Gifts of the Spirit 6
But I just before we do that I want to preface this with that song today and my wife will be glad I remembered that was the song we played at our break but our wedding started. You know, we wanted to make a statement to everybody their you know that our life, you know, our life was committed to the Lord said before we did pass your balls Cannon for her to walk that we played that song for everyone just as a testimony to God's faithfulness. Amen. So we're going to move on today. Actually were we covered a lot of ground in the last few weeks about the ministry of the Holy Spirit and his role in the church today? It is for today the ministry of the Holy Spirit or something then cannot do without in our lives and it comes in month of ways and multitude of roles. We started reporting at the offices of the church, which was a gift that was given to the church to so it could grow X take the Gospel Four Word Worship in spirit and Truth. All of those offices were set in place. So the church could be built upon. The only foundation scripture says is Christ himself. Paul said I don't build on anyone else is foundation. This is the Cornerstone of the Gospel me that moved on for 2 weeks and we talked about the Practical gift things that people have in the church today and that we found out in Romans. Chapter 5 where we looked at the various gifts and things that were put in order to serve each other and how we saw how serving each other cause our faith to grow causes our gift to grow gives us energy and excitement about what God is doing in our lives I asked. Yeah, Robin to sing that song today because one of the verses in that song is open up my eyes to the you know, the people around me. That's why God has given us all of these tools and guess so we can minister to the people who are around us. We also talked about how the spiritual gifts worked together in our are very practical things that we do in life. You know, there are people here that have the gift of nursing their people here that haven't came via the people here that you know, the gift of encouragement. We have people here at the gift of hospitality. We have people here that have the gift of disorganization. Whatever your gift is do it with all of your strength. It's to serve other people. around you we're going to move Val to the super natural gifts and giftings of the Holy Spirit and neither operations of the holy spirit that he works, but we're not going to jump into the 1st Corinthians today. What I want to do is set that stage for an understanding of the importance of a relationship with the Holy Spirit life of a Believer today that entitle today's message the spirit in the world today now, Remember the first century Church. They didn't have the scriptures right while they had the Old Testament, right? So everything we see in the Old Testament all the teaching that was going on in the old man in the first century church was based in the Old Testament. There's some folks today here will say that the Old Testament is gone. It's not of any value because we're having a ball things old things have passed away All Things become new they really distort the scripture because from the very beginning we see history of the holy spirit in the Book of Genesis in the Book of Genesis Genesis Kings, you know all the way through the prophets all the way through the end of the book of Revelation the ministry of the holy spirit is active in the lies of those who are serving God. Choke in the very beginning if you remember salvation was only available to you. If you are a Jew it was only to the nation of Israel. The promises of God were given me the scripture says I've been grafted in we have been adopted into the promises and into the kingdom of God and that's why it says our hearts cry out Abba Father right have been given access to the promises of the nation of Israel the people of God because it is Grace theologically speaking. What's known as the time of the Gentiles it's the time from when Peter preaches the gospel and the Gentiles get saved the day of the Rapture where the church is removed from this mess and the opening shots of the tribulation. Begin this time from the day that the Holy Spirit fell in the Gentiles until that day which we don't know when but certainly by looking at the signs of the time. We see we're getting closer to the end the doors open for us Gentiles non-jews non. Inclusive of the original Promises of God to his people to be grafted in and the door is open now for us. The show the very beginning just like any good church. There were there religious people that wanted to keep things the way they used to be right? We find that there was a bit of a problem between the old school the Pharisees of the day and the new school. The people have drinks still much was this issue about Grayson law that the book I think it's a book of Galatians. Paul doesn't even really give them an exhortation is he doesn't every other book in the Bible. He jumps trade-in who has deceived you with this doctor that works. He was so angry about the old way trying to impose itself on the new way that have brought lots of division. So it acts chapter 14. We fine, you know Peters out preacher Paul and Barnabas around preaching the Gentiles are getting saved and the old school back in Jerusalem are like, well listen this can't be because they're not Jewish and if they get sick, Then they have to be like the old days. They got to get circumcised to have to keep the law if they want in on the Promises of God. So that's up to 15. We pick it up here certain men came down from Judea and toilet are in the unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses. You cannot be there for when Paul and Barnabas. I love this had no small dissension that word literally means they were about to go to fight over this thing. A dispute with them. They determine the Paul and Barnabas and certain others should go up to Jerusalem to the apostles in the elders about this question domain sent on their way by the church. They passed through Phoenicia and Samaria describing the conversion of the Gentiles and they cars great joy to come to all the Brethren when they got to Jerusalem been received by the church in the apostles in the elders and they reported all things that they had done. Oh all things that God had done.
