Jesus throughout our lives.
Which is vision or results we want to see…
When the disciples did this the result was the Way of Jesus grew and an exponential rate…I think that when a Church or Christian Community is healthy and learning and Obeying God by being an active part of His Mission fo the Church the natural result is that growth.
Our Vision or the Result of mission will
To be a multiplying community developing deep, growing relationships with God, our world, and one another.
If we are doing what God calls us to do we will have healthy relationships with God, The world our community around us and with one another.
If we have the relationships with each other and our community we will grow…Let me say it again if we embrace fully our Mission…we will live into our vision....
We will grow…Spiritually we will have revival, miracles, discipleship opportunities and a reputation in our community as a place where Anyone and Everyone can belong even if they don’t quite believe yet.
These things don’t just happen it takes both awareness and effort…Awareness of who we are and effort in continuous practical living to make these things reality and not simply aspirations.
In other words this is an all hands on deck proposition…The following things will seem like a lot at first but the truth is a we make these Values and Practices a priority in our lives it will bring peace, and simplicity to our lives…We may be busy but the business will have meaning this is what brings peace.
Community is not something to be consumed; it is something we all participate in and help to create.
1: Presence // Be faithful in worship.
Worship is our response to God’s love. In worship we are reminded who we are, and the grand story of which we are a part. Worships shapes us. But it’s not just something we do when we “need” it. Your presence is needed by those around you. And when we are present with God and one another, God uses us to encourage, challenge, love, serve, and pray for one another.
2: Relationships // Participate in a small group.
It is in relationship and conversation with other believers that we figure out how to walk the way of Jesus in every day life. Our Small groups meet on site and in homes to care for one another and talk about how to apply the Good News in our daily lives.
3: Compassion // Serve your community.
We want to serve our neighbors well, not just as a church, but as individuals. We want to do this by partnering with organizations throughout our city and offering each of our unique gifts in service to our community.
4: Involvement // Serve your church.
Each of us has something to contribute, and together we strengthen the church to do God’s good work. Whether you’re the friendly host-type, the quiet behind-the-scenes type, or the planning extraordinaire, our church needs what you have!
5: Generosity // Be faithful in giving.
Your generosity makes the work of our church possible. But beyond that, we trust that God is at work in us through the practice of giving so that we can become the good and generous people we want to be. We give of our resources as an act of worship and statement of faith in God’s goodness. Each week we receive an offering in service, and you can also give online. A ten percent tithe is a great suggested starting point.
6: Invitation // Invite people into a journey.
Everyone has a story. It is important that we never miss an opportunity to hear the stories of others and to share our story. It is through that connection with each other we can invite people on a faith journey.
Over the next few weeks we will look at these more in depth…None of this is being shared to make you feel guilty or add stress to your life…on the contrary it is and invitation to a life of meaning, and peace.
Just as Jesus invites us to the table of God to experience His presence and be reminded of the wonderful things God has done for us so to do I want to invite you into a Community that helps us all become more aware of the Holy Spirit with us and empowers us to continue to Connecting people to God and others by creating a space where everyone can belong
So....We can be and see our Church or Community of faith be a multiplying community developing deep, growing relationships with God, our world, and one another.
Let’s Come to the Table together....Slide then Liturgy
Pour on us your extravagant Love without measure. Teach us extreme generosity, so that the fruits of your spirit and the works of our hands may be used for the building of your Kingdom here on earth.