BBBI - 2019.06.19 - PM - When God's Plans Seem Like the Pits (Gen. 37:12-36)

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BBBI - OT101.4 - Genesis IV  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  51:02
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See the threads of Joseph’s faithfulness and his brothers’ wickedness begin to be woven together into the great providence of God.

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Genesis 37 tonight Genesis 37 we continue our studies together and life of Joseph that we began last time. It is a little bit warm in here think Pastor Larson's going to get the fangorn forest Genesis, 37 want you to look down with me. If you would have burst number 23 for sake of time now, we're going to back up and look at this passage from really versus 12 to the end of the chapter, but I want to draw your attention to verse 23 in particular and it came to pass when Joseph was coming to his Brethren that they stripped Joseph out of his coat is coat of many colors that was on him and they took him and cast him into a pit and the pit was empty. There was no water in it. Look at burst number 30. 32 a verse 31, excuse me, and they took Joseph's coat. And kill the kid of the goats and dip the coat in the blood and they sent the coat of many colors and they brought it to their father and said this have we found know now whether it be that my son's coat or no and he knew it and said it is my son's coat and evil Beast has devoured him. Joseph is without doubt rent in pieces. Jacob rent his clothes put on set and put sackcloth phone is luan's and mourn for his son many days in all his sons and all his daughters rose up to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted any set for I will go down into the grave under my son morning. This is his father web for him verse 36 and the midianites sold him. That is Joseph sold him into Egypt under potiphar and office of payroll of pharaohs and captain of the Guard Lord. I pray that you would give us Insight from your work tonight. Play Lorde the chewed Empty Me of myself that you would cleanse me from any sin. That would hinder your word accomplishing its work tonight and Lord that I would be filled with the power and the working of the Holy Spirit to be able to deliver the truth of your work tonight that your people the Sheep of your pastor can be fat there by and grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ and I'll thank you for all that you've accomplished in his precious and holy name. I do ask this and sanctify this time and a heart in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. How this all is coming together this way. I'll share his words with you because they were quite Vivid to me when I read them. He had a way of taking the words and painting an image with them. Maybe you've known someone who could do that. They could take words. And by the time they're done giving those words. You can visualize a canvas before you and there's a there's an image in your mind. Parts of this this story the threads of Joseph's rejection by his brothers were woven time. The Simplehuman strands of his father's favoritism and his own naive self-centeredness + Joseph to create an ever-tightening rejection neck. And as we all know from the storyline the trapdoor would soon spring sending young Joseph down to a living death of slavery in Egypt we go to the God's plan was in full motion. So no human could see it human savior. The future vice-regent of Egypt was Joseph story would show how God's hidden Providence Works through men's evil. for their ultimate good dark as the story is it shines with hope and optimism and we will do lino the glimmers of Providence. I'm not not a few commentators that I consorted with after I study the passage noted by Dirty observed in the providential hand of God moving behind the scenes of all the moving pieces here in the Fallout of how Joseph wound up in Egypt now, let's back up because this was prophesied long before Joseph ever came on the stage of the story of Genesis. If we go back to the earlier chapters, and we read the God gave Abraham certain promises and within those promises he unfolded a plant that His descendants would remain in Egypt. Four. Of 400 years and we know that as history unfolds. It was 430 down to the exact number that they would be the only problem is they going to get their God's providential hand has to work in all of this and and threw the allowance of this evil that his brothers are going to commit against him which we talked about this place in their heart. The seed of hatred or the seed of favoritism that Jacob had that planted this this this planted in Grid of the root of hatred in his brothers hard against Joseph which then bore fruit of envy and now that Envy is manifesting itself with their actions that we read and verses 12 through 36. Thomas Mann imagined it like this and with one of their hearts beat with rapid Rhythm like drums so that a Holo concert concerted drumming me a rose in the breathless Stillness democracy reigned as each added his feet to the homicidal plan when young Joseph arrive the murderer was set the crowning wickedness was the plan to cast his murdered body into a sister and unburied the Supreme dishonor. What would bring them to this place? Well, it's the send that they've allowed in their own heart. That is brought them to this. Now. I do want to say this this weed. Look at this story there really are two themes that we need to know. There's there's almost up a dual dual presentation that Moses was making to us on the one hand the faithfulness Joseph. Can we not see his Integrity shunt? Can we not see his Devotion to his father? Can we can we see a faithful servant of God just doing what he supposed to do for God. We see that in the life of Joseph Dooley in at the same time. Do we not also see that the other wickedness that has been allowed to Harbor in the heart of his brothers have some things to deal with