Barbie thank you today for your word. We just ask that you give us wisdom Lord that you make it ran into our hearts Lord use it to ignite a fire in us that the understand the importance of this relationship with this person the Holy Spirit and our lives in the importance of it in our life today God. I pray those things. We were me and let it fall to the ground, but that what you have purpose for us today, let it change us and conformist to the image of close to see us will give glory to you in Jesus name. Amen, so what was the large was the fact that the Gentiles were getting saved who let these people in and steal. The Pharisees the religious people were like you have to do it the way that we did it. It's got to be the way it always was you got to go get circumcised. You have to keep the lawn in the whole thing. Was is that Christ? I came not to do away with the law but to fulfill it everything. He said to the Pharisees you search the scriptures because you think you find eternal life. They had come up with their system. If I do a b c d e f g h i j k that I'll be okay with God said you blew it those scriptures speak about me. I am the way the truth and the life. Jesus said, it's not a great debate with ensuing and it ended up with Paul in Barrhaven where they weren't traveling up the Jerusalem to get this resolved once and for all in all the way. They were sharing all the things that God was doing among them. I love what I hear people talk about City Light or White House. Don't like God is really doing the work. They're not my friends really doing to work their own Joshua's really doing a work there Odalys really do it a good, you know doing a good there. And that's what it supposed to be right God is doing a work in and through us and we need to remember that it had their event men and women that have gone before and that's all you hear from them is how great their Ministry is. Listen. We don't have a Ministry. God has a Ministry through us. The people were still Sinners saved by grace. Nothing more nothing less cuz forgive this is a great gift to be had. Its others great debate is going on today north of Jerusalem and just like any other to charge they have a meeting with the elders in the board. Right? Let's come to a consensus here. Let's have a discussion about this issue and try to solve it. Last chapter 15 verse 7. We read this I heard there's been much dispute. They were probably just up there saying hey, let's have a nice meeting. They were like in their face. Listen, you're wrong about this. This is what God is doing and then they were about to come to blows with this thing. And it says there was much dispute Peter rose up among them and said then and brother and you know that a good while ago shows among us that Buy Mobile the Gentiles should hear the word of God and the gospel and believe who chose.
Don't you see the focus don't not like we have a board meeting and decided that I was the best equipped to do this. So I'm going to go to the Gentiles. He said back if you read the story in the book of Acts. Peter was bracing Emma. Holy Spirit just felt he was like, I don't have anything to do with it. God did this work that says you're not in a good while ago that God chose among us to find my mouth and Jen's house should hear the gospel believe. So God, who knows the heart acknowledge them by what giving them the Holy Spirit just as he did to us and he made no distinction between us and Them purifying their hearts. But a now therefore why do you test God by putting a yoke on the neck to the disciples which neither our father or fathers know we are to Bear but we believe that through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We shall be saved in the same manner as to which of the word giving their just God who knew the heart acknowledged it by giving them the Holy Spirit This is the first group of Gentiles that got saved and how they know as they receive the Holy Spirit into their luck. Listen when you have an encounter with God, you cannot walk away unchanged. I don't care who you are. There's a change that happens when you have an encounter with God. Why don't you things happen you even realize that you are about to go to hell for eternity or you raise your head and arrogance and pride and refuse to repent and that's where you really do and The scripture says all things have become new for those who are in Christ. Paul said if the so-called brother comes to you and says, he'll be Christian. He said check his throat anybody can speak and can talk but it's only those people who really walk that our testimony. That's why I've been couraging you. It's so me a demonstration of what a Christian really is in this place because all those people you work with, you know that are from that other Camp may never ever see another Christian except their experience with you. That's why it says you're a living epistle written unto this age. You know, what if you don't have the Holy Spirit yourself, you've got nothing to show. The only reason we have something to show is because of what the holy spirit is doing in us and through us.
