Sunday, June 23rd, 2019 - AM - Blessed Are the Pure in Heart (Matt. 5:8)

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Is your vision of God obscured by a double-minded heart?

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And for those who were joining us in the service, and those who might be listening outside of these walls. We invite you to join us for a Sunday morning service at the Broomfield Baptist Church this Sunday morning message on being pure at heart and seeing God. Invite you to join me and Matthew chapter number 5, you'll find our passage there and I would like to read one more time the Beatitudes section of The Sermon on the Mount.

As we continue our studies here picking up right where we left off before for those who were with us for those who are just joining us. I think you'll find it easy to pick up where we are now looking at what Jesus has said Matthew Chapter 5 beginning and verse number one. It's in the multitude. He that is Jesus went up into a mountain in the region of Galilee when he would set his disciples came unto him. and he opened his mouth and taught them saying blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain Mercy Weber State out loud with me if you would blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven you and Chelsea old manner of evil against you falsely for my sake for so persecuted. They the profits which war before you Lord. May we hear your words today? May the Holy Spirit have freedom and liberty to work in Our Lives May the word of God.

And challenges from your word board. This is a thought today on being pure in heart that if we're not careful to come to this humbly will surely walk away saying that's too much for me to reach that's too hard to accomplish and I just can't do it. There's none that came as a self-righteous Pharisee and check and yet in your eyes Lord, you'll see right through us. Maybe not deceiving ourselves. When they would be humble before you and honestly ask is there any area of uncleanness any area area of impurity in my heart or is it completely and truly undivided for you? Is there anything else that's buying and actually winning your attention in my life or I pray that you'll give us to see and ears to hear what the spirit would say to the church and I'll thank you for it in Jesus name. I pray amen. amen There's a phrase that deal Moody used to say and I begin with this on purpose because of the backdrop of The Sermon on the Mount and what I believe Jesus is confronting here as he begins to give his introduction to this entire sermon on Matthew 5 6 and 7 care of my character.

My reputation will take care of itself.

I take care of my character.

My reputation will take care of itself a pastor. Why you begin with that statement that quote from d l Moody Sermon on the Mount here blessed are the pure in heart. Keep in mind. The disciples are there with him and he's teaching them. But they're also multitude that are within earshot now if he's up in the region of Galilee, undoubtedly, maybe there's not as many Pharisees up there as we like to think there would be a few but I guarantee you there are some that are up in this area and they are listening intently to what is coming out of mouth into chapter 6 and chapter 7. So remember this particular stage 2 where he will go in his message if it's a good introduction in the next time that were teaching Who recalls chapter 6 and how that opens really chapter 5 through there. He talks about the law and different things to make sure you heard that it has been set of old-time couch out menu goes into that sounds on the wall and gives a better understanding that it's the it's the spirit of the law so much the letter.

Is he is or he wouldn't have written it down for us. Now. That wasn't what is a more concerned about. Can we just clean it up on the outside and everything be okay with God? Sadly, there are some people in this day that are living exactly like that. In fact, they have study, you know, the law so much their masters of the law written that they would say if you're going to be a righteous person in a hole. Jesus is going to confront this head-on the midrash. A section of that is Rule after rule after rule very very cumbersome. And we talked about that ridiculous some of the things some of the rules that they have in order to be spiritual. If you want the New Testament illustrations of that I would go back to feel bad because we don't do that on the Sabbath and be spiritual people. That's my glorified interpretation of it. But Jesus knew that's what was in your heart in his very first sermon, this is masterful. Is it not This shows me Jesus truly is the Son of God is omniscient and he has everything in my nose exactly why he was born in a manger of all places for do time for Redemption by the time you get to Luke chapter 9 in his ministry. Once he goes up to Mount Hermon. He steadfastly set to space to go to Jerusalem for one purpose to die for the sins of the world all who would believe on him confined righteousness self-righteous. Blessed are the pure in heart if I take care of my character my reputation will take care of itself. Thank u d l Moody because those are wise were why is that? Why do we need to consider that because think about how the how the religious leaders of Jesus's day had really flipped. They were so concerned about taking care of their reputation that it didn't matter be down inside with their character truly look like Illustration for that would be remember the story one a Pharisee one Publican the Pharisee self-righteous had stood up in the midst of that prayer really almost arrogantly. Because of how he cleaned up the outside. If you like me you want to vomit when I mean it just make you sick to your stomach to look at someone else that we do the same thing as Americans. How could you have heard heard a joke about the IRS? Nobody, okay. That's it. I don't believe you.

Publicans in that day, they really were looked at as traitors to Israel understand that it was proven. They were a Benedict Arnold.

And we're going to pray. I think that would give us more of a sense of what this Pharisee would be thinking when he comes before not to have this kind of thinking. He's thinking I'm okay with you.

What is wonder he's drifted even in that.

He says Lord I Thank thee. But I'm not as other men. What does Trader?