To do OBS. Jacob is very prone to jump to conclusions remembering when he was coming to me he saw. Is conclusion in his mind he was going to kill me and embrace them here and I think you know that dear old dad might have some things to work through. Sometimes God's servants suffer due to the sins. Of the evil that others commit. You know what? I preach some years ago on a Wednesday night about some reasons for suffering and I will give you all of them here again tonight to rehash all that. We don't have time. If you have questions, we can talk after work. You can see if you know it always come just because of our own sin. Anyone that thinks that just needs to spend some time with the book of Joe Wright. We understand not all suffering is due to personal sent there other reasons why God allows suffering a person's life. Why would God allow Joseph to go through this? What did Joseph do to deserve any of this besides maybe open his mouth prematurely about what God has been doing in his life. And being faithful to his father just doing what Dad told him to do. Joseph is with no fault that I can find now. I've read the commentaries and they go back and forth and I'll tell you the good commentaries will make no qualms about seeing a type of Jesus Christ in Joseph. And and I take that position. Okay, I see Jesus and Joseph everytime. I study his life. I can't get away from seeing Christ and Joseph. Never mentioned in the New Testament. So when I look at the life of Joseph, I see a definite imprint of Christ is is he simplest know Joseph is not sin was there some areas where Joseph surely is not perfect. You're hard-pressed to find them by the way. He's a man of refugees a man of integrity, but Is human just like anybody else? He's not Divine like Jesus was 100% God. He's 1% man and Joseph though. He he shines and so many ways does he not Joseph is going to be allowed to suffer at the hands of his brothers and it's all because of the wickedness and the sand that's in their heart and one of the themes that this leads us through this is one of the one of the first places in scripture the earliest places here in the Book of Genesis that sets the tone for the rest of the scriptures that Jesus will elaborate on in that blessed. Are you when men shall revile you and persecute you

For so persecuted the prophets that were before them. He goes on to say rejoice and be exceeding glad for great is your reward in heaven. rejoice I want you to notice some things tonight as we lead up to this. We look at the story of how this all fell out. Let me remind you Genesis 37 is beginning the new toledoth or the new generational study the generational narrative surrounding Joseph and the brake is seen at the first part of chapter 37 chapter 36. We saw the lineage of East off chapter 35. Jacob was at Bethel chapter 34 we had the incident was Dinah chapter 32 steak. It was leading her aunt. So all of these have moved is down south back where he grew up. He's returned to his roots. He's back in Hebron. He's no longer in shechem. He's no longer in Bethel. He has settled down and now we've traveled through this area and I'll take it. It was very eye-opening for me it raw things into 3D is I stood there and consider the Bible narratives that I've studied in. I was able to put things together a little better and in to see the distance is worth as far as I made them out to be when you were here in Colorado in this big open Skies, you know, we Can See For Miles and everything's a lot closer over there. It's a lot tighter Volant now this is still a long way to travel on foot or on animal no matter how you cut it. So Jacob is in Hebron. Then the brothers somehow wind up north in Israel. So think very Southern Israel. I want to get the geography in your mind cuz it'll help you understand the journey that Joseph is about to make when Jacob desires him to go check on his brother. Somehow someway the brothers the 10 right because Benjamin he's not with them as far as I can tell I've Benjamin still at home with Dad. He's too young for this. He's he's going to stay closer to that. I'm sure Joseph is is sent on a mission but the brothers how did they get up there? Why did they go up there? As far as I can tell?