I love that giving the word giving there in the Greek is an error with active participle, which means if this thing could be translated that the spirit was given at a specific point in time that day. And is being given currently and will continue to be given there wasn't anywhere where it said. Oh God gave that day for that reason for that purpose only. In fact, it's quite contrary to that. It says that the gift that giving of the Holy Spirit to the believer is an ongoing process. So those who are saved those who are being saved those who will be saved in the future will have that same experience with the Holy Spirit the same encounter with the Living God. It's the mark of Salvation whistle. If we don't look any different than the world. How's the world going to know where any different than them? The problem nowadays it's getting more and more clear clearly clear. Who's in what temp? And it's taking a lot more to stay over on this side on God's side because now we're The Crazy Ones. We have some fellowship with some close friends of ours from the UK. You're so bad if you're when if you're arrested on the street, or if you're you know, like they think something's wrong with you. The first question. They do questions. They ask you do you believe there is a God and do you believe that he speaks to you in a few answer? Yes to both those questions. They put you on medication. This is like isn't that was supposed to be like absolutely moment. Right if we listen but now you're crazy if that's the case so but squeeze is coming, right and that's why we need the Holy Spirit. That's what Jesus said. Don't worry about it. When they drug you before the court. I'll give you the words to speak. What did they say about the disciples all these people don't know this they're unloaded but no fisherman, you know, they're basically saying they don't do nothing yet. Listen to the wisdom. It's coming from these people. It wasn't from that was coming from the holy spirit in them.
It was the mark of Salvation acts 15.
Good vs. Well faster Peter said his piece all the multitude kept silent and then they listen to Barnabas and Paul declaring how many miracles and wonders God work through them. Did you see it again? Not that they worked how many people got saved in my meeting last night. How many people got healed my meeting last night how many people got head healed how many people God had changed how many people have encountered God through them?
It showed us the Wonders that guarded work through them in among all the Gentiles. Here we see again. I focused on God everything in these people's lies focused on a relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. That's what was the common nowadays me find it to be the uncommon if we see somebody who's excited about Dawn and they're they're praising God and maybe they're worshiping and tongues are there that we see somebody healed or receive God do a miracle suddenly that's become like the off thing. What are the old days in these days they didn't pursue those things those things followed them because the Holy Spirit was working and that's the difference. It's like giving we don't give to get we get because we're supposed to it's what we're supposed to do and in return we get
I shared this morning that if you read the book of Acts, you will see that it is a book of The Miraculous from the chapter one for the end. You said God during Miracle after me after Miracle people getting saved delivered people getting beat up stones and left for dead and yet God continues to work through them. They continue to press on because of the power of the holy spirit that says listen this power that were talking about isn't some you know gaseous thing that's floating around in the universe. It's not like my Spidey Powers if I'm Spiderman the holy spirit is a person. Everywhere in the scripture. We will see him referred to as he or him.
We need to remember we're talking about a relationship with a person in a few have a relationship. You have to communicate any men. Like that's what we do when we get married, right? You learn how to communicate with each other and in that relationship a love develops right and excitement develops. And it's the same thing. That should be the same thing in our relationship with God. It's not wrong to be able to dance and I love it. When I see the little kids over here just you know dancing and do their thing and I keep thinking about that scripture where Jesus said let you become like them. You'll never enter the kingdom of God. And yet but we didn't we see somebody who's like really interested or they're having just enjoying God's presence that you know, that's a little too much for me by maker game and somebody scores a goal man. The whole stadium goes crazy. They have experience and that's what we have with God through the Holy Spirit. We have an experience. So it's not wrong to experience God is to be excited about God in the be touched by God. The problem comes when you start seeking that kind of a thing and you start living for that kind of a thing that is a byproduct of your relationship with God like they're good times and bad times in marriage Arthur good times and bad times in relationships. Absolutely, but you don't abandon each other. You just just got out it right you keep communicating. That would be crazy. If there was a stadium full of people who are all sitting there talking and suddenly stood up and started yelling goat on because there's nobody on the field. That would be strange. But we're not just here trying to work ourselves up. We're here to experience the presence of God, which is already in us. We don't need to pray. You know, we singing. Oh, holy spirit rain down listen already. The holy spirit is here. The problem is we're not I don't mind is someplace else our thoughts are someplace else. And so that's why we do worship. That's why we do praise right to get us on the same channel that God speaking on right get tuned in put all that stuff aside start listening and it's when we start listening then at the Holy Spirit begins to move in and we get touched in different ways.
