Healthy Church Priorities
Sermon Tone Analysis
Healthy Church Priorities - Introduction
Healthy Church Priorities - Introduction
Last week - saw Apostles arrested by Jerusalem’s religious leaders
God miraculously set them free via angel - they went back to teaching in temple
Got arrested again for escaping prison - disciplined by religious leaders incl. beaten
But still first church continued to grow in size
Today see problems start to arise from how quickly new church community had grown - Slide
Prejudice Amongst God’s People
Prejudice Amongst God’s People
Part of daily life of church at this time = caring for poor & needy
This included distributing food - particularly vulnerable = widows
Who didn’t have any way to make money so relied on family & generous people to help
New church community had number of widows in congregation
Fallen on Apostles to take care of districuting resources including food - Slide
Imagine 12 people having to care for daily needs of a growing church of thousands of members
As well as responsbile for teaching & praying in Temple every day
It was all too much for 12 men to do - led to things not being done well
Unfortunately all of church ministry was suffering
Likely Apostles unaware of growing problem of church becoming segregated / divided
Jews who we born elsewhere & spoke Greek were minority group in church
It was their widows that were missing out on help
Hebrew speaking Jerusalem born Jews = majority & had become prejudice against them
In those days when the number of disciples was increasing, the Grecian Jews among them complained against the Hebraic Jews because their widows were being overlooked in the daily distribution of food.
Imagine 12 people having to care for daily needs of a growing church of thousands of members
As well as responsbile for teaching & praying in Temple every day
It was all too much for 12 men to do - led to things not being done well
Unfortunately all of ministry in church was suffering - including prayer & teaching God’s Word
Likely Apostles unaware of growing problem of church becoming segregated / divided
And were just overrun with all stuff had to get done
Division between - Jews born elsewhere & spoke Greek = minority group in church
It was their widows were missing out on help
Hebrew speaking Jerusalem born Jews = majority & had become prejudice against minority
It was bad situation & still happens in churches today - Slide
I was at Presbytery meeting last weekend - For those who don’t know...
Kaimai Presbytery = made up of ministers / elders from all Presbyterian / Co-operating churches in region
Churches from Waikato, up Thames, across to Whakatane, down to Turau - alot churches!
I was speaking in support using culturally / ethnically inclusive language in document
ut some people objected and became very aggressive / angry were using racist language;
But some people objected - became very aggressive / angry - used racist language
I got annoyed - tried to explain why its important for church leaders to be culturally inclusive
But got shouted down - as I was talking, looked round & only saw Pakeha / Palangi faces
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.
But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall.
Bible is quite clear about how Christians should treat others - Slide
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and implored him that they might only touch the fringe of his garment. And as many as touched it were made well.
For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing right. But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers.
So James is reminds us we’re to love everyone equally
And to choose to love some more than others = favouritism or in negative prejudice
& God considers any prejudice towards others as sin / disobedience against His will
As St Paul’s - each of us are called by God to take responsibility to care & love for each other
Make sure everyone is being treated equally regardless of ethnicity, culture, gender, poor / rich etc
Make sure each of us
We each must make effort to stamp out any prejudice & division in church community - Slide
Question for us today:
Do I love everyone equally regardless of their ethnicity, culture, gender, or wealth?
Do I love everyone equally regardless of their ethnicity, culture, gender, or wealth?
Next we see what Apostles did when they found out there was a problem! - Slide
Everyone’s Responsible for Ministry
Everyone’s Responsible for Ministry
Imagine how Apostles felt when someone told them they weren’t doing their job properly!
They realised weren’t doing ministry of God’s Word justice - had too much on their plates - Slide
So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Brothers, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.” This proposal pleased the whole group. They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit; also Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism. They presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them.
So we can see Apostles called whole church community together
Told them church needed to find properly qualified wise people to take care of social ministry
So Apostles could take care of preaching / teaching of God’s Word & leading prayer / worship
That was ministry Jesus had commissioned them for
So church elected 7 Christians men to sort out distribution of food / resources
And Apostles as leaders of church commissioned them for their roles
This is exactly like what St Paul’s is doing at moment with Church Council & Treasurer positions
This is exact same issue Moses ran into in OT
There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.
Hebrews got so numerous Moses couldn’t handle all issues / problems arose
So they appointed people from each of 12 tribes to help sort out problems
At that time I said to you, “You are too heavy a burden for me to carry alone. The Lord your God has increased your numbers so that today you are as many as the stars in the sky. May the Lord, the God of your fathers, increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised! But how can I bear your problems and your burdens and your disputes all by myself? Choose some wise, understanding and respected men from each of your tribes, and I will set them over you.” You answered me, “What you propose to do is good.”
This is exact same issue Moses ran into in OT
Hebrews got so numerous Moses couldn’t handle all issues / problems arose
So they appointed people from each of 12 tribes to help sort out problems - Slide
Scripture clearly teaches there’s lots different ways to serve God & His People
There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.