I think was dr. Morris and some other commentators point out surely there was plenty of pasturage down where they were why in the world were they heading back up to shechem now remembers what happened to check them check them is demolished. Okay. There's nothing left of shechem. There's nothing but ruins up there after Simeon and Levi and the brothers had their way with shechem. What are they doing back there? I don't know. I don't have chapter and verse for this week and I submit to you. I think they were up to no good. I can't prove it and I'm not going to die on this still kind of paddle. But I think that they were up there and Jacob was a little concerned and he had every right to be concerned because maybe they did maybe okay note, please understand. This is a big maybe I'm giving you my glorified my glorified understanding of this. So yes, I might be reading between the lines a little bit. I'm trying to piece together the story and how they got up there. I'm not sure they even ask for permission to go maybe dad just realized. Hey, I don't know where they are. They Joseph, you know, they must have gone up north of here. What are they doing? And maybe they had some things going on with the Chekov mites up there that after they slaughtered the whole town. Maybe there was some people up there that they were really up to no good. Navigate to shechem in that's where they're supposed to be at amusement park or something and get split up from somebody and you knows you say we're going to Rendezvous here or I'll be over here and you so somebody's you said to go look for somebody. They're not where they're supposed to be. Why don't know where they're at. That's how Joseph feels when he gets up there notice here as we look at this story. First off. I want to see Jacobs desire. His desire is to know what's happening with his sons and his flocks. They're they're not in Hebron. They're nowhere close by so then Jacob is going to desire Joseph to go check on him for 12 and his Brethren went to feed their fathers block and check them. They just went you see that. It doesn't say they asked maybe they did. Maybe they did. I suppose that they just went they were heading up. and Israel notice its Israel at Jacob said unto Joseph not that rather than feed the flock. in check, I know that's where you know, they're going to be somehow he had come to find out they would be and I will know this because this is a this is kind of a play on words if you will, what's Israel going to do?

Joseph raising this is almost like some had called it a command. I don't know in the Hebrew if you can really get a command out of this. I think it's more of a volition on Joseph Park. Hey, I really need this done. Can you do this for me? So I don't see, you know, Dad having to switch Joseph's arm to get this done notice Joseph here. Am I whatever you need that? I can I can handle this now. We surmise Joseph is about 17 years of age around that that time in life. So he's he's old enough to be able to handle this kind of think about it. He's going to have to take his bedroll with with him. He be anywhere from three to five days to get to where they are. So we're talking about like on foot that is young man's about to to do on his own and he's going to strike out dad's going to let him. Cuz he's really wondering what's going on. He is desirous to know what's happening with the other brothers and the flops and he said it to him go crazy. I command thee but I pray thee go I pray thee she Weatherby well with rather now found it. Okay. We see Joseph Jacobs cancer. Does he have any reason to be concerned about them being up and check them without anybody there? They're grown men. They can take care of themselves. But remember what happened at shechem and what Jacob was afraid of after they did their that beat their. And they made him his name to stink in the nostrils of all the people when he was afraid that everybody in that territory then.

To get out of there because of the Heat and they're going right back. I don't know about you. But if you were dad, would you be a little concern, you know some tribes that are going to take Vengeance for what happened? Are they? Okay?

Has a real concern you see Jacobs desire. He's concerned about the welfare of his children, but I know tis confusion. And Joseph neither one of them up to this point. I don't think they have a clue as to how the hatred and envy is about to manifest itself in the heart of these brothers. And so almost with naivety Joseph is going to strike out. Yep. I'll go Dad Dad doesn't think twice about it. Hey, everything's going to be

They are miles and miles and miles 50-plus miles away just to get from Hebron up to shechem. And then another how many River miles it is from there, maybe 12 miles or whatever. It is on foot up to Dothan above that another Day's Journey for sure up to Dothan cuz there's nowhere in shechem. It's an easy place easy place for them to do whatever they want, and nobody's going to know. And it is the way the culture was you could really roam around as you know, they're doing with their sheath in their their flocks. You can just run from place to place and probably go days weeks without running.