How did they resolve their differences we have one group saying? This is the way it's supposed to be and we're not changing and we have another group saying though. This is the way it's supposed to be and we're not changing. So how did they resolve their differences? It wasn't by agreement. It wasn't by a vote. It wasn't what would Paul had to say never Barnabas had to say or repeater had to say or what the apostles had to say. They all got together, even though they had their differences and they prayed and said God. What do you want? And that is how they made their final decision decision. They were going to send to representatives from the council back with Paul and Barnabas to give me the answer to the church. Look at the answer is 15 or verse 24 of Acts 15. They said since we have heard that someone who went out from us of troubled you with these words unsettling your soul thing. You must be circumcised and keep the law off to whom we gave no such command. Please look at this verse it seemed good to us being assembled with one Accord, even though they were different just send chosen members with you and our beloved Barnabas and Paul men who had wrist. No lies for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We have therefore sent Judas and Silas who will also report the same things by the word of mouth for once seemed good to him. The Holy Spirit Airbus, it doesn't say it seemed good to us. And so weird. This is what we're going to do. It said they saw it the holy spirit's answer to this problem and whatever they heard is what they did even though they had differences. It seemed good to the Holy Spirit. They were wholly conscious of the presence of a Divine person among them leading them guarding them teaching them and revealing truth to them before they did anything man. If we would live our lives everyday like that how much grief we would save ourselves, you know how much attention when we save ourselves how much watery would we save ourselves God that he doesn't answer every one of our prayers. Yeah, that's what it is. You think to say because we want God to answer all of our prayers and we went in front of them. Right but there are some prayers that have gone unanswered would lead you to a place of Destruction if you have real like, you know, the little kids sometime.
I just know if we would just be like, oh the holy spirit said no, okay, but we're not like that right there always is the scripture says kicking against the goads, right and yet in those days even as determined as those Pharisees were in Delray that they needed to be circumcised when they heard the Holy Spirit say no they said no, I didn't argue. They just didn't that's how in tune with the Holy Spirit. They were in their lives in those days. Belle from Genesis to revelation we see that people had a conscious awareness of the Holy Spirit and their lives estimate book. Do not mention the Holy Spirit. What are those filene in which is very small and the other one is 2nd and 3rd, John and 1st John does mention the Holy Spirit. This is how important the ministry of the holy spirit is throughout the New Testament. The holy spirit is recognized as a real person with intelligence feeling well and action. Listen, it's not me. You know when we we pray for somebody and somebody gets heel, it's not me. It's the Holy Spirit working through me. When somebody else comes the guide says whenever an altar call is given it's not the preacher. It's the Holy Spirit working through then it happens all the time. I get, you know, sometimes people will come and say, you know Pastor that was a great message on this and I'll be like I didn't preach on that today because I'm like, okay, thank you. How did they get that message? Cuz they heard the Holy Spirit speak to them through what I was saying. That is what that relationship is all about. Holy Spirit, it says searches our hearts 1st Corinthians. 2:10. God is revealed them through to reveal them to us through his spirit for the spirit searches things yet. The Deep things of God, there's intelligence and wisdom that the Holy Spirit has you know, the scripture says that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge is hidden in Christ and Christ is in you. So do you really that means that every answer to every problem if everything is already in you because you have the mind of Christ and him are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge if we would seek it out because we're so used to being in a specially Like Us in a western kind of people, you know, we've been brought up, you know, you got to do a toilet Porter books and get to work first at yourself find the problem, right? Yep, that's totally contrary the following the Holy Spirit. It should be rested for the Holy Spirit first and then go and do what it is that he wants. He has feelings that can be Grieves Ephesians. 4:30. Don't grieve the Holy Spirit by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. You should know my gas doesn't have you no feelings, but a person does and we don't think about that. Sometimes like your actions grieve the Holy Spirit and remember it doesn't say, you know, he's angry but grief is that you know, you was parents know when something happens with one of your kids and you're like, you know, you're a happy about that and you might be great but you still love them. You don't hate them. You're still pray for them. You still go to that go to bat for them. Right? It's the same thing that were moments when things that we do that the holy spirit's just like a man when you going to get that right, but he still comes back and goes, you know Works us again and again and again, He distributes just two people 1st Corinthians 12:11, but one in the same Spirit works all of these things Distributing to each one individually as he Wills. Now I've asked you to go on to do gifts test adjust and find out your spiritual gifting. Right and we're going to talk about that next week. We'll start talking about like the super. Supernatural gifts that generally the supernatural gifts are for Ministry or not for entertainment there. Not a sideshow. In fact of everything the gifts the supernatural gifts of the holy spirit are the main show. This is the apostles preach the word the Holy Spirit confirmed it with signs and wonders and miracles. irrefutably get Subway has become all twisted up and Satan has turned it into it, you know it into like a fiasco sometimes or a free-for-all there's an order to the working of the gifts. There's a purpose to the working to guess in all of it works together to confirm God's word, you know, the people here believe that if you say you're a spokesman for God you should be able to demonstrate the power of God.