Scripture clearly teaches there’s lots different ways to serve God & His People - Slide
Fact is we’re all responsible to ensure ministry
So did any of you watch Netball World Cup?
Silver Ferns managed what seemed impossible & beat Australia in final by 1 point
First time in over 10 years - how did they do it after coming 4th Commonwealth games?
Finally came together as team, identified problem areas, found right person for coach...
Dealt with division so able to function as unified team & win tournament
Churches are a lot like sports teams - work best when right everyone works together
Where people are helping out, fulfilling call to ministries they’re suited to
Same principles that applied back in NT apply today
And where minister / pastor doesnt get lumped with expectation they will do everything!
Just like in NT - we’re all responsible to ensure all ministry is done well & done right
Same principles that applied back in NT apply today
Fact is we’re all responsible to ensure ministry
Churches work best when everyone is involved doing ministry God’s called them too
St Paul’s is no different - If we leave everything up to just a few people - they’ll be problems
Things won’t get done; people will miss out; arguments break out & division / prejudice begins - Slide
If we leave it up to just a few - things won’t get done, people miss out, arguements / division / prejudice starts happening
Question for us today;
Are we doing our part to be responsible for ministry in St Paul’s?
Are we doing our part to be responsible for ministry in St Paul’s?
Or are we leaving it all for just a select few to do?
Or are we leaving it all for just a select few to do?
Now I recognise many of us here are in their twilight years
But there’s 1 aspect of church ministry mentioned in Acts...
That perhaps St Paul’s may not be doing as much as we should = Prayer
Prayer is one ministry we all can take part in
Perhaps we should consider starting a regular prayer group?
Have a think...
That leads us to last point which we need to take make a note of - Slide
Healthy Churches Will Grow
Healthy Churches Will Grow
This passage in shows us something important about healthy churches
When NT church sorted out its issues of prejudice & poor ministry...
They grew even more & reached 1 of last parts of population in Jerusalem - religious leaders
So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.
In fact this section of Acts mentions growth / growing number of times
But growth only comes when everyone is cared for equally & commitment to unity
When ministry focused on right things - teaching / preaching scriptures, prayer, caring for poor
And when whole church is playing its part in sharing burden of ministry labour
These are all marks of healthy growing church - Slide
and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord;
Been a lot of chatter in media about kids going to school without lunch or just eating junk
Head teacher at Manaia View Kindergarten in Whangarei, Kathy Belz said
When they opened 4 years ago most kids brought in huge amount of sugar, salt, carbs & fat
I.e. Lunch bags sold in dairies with chips, noodle snack & sugary drink for $2.20
So Kindergarten had to dip into their maintenance money to provide lunches for kids - Slide
Now KidsCan begun nationwide pilot - aim feed children under 5 at kindergartons -
Meals provided by KidsCan come with Heart Foundation tick
Meals designed by New York-based chef Anthony Hoy Fong
series of nutritious dishes - incl. mild chickpea curry, sweet & sour vegetables, tacos & macaroni.
Churches are bit like like kids - like kids churches need right things help us grow
Church ministry in past tended to be very clergy centred
Where if they pay minister believe need get their money’s worth - get minister do everything!
But if minister is doing everything then some stuff isn’t going to get done well
Just like apostles found - so preaching, prayer, leading worship suffers
So congregation ends up getting fed junk food on Sundays - leads to sick church!
NT scholar William Larkin Jr made some interesting points
One scholar put it like this
… the Word is central to the church’s growth—so central Satan will use a congregation’s expectations & traditions
often innocent in themselves - to distract ministers from what’s required for effective proclamation of Word.
Today our churches should be marked by same conviction (as Early Church) - ministry of Word essential for normal growth
That ministry of Word essential for growth & that growth is the normal condition of the church.
If everyone ensures ministry labour is evenly distributed to those called
Churches are bit like like kids - like kids churches need right things help us grow
Church ministry in past tended to be very clergy centred
Where if they pay minister believe need get their money’s worth - get minister do everything!
But if minister is doing everything then some stuff isn’t going to get done well
Just like apostles found - so preaching, prayer, leading worship suffers
So congregation ends up getting fed junk food on Sundays - leads to sick church!
But if whole church community comes together in unity - caring for everyone equally
& If church ensures right division ministry labour - so people doing things God’s called them to
then church ministry & evangelism here in St Paul’s should bear fruit - like in NT - Slide
Question for us today;
Are we doing our part to support and assist the ministry in St Paul’s?
Are we doing our part to support and assist the ministry in St Paul’s?
If we want St Paul’s to grow into a healthy church
then we’ll need to be willing to do our part - attend prayer meetings perhaps?
Share our faith with next door neighbour? But we can definitely all pray at home...
Pray for leaders, ministers, ministry, for unity, for sharing of gospel
& we can defintely ensure we’re loving, caring for each equally without prejudice
So our church will be ready for all Pacifica, Asian, Maori, & Pakeha next generation church
If everyone ensures ministry labour is evenly distributed to those called