And here there in Dothan and there's probably nobody there but them and some empty, you know cisterns. Maybe they're up there looking for water and they find none. So they're already perturbed about that by the time Joseph comes over the ridge. I think Jacobs not only a legitimate concern about them being up there. I think he's a little confused as to how the hatred is going to manifest itself in their heart. So Jacob is clearly seen notice Joseph devotion. I would submit to you that it's prompt and it's persistent. Joseph is going to be faithful to do what dad says. He says go. I pray thee see whether or wether versus 14th and well with the flocks and bring me word again. Joseph I just got to know so he sent again sent him out of the valve the vale of Hebron and Joseph came to check a few days, but he gets up there and they're nowhere to be found and I can just picture Joseph, you know, maybe one of those adult like this in their life. They really have a hard to do. What's right, but they're just kind of forgot that lost look on them. Have you been there? Maybe you've seen somebody like that to Home Depot and ask somebody where something is and they just tell you or point. You need to turn them into the spider or something as you walk them over to it unless they adamantly decline you walk them over to where it is and make sure that it's in their hand before, you know, you can turn them loose before you know, who the starry-eyed look I don't know where they're going up this other going down this Thailand and all over the place. Okay, Joseph. I don't know where they are. So see if it's just there. And Shaq and I'm just kidding. I'm sure he's not maybe he's wearing an orange apron. Doubt it but

can you connect the providential. Here? What's this Got to Do with It?

Any seasonal something's going on. Maybe I need to check on this guy.

And he said seek my brethren tell me I pray thee where they feed their flocks. Well, whoever this certain man is he knows exactly who Joseph's Brethren. Are they got a reputation in the area? I'm looking for some more conversation in this is what the Holy Spirit has recorded for us by divine inspiration. They might have been exchanged names or something that's not recorded here by Moses. But it he says they're departed hints for I heard him say he was close enough to overhear them, Alabama by the way, and Joseph went after his brother and found them in Dothan. And when they saw him afar off now we get into truck. So we see what he just doesn't stop that he finds what he's looking for and he doesn't come back home. I don't know what happened. He says I can't go back yet. I'm going to be rock until I know where that and then somebody you know, God send somebody along Joseph get some help as a young man. And he's just devoted Keys prompt as soon as he's persistent stop until he finds what he's looking for.

when there was a substitute needed I see my savior in heaven. the lamb slain before the foundation of the world Now's the Time In Due Time Christ died for the ungodly Galatians tells us that that for this time Christ came it was all at the time and guts he didn't miss he didn't come to early didn't come to Jesus came right when he was supposed to and he did not stop the faithful son that he was he never stop until he found what he was looking for. He came to seek and save that which was lost now. I'll tell me you know, I'm stressing that too far. Well, that's my interpretation. But that's pretty sure I can sure make application there. Can I have Liberty in and let the Holy Spirit move us when we look at Joseph to say she Jesus. What did Jesus do for me? And Joseph is a picture of devotion is a picture promise persistence notice thirdly than the brothers depravity. The story hastens and when they saw him afar off, how was he so recognizable from a distance?

He stands out Denis dear old dad. Make sure that Whether you think it's a long tunic or a coat of many colors, I say Coat of Many Colors regardless, he stands out. And the text should stand here. It is something that is noticeable from a far-off and they can see this coat of many colors. Even before he came here under them, they're already conspiring so the brothers depravity we see their plot. As they conspire against him is what they're out for blood got him right where we want this dreamer king of Dreams master of Dreams. Yeah. Let's see how these dreams are going to wind up. See who's really in control now. Joseph's out from the purview Darrell dad. Now we can do whatever we want with him. They're going to have their way. And I said one to another behold this dreamer coming. Now the way the language is this is totally derogatory mean they are completely mocking him.

This dreamer come come now. Therefore let us slay him cast him into some pit will say some evil Beast the evil Beast. I do here. I'm going to tell you why that's important, I think. We're going to kill him. We're going to throw different will just say some dreamer come we'll see what will become of these dreams who's really in control. troll they think they can wrestle a very will and plan of God had clear Revelation from from the Lord through his wife that we know exactly which one of the twins got the Elder Shall Serve the younger and yet dear old dad wants to wrestle the will of God and say no. I'm going to favor the older I can to eat soft. It was that it was so hear the brothers are just as guilty are they not because God had revealed in that wood. Would one day rise to place of prominence. Now, they can't see the end of the story like we can but these brother should have picked up on that but they've drifted and their hatred he has driven a wedge between them and their send that they parted in their heart. They can't even hear the still Small Voice. Send will do that to you and you'll drift further away from God it'll cause you to do that. They put this plot together and they're going to kill one of those.