Okay, what does the Bible say? You are ambassadors for Christ? Which means what? You're a spokesman or woman for God? So what does that mean? You should be able to demonstrate the power of God and I believe the key that is placed the key to this country is going to be a demonstration of the supernatural when people stop in front of the Mazda get out of the car and lay hands on the guy in that wheelchair and in Jesus name get up and he gets up and walk away watch how much attention people will get. You know, there's a lot of the books here that says you're not allowed to practice healing without a license out that What would you like from? What would happen? Hey, what are you do you have a license to do that straight to the court. Who did you do this in this and what now what? It was in Jesus name, right?
That's the reason that these things with the gift of knowledge will talk about the gift of Prophecy. So you're able to say to someone, you know, this is what God has to say to a man catch them right in the heart and there's a ball underneath and and you know, it gets saved. Turn on for entertainment. They are for spiritual warfare. We talked about the gift of tongues and praying in the spirit when it when you don't know what to pray in the spirit prays through you. Sorry to hear of experience that at like 2 in the morning when you can't sleep and you know exactly what it means. God wants you to pray. She know when you find it a little bit, right and finally you get up and you pray and suddenly it's like the burdens gone. You have no idea what you paid for. It already has an idea what's going on. God did somebody to pray to the holy spirit's praying for you and suddenly it's like done and you going to go back to bed right go back to sleep. All of these things that we're going to talk about coming up are given for one reason Warfare for the Saints and a demonstration of the power of God.
It acts chapter 13 verse 2. It says they ministered to the Lord in fasted the holy spirit said they'll separate me and Barnabas Barnabas and Saul the work which I have called them at 16 now and they had gone through purga in the region of galatia. They were forbidden by the Holy Spirit to preach the word. Adasia. You think you would be like I would do to Satan. I'm telling you to preach God's word. I'm going there to do God's business. It's alright, it's all good. It's all what we're supposed to do, but it wasn't what they were supposed to do with that point. Thank God the Holy Spirit block them. Maybe they would have been killed there.
Most importantly men and women were moved by the spirit knew him in a definite and a personal way. How would you know if you got up this morning or tomorrow morning? And God the same? Hey don't drive down that road or don't go over 50 miles an hour in the highway today. Remember the Lord told me once like don't drive tell my wife. This said if you don't go over a hundred K, you'll never be in an accident and you think I listen all the time. Just get our people are passing you in on the rest of this stuff, but I was driving back from Route out for him one day when I was with the King was at out in the desert there and when I'm finished my shift and I was coming back to Riyadh and I was in a hurry to get home cuz I've been gone for all weekend. So I was doing that was traveling at a pretty good clip coming back to the mom Highway and you know, I I'm like yes, I'm almost home. I'm like two lights away from home. And I'm sitting at a red light on a Saturday morning. There's not another car in the road except the guy in front of me and I look in the rearview mirror and here comes this car. Eid right into the back of my car. I might drive the steering wheel unlike this is not going to be good. Hit me pushed me in 4 brand new Lexus in front of me. pushed into this and I'm thinking in the guy doesn't have insurance right to this means no nuts him, right? So we have to wait for The Police become don't think I'm only like 2 minutes away from my house. I think I sat there for 2 hours waiting for the police to come in the back of my mind the whole time. I was thinking see if you wouldn't mind over 100 you would have been sitting at that red light when that car came by right?
Must have hit a nerve. Nobody said amen. I don't know sometimes why God says do this. It is for home protection, right but we're like, you know if it'll take me another 25 minutes to get home if I get a travel at that speed. Okay, do what you want and I'm telling you ahead of time. So you see sometimes we think it's just us right and it's the holy spirit's trying to like hey, hey. Hey something I can see something down the road here. I'm trying to warn you, you know angels are ministering Spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation, you know, they're not just floating around on little clouds everywhere back when I get to heaven. I know my guardian angel is going to go and say thank God you're here if you know what I'm saying, so I don't have to deal with you anymore.
Holy Spirit was also given to us to change. I was looking first talking about Saul when he was anointed to be king. The spirit of the Lord will come upon you and you will prophesy with him and what he turned into another man getting counter. It's the change us the make is different and has put it this way in his book about the voice of God lion has roared who will not there yet. Sometimes God will speak to us if we just walk away. This is serious business. We're in there's a war going on and we're walking around like lalala. Lalala in bangui get hit with something. We're like, whoa, where'd that come from? We have to start taking this thing more serious. Like I said this in 3 Vape truly. I am full of the power of the spirit of God. Injustice and it might man if you know, we went into everyday like that, we would be in a we would be different and I think our circumstances in the people around this would be different also because as soon as something happens, we think well, I must not have that much power. Why did that happen? Right we get shifted away from what it really says about us what we think we see. Every facet of the Believers life was under the submission the control the Holy Spirit their work their worship their life. They didn't walk by emotion, but rather their emotions fuelled their walk Right, isn't that what it is? If you got a passion for something you're going to do it you're doing with all of your heart and that's the way it should be with our relationship with God. It's not wrong to have an emotional encounter with God, but it is wrong to let that lead you. To save it. Okay today, I don't feel so good. So that must mean God's this no. Russians come and go we can't have emotional experiences with God but most of the time with the walk by faith and that's why it says without faith. It's impossible to please God cuz he knows if we're Ledbetter emotion James that you'll be like a ship tossed on the sea up one minute down the next minute. We want to be straight right on the Rock stand through the storm and things will be okay. I'm always reminded that God told us a year-and-a-half ago. There was a storm coming in this place things are going to get bad and look at the condition things are now out there. Don't Be Shaken stand with your feet on the Rock and in the midst of it I'll bless you are you kidding me the economy's falling apart in this place, they men even as bad as things are we're still being blessed cuz we don't walk by what we see we walk by what he has given us. The whole wife and worship transcended merely Natural Life the supernatural with part of every experience of their life. And that's the thing. We we've gotten back into the right of just going through the motions not expecting God not a Praying for those of your on my Facebook page. You know, I sent that that video last night about faith. Someone sent it to me. I think brother Joey sent it out the baby some if you got it that there was no was it your daily for the morning you sent it was the story about this church was built up against this mountain and when they were about to open the building inspector came and said you can't open get to need a bigger parking lot. There is no more room to put the parking lot because there was a mountain there. So the pastor called Depot and said whoever's got faith to move a mountain come tonight and we're going to pray and next Sunday. We're going to open the date that they had set for their opening. They said we're going to open on that day. They are about like 20 or 30 gather maybe 10% of the church that day and they prayed for 3 or 4 hours that night. What day is the pastor Was preparing for the message? There was a knock at the door and I construction guy was at the door. Open the door. He said pastor. How are you? I'm from this construction company and we're working down the street and we're building a shopping center. And we need dirt from your Mountain. Can we move that dirt for her? What we've been waiting for the dark and when we're done, we'll paint it. So you have a parking lot back there. And so the Dirt Devil was supposed to be the parking lot with paid money and that's that week. They open right on time. That's Faith to move a mountain, right? It just excited me when I read that because sometimes we don't expect that. We're just going through our lives. We forget that we're serving a God who does things like that knows bottoms if we wanted by police? Dealers that they cannot be with God he called them B without walking in the power of the holy spirit in their life looking deletions 5 announce the team to come up in the meantime, but the fruit of the spirit is love joy, peace, longsuffering kindness goodness faithfulness. Listen, you cannot demonstrate these these traits in your life. Unless the holy spirit is working in you because the other spirit is the spirit of me. I'm taking what I can get from you. This spirit is what I'm giving to other people and what God has given me get honest and ethical dictionary said this about their life while they expected singing in the spirit praying in the spirit and the gifts of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. They did not claim external Miracles every day, but they knew that every day was a miracle as they lived in they worked in the power of the Holy Spirit. You know, it's a miracle that you're sitting in this place today. It's a miracle the way in this room today in this place. Good thing God has provided but we don't look at it like that and think this is a miracle. We're like, well, it's because it's the US Embassy know it isn't tomorrow. They can say get out. Where are the place that you it's illegal to do this and yet God has done a miracle. By the way, they raise my rent. So we have to pray from the store, but that's okay. Whatever it takes we're going to be here. Because God has given entrusted this to us, right and he said okay, I'm giving you everything now. You guys take care of it for me. John 14:18, he said this I will not leave you as orphans, but I will come to you. Remember Jesus said hey, I'm going in the disciples were sad. He said this isn't if I don't try to the Holy Spirit won't come. Kimkim So it'll be a little while and soon you will be endued with power go to Jerusalem wait until the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and see what happens next. And so God is in us right Christ in me. The hope of glory it says he promised the counselor a Helper and Advocate a teacher a guide. These are all relationship. where and so we have to cultivate this relationship with the Holy Spirit Satan quickly attacks the nature in the reality of the holy spirit in the life of the believer because he wants you to walk in human wisdom in human wisdom will never suffice the problem that you have in your life. 1st Timothy 6:20 posted this to the young man who was about to enter Ministry. Guard what has been committed to you.