We should apply or we suggest a Ruben's proposal notice what he puts forward. He says Ruben heard it and he delivered him out of their hands and said let us not kill him Ruben Studdard cast him into the spit that's in the wilderness and lay no hand upon his father again. So we're let in on a little bit of the mind of Reuben out of all the brothers. Why would Ruben be the one to make this move? Do you think ribbon is first born? And if the Avenger of blood is going to call me buddy speak to the carpet. Guess who they're going after first. I think joestar Ruben has every right to stop them in their tracks and say hold on a minute. This isn't how this is going to work and I might I might not be able to stop you from throwing in the pit. But I sure am not going to let you lay a hand on him to kill him. We're going to shed. No blood now Ruben, you know has it figured out he's thinking it is mine. Okay, I can just get them to put them in the pit where you can go anywhere and then I'll go about my business and then when it's night time or whatever that whenever I get back, I'll stick him out of the pit when nobody's around and then I can get him back home safe. Now I'm reading again into my glorified imagination, but maybe Reuben is wondering after what happened.

There's a lot that's playing here with Reuben. And it came to pass. So we see the plot that they had hatched The Proposal that Reuben make steering and then we know the purchase price as jealous of going to be sold now and it came to pass when Joseph was coming to his Brethren. They strip Joseph out of his coat is coat of many colors that was on him. They took him in cash him into a pit. And there's no water in this pit. Usually there supposed to be water in the sisters we walk through and what happens in the rainy season is the water. There's no water coming and you can make it through the dry times was very dry time, and there's no water in the cistern. So he's down here.

And know their callousness and they sat down. the deep breath

What about I don't know about you, but I kind of lost my appetite at the we're going to kill him part.

And here they make no qualms. And commentators more than one commentator Drew an inference between this and the Roman soldiers when Christ was crucified. And we read this every year when we do our scripture reading remember those words. Maybe they maybe they play in your mind like to do mine and they sat down and watched him there. At the foot of the cross as they were crucifying Jesus Christ. They were eating they were drinking. They were making merry they were mocking. They were making fun of our Saviour. Hang on an innocent man dying the most gruesome death together for you. If you want it might be in a center column reference when the brothers come in or reunited with Joseph Joseph makes a comment. I think it's around chapter 41 or chapter 42 somewhere around there. He makes a comment about them ignoring his pleas ignoring the crimes that he had tried under them so though, we're not seven based off Joseph's on testimony that he was crying for them to have mercy on him. And here he is.

What can cure him in the pit trying for them to stop?

Think about that the next time. Maybe a Joseph is crying. It doesn't seem to bother people who are really in circumstance. You know, if we have churches that operate like this that there are people in the congregation Brothers and Sisters in Christ in and there's a Joseph scenario and someone's in trouble. Someone's really really up in their life and other brother sister in Christ can't hear that and it doesn't mean they don't even turn turn an ear to them. They just ignore it and continue on gorging themselves when they've got plenty and this other person has lack of Christ. Bearing one another's burdens, it's not and so here's an example right in the scriptures of Brothers. Who are ignoring one of their own? one of their own That needs help and we can glean applications from this you have the Netherlands policies here at the church. One of the policies of that benevolence Ministry When We Gather funds to help people is church members do take priority. There's also just means we've got to be mindful that we're not saying no to somebody who's faithful to come and serve and we know them personally and they're here involved in the ministry. And then we just turned a deaf ear to the right for help and we go and just throw this to somebody else that maybe we'll never see him again or or whatever, you know practical theology practical application. Don't turn a deaf ear. We see the plot. We see the proposal by Ruben. We see the purchase price. So now she is going to enter the stage. They took in the cats when they sat down to eat bread. They lifted up their eyes and looked and behold. Striking word there. We hold attention to this because

Why in the world they could have been you know, they looked and looked and behold the company of ishmaelites going to carry it down Egypt exactly what you're reading about Luke says, hey we can get something out of this deal. I'll just take somebody else's word for it. I read that crunch. The 22nd is here and said it equals. I don't know when he was writing this I'm sure inflation head would affect this a little bit but the number he gave us like 98 bucks today. 98 bucks they sold it. What's $100? See you bro. Have fun down Egypt will never see you again.

Show De Juda says we're going to make some profit here if we kill him will we won't get that just tell him he can still is but she said she come let us sell him to the ishmaelites. Let not our hands. He's our brother and our flesh at least he has that conviction about him.

And his brother that's that's that's good work that out. Sounds good to me. And their past by midianite Merchant men and they drew and lifted up Josephine. They don't get confused. There is mail lights. It's one in the same. You're an American, right? if you live in Colorado, and this is residence your Colorado and right so I can call you in American and call you Colorado in and and not Do you this service their ishmaelites largely tracing their lineage back to Ishmael their many nights? That means the land of Midian is where they hail from.

most expensive time in MIDI

North. There's air coming down and if you look at the strain it makes sense.

They're almost going to miss them if the brothers don't do something to go catch him. And so they just happen to be coming through here. They make this deal to sell them to sell Joseph. So they they drew and lifted up Joseph out of the pit. anyone under underline the words lifted up member Jesus said in John 12, and I if I be

I can see Jesus and Joseph.

I'm still going to underline that my Bible ain't they lift it up Joseph out of the pit and sold Joseph to the ishmaelites for 20 pieces of silver now full grown human would go for 30 pieces of silver, which is the price of Judas betrayed Jesus for so Joseph is sold for 20. 20 pieces of silver and they brought Joseph into Egypt. So we see the purchase price and then note the Panic Reuben comes back. He does. He's beside himself. What in the world is going on. Joseph was supposed to be in the pit. I was supposed to be able to get him out and get him back to that. Everything's going to be. Okay call Joseph was not disclosed in consternation. Sorrow Jacobs going to rent his clothes too in a little bit. So he rented here in his clothes and he returned to his brother and it said in the world. Am I going to go and face dad when we don't have Joseph? Notice, I mean, he's beside himself. Can you understand his remorse?

You guys just sealed It For Me. Maybe you'll be all right, but I'm the one that's going to have to answer for this when we get home. Where am I going to go? How am I going to get out of? Be sure your sin will find you out. Well, they're going to covered up for a little while though. So we see is panic. Now notice how they're going to cover everything up. They took Joseph's coat killed a kid of the goats. I want to take a Jay Vernon McGee who pointed it out about the aspect of the goat this being a kid of the goats. And what's rewind let's go together one time deceive dear old dad goat play the part that too didn't it? It took a kid of the goats. She meant to say that potage. I tasted just like good old Esau's And the Goat was used in the deception of Jacob. For Jacob to deceive Isaac. Now it comes home to roost.

His own stunts or going to do the same thing. They're going to take a goat and they're going to use its blood and they're going to lie to do your old dad now except it's not Isaac that gets lied to its Jacob. Now the very one who deceived before will be deceived now. And the wall of the boomerang comes full circle.

And he's reaping what he said.

We see Jacobs despair.

Note the word scent again. Jacob sent Joseph now. The brothers are going to send his coat back. the dad after they dipped it in the blood. They sent the coat of many colors and they brought it to their father and said this have we found know now whether it be name That's how much they hate him still. Your son Dad this is this your son's coat.

That's exactly why this is so disrespectful. And revelatory of what's really in their heart. They can't even bring themselves to utter his name. Because I just sold him down in slavery expecting. He'll never return for me to fill never see him. Again. He probably will die the cities of it down there never to be heard from again, but it's the Providence of God that he whines up in an officer of a rose house not some obscure Little Village somewhere in a man who's directly under Pharos captain of the Guard. He's he's over the prison Ward, right?