What's been committed to us this new ministry this ministry of the Holy Spirit avoid odor babbling and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge. I don't want to know what you don't want to know what I think I don't want to know when someone else thinks. I don't want to know what that guy in the Radio thinks. I want to know what God thinks and where am I going to find that right here? I listen, but you know, what if they say anything that's not in line with what's right here. Okay, throw it away. The scripture says hold fast to that which is good and throw the rest of it away will be swayed by man's then we went about walk by what it says in the book and everybody's experience with the Holy Spirit. is different
you can go where we'll look at that in the next few the next few messages. But all I can tell you is that you know, and my testimony for almost 1 year when God delivered me from drug drinking Guardian building from liver cancer over the things that happen to me all of it happened before I ever set foot in a church. Or listen to a preacher on a radio or watch the spiritual TV program. All of it came from here because I simply was dumb enough to believe what it said. I didn't have any theology. That said no. No. No, that's not right when it said I want you to fast for three days. I thought I stood for three days when I said I want you to move out I moved out. It wasn't rocket science. I think we make it more difficult than what it really is. Right? Why cuz sometimes we don't want to be obedient to what the word of God has to say. dinner when it came to this whole thing of the Holy Spirit Someone a friend of mine came who I used to know is the young when I was in my younger days and he God save before me actually, he was in a cult group and his parents had him kidnapped and deep program because he was so far into this culture and he then he now has a Ministry to people that have been caught up in cult groups and it'll bring them to a place to deliver it in Freedom in Christ to find out that I had something was going on with 10 so I can to my house one day and he's like, oh, hey I hear something, you know what's going on? So I'm telling him all this stuff about like, oh, yeah God this and you know, I got delivered from the you know, the cocaine in the park and drinking and I'm just like I'm going a hundred miles an hour about like what God's doing in my life. You craved like Laura slow down. Have you pray the sinner's prayer? I'm like what? I mean I tried but if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, then you'll be safe. Okay, so I confess with my mouth and I believe I would say it. He prayed it was me that day. Anyways, I guess just to make sure right said to me have you thought about the whole like this ministry the Holy Spirit mean? Well, you know, the holy spirit is all there's all these Jesse StarTalk trying to talk about these gifts and stuff. I don't like listen Craig. If God wants me to have this thing don't give it to me. I'm driving down the road a few days later and just suddenly bang the Holy Spirit following me or the power of the Holy Spirit was released today. I just began just like speaking in tongues. It's like, oh, I guess this is what we can tell just driving down the road. It wasn't a big deal. Any snow controversy? That's that's what happened when God gave him the first prophecy. I just spoke it. I just said hey, you know, I think God has this word for you. And here it is and I gave it to the end that person was moved to tears. by that message why just because the guy with the word says hey, you'll prophesied prophesied. You should know you don't lay hands on the sick seeing recover. Oh, but you know didn't go to the doctor first. Let me do we get a medical report and we can you see what I'm trying to say. If we just simply believe and follow the bit that makes it to simple right? But let me tell you that's the best place to be is just believe the word of God. Don't let someone else tell you differently than what's in this book go back Holy Spirit you are in me. I want to know the truth and believe me you'll never be misled. Lordy. Just thank you for the gift of the holy spirit that you have placed in US.
And yet Lord. You've called us to stand in faith. You said that you have given us spiritual tools gifts offices for the building up of the Saints in the church headed for a testimony that what we say is true. What it's on you it's not on us. It's all about you Lord. So I just pray that this week go to worship now, then you would open our hearts Lord. That you would speak a word that would change our lives. Holy Spirit, we give you permission to examine our hearts with David cried out and see if there's any way within the Lord help us to be conformed to the image of Christ in our life than those who see us will give glory to you Jesus name. Amen.