Well, Jacob is going to despair. Is this that sounds coat? Or no and he knew it. Instead it is my son's coat. He doesn't even say Joseph in the name. Note here. Again the play on words and evil Beast has devoured him remember what was the plot? I will just kill him and thrown in a pit and say some evil Beast of Burden o they didn't kill him, but they did throw him in a fit and the evil beasts that were devouring him sat down and ate while he was crying from the pit. Those were the evil Beast. That have their way with Joseph. Oh, yeah, this is the conclusion that Jacob and evil Beast. and evil Beast it was Talmadge who preached a sermon off of this phrase alone condemning alcohol in every form Y'all read that as part of the world's greatest sermon series. Sometimes I don't have to go through here tonight. But an evil Beast one where everything looks great everything's in order and and and there's peace and there's happiness in this home and only show you another one where they're trying to sell everything they can and there's Brokenness All in This Home same home. Same home from destroyed it the evil Beast devours without preach preach at Talmadge a matter of time before more houses look like the ones how much described that's turn since it's coming around for another time Jacobs despair. There's no conscience on the part of his brother's no conscience whatsoever doesn't sound for Jacob no conscience on their part. No comfort. for Jacobs despair without a doubt Joseph is rent in pieces East Warren and Jacobs tears his clothes and put sackcloth on his loins mourned for his son many days many days many days all his sons and all his daughters Laurel. Maybe there's more than one daughter than Dyna Maybe. Rose up, maybe some have grandkids by now. I don't know they all rows up to cover him, but he refused to be comforted. Okay kids baby boy the war part of the plot. They're all going along with Jacob trying to do everything they can how easy do you think it is for the brothers to continue to put up with this they know the truth. everyday


Joseph is not dead. As of what they know of maybe he is but they didn't kill him and it sure wasn't an evil Beast that they reported to the bring Dad's at the conclusion of living with this and watching Joe Jacob go through the motions over Chelsea. Everything's going to be okay. No, it's not. Okay. Dad is broken. and they like to just move on there's no conscience for then. There's no comfort for Dad. the old rose up in Oceanside

Wherever my son is I'm going to go find. Now look at Jacobs morning and contrast that if you will to David's morning over his son. You know the baby that died. Yeah that one. Well, this child was alive David Moore right and refuse to eat because there was still hope that the child could live Jacob has absolutely no hope no faith in God or his Revelation about the dreams before all of that everything his whole world has crashed. Everything's gone. As far as he's concerned. Jacob can't see it because he's in this Valley depression and he won't climb out. Totally different isn't as soon as David got the news that his baby was beyond the grave. He said it's time to move on. He buried his dead out of his sight. He went God write a new chapter in his life is hard as that was it was never the same after that was it not wasn't but David was able to move on and still do something for God. Jacob is going to wallow. Wind-up useless until his brothers have to track him down to Egypt to save his very why in the end. We can learn something about grief here at will pay attention. That's his father went for him. And then we note you know, where is God in all this I wrap this up. You couldn't find to meet to walk with me through these 36 vs. Schnucks at the end of the story. Unites they sell Joseph. Oh, not just anybody.


Pharaoh has an officer named popper. You see this is the beginning of Josephus climb out of the pit a long climb. It'll be but he's going to wind up that I can come and I want to give you SD Myers words in closing because he he just had an eloquent way of putting this if I can find where I wrote it down. As we think in clothes, you know, we just say, where where is God in all this? Do we see him hand evidence in through the Bible day-by-day FB Meyer wrote this about the Providence that we've already pointed out but this is how he put it it was beautiful. It was not chance but Providence that brought these midianites to the pit. That's a tower. They had of course fix their time of departure from their native land the speed at which their camels were to travel the amount of time which they would spend at the fairs and markets in route are respectively of all other considerations, but their own profit inconvenience yet quite unconsciously they were moving according to a Divine time table. Everything in life is directed superintendent in controlled by a Divine for thought you maybe in a bit of dark. Misery. God knows that you are there and times the moment are they that believe Shazam there shall be a performance months ago started which will arrive at the convention will best serve you David said I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help.

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