What does he know? He's coming out on his side on it and God sees the heart. And Jesus said out of the two men that comes self-righteously with all this is how I do this is how I keep keep everything in NY and the Publican on the other hand. He has a spirit about it because you see that and he was so broken over what he had taken from everybody and how it going with him for hold anybody Video North a picture of repentance.

Where is my niece's horse be merciful. I have no grounds to stand before you the only thing I can play with for Mercy Mercy wings with home from me that which I deserve. Grace goes hand-in-hand with that as we looked at before blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. So did the public see that day Jesus out of the two that would go home which one went home right that day. Not the self-righteous Pharisee the Publican did because of humility.

These words I don't think we could ever exhaustion. I have thought about them. I prayed over them of her great messages preached on this first before I remember some years ago. We had evangelist Mike Patterson he came and it was a Sunday night service you like those little small quaint Services. They're so special to me sometimes and he was convicted and he knew his heart was not pure before God and he wanted to know that and I got the privilege of sitting in the back of the leading him to Christ and watching his senses get washed away and I can take you right to the geographical of geographical location where that happened, but you know what there was a transaction that occurred in heaven that night that that man walked away here in heart and he Call God and from that day forward God was with him and help him if he still had challenge if you still had to struggle, but we all do but he got gloriously say that night in the burn was rolled away is not a Salvation verse. If you can help someone understand they need Jesus through this by all means do that. I'm not saying don't use it in your witnessing. Please do not misunderstand. Jesus has already laid the groundwork for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to the poor in spirit those who are deaf.

Who is Jesus referring to who is he teaching disciple who has already called and said Lord and we're going to do you have the words of eternal life Liberty made that decision. So this is for a believer. When Jesus gets it blessed are the pure in heart. Don't get caught up in this double just a little bit at a time here with what time. Jesus said blessed are the pure in heart. Hart custom car. We get our English words cardiac and in other words of the same nature from it has more than just circulate the blood to the body. We understand that I'm preaching to the choir but just for sake of looking at what's here. Jesus said blessed are the pure wear a heart when Jesus references the heart to this audience. They're thinking that it's the center of who a person is that there are other think the heart is who you are on the inside and Jesus is going to expound on this later in his ministry when he teaches out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh and James tells us that you have a fountain it can't breathe underwater and Sweetwater the same time either it's bitter or you get from the store. So

You are inside. Not just outside. James Alters magnificent book to study and when we look at this phrase blessed are the pure in heart. I would say that James would put it like this. Double-minded doubles to Car double sold if you will. In Jamestown since that if we're double-minded we shouldn't expect to get anything from God if we pray nothing wavering. Cuz he that way truth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and cost to do a disservice to the word pure because it's thinking probably exactly what you're thinking. It's not empty or if you're going to deep down inside.

will remind you of a verse in Romans chapter 3 and verse number 10

Jesus said blessed are the pure in heart and Paul's houses. There's none that doeth good. No, not one. He tells a player in that chapter Romans 3 for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God parent heart. So if you're not careful and approaching this, you will look like when they're saying that Jesus said a standard I could never meet your right. But there's a caveat. You can't in and of yourself at aim to this on your own. It will take complete and total dependence on a supernatural power to help you achieve this kind of purity of heart. And this is where the Pharisees and in others who get involved in mechanical Christianity miss miss the whole picture because they get wrapped up in all the rules and I think if I do this, but I do that and that's a dry place to live. so dry and thirsty spiritual journey

Let me tell you about a lady named anime, henika. As we move into this next part about being pure in heart and seeing God in Los Angeles is a 62 year old woman and she been blind from birth. H-47 she married a man that she met in real class and for the first 15 years of their marriage. He did the same for both of them until he completely lost his vision retinitis Pigmentosa. Mrs. She had never seem to dream of spring. She'd never seen the blue of the winter sky and yet supportive family. She never felt resentful about her handicap and was always exuded. She always included a remarkably cheerful spirit. There in October 1981 Doctor Thomas Pettit of a Jules Stein Eye Institute of the University of California Los Angeles perform surgery to remove the rare congenital cataracts from The Winds of her left eye and mrs. Penikas saw for the first time ever. The newspaper account doesn't record her initial response, but it does tell that when she found she found out everything was so much bigger and brighter than she ever imagined. Once you really recognized her husband and other sheet, she had known well when she saw them they were either taller or shorter than heavier a nice way to put it skinnier than she had your picture them in a mine since that day on the way to wake up in the morning Splash rides. We water put on it's just beautiful. And so this is what you got up for. Her vision was was almost a 20-30 good enough to pass the driver's test. How wonderful that must have been. I just I can't even put words to it the way that it would have made her feel to open her eyes and actually have vision. expressible there are no words where she was there in California Pacific sunset a tree just waving its branches a bird and never having seen that before watching watching the beauty of God's creation. A friend is a gift of physical site and that's wonderful. But can I tell you there is an even greater site. That we can behold.

And having the physical to compared to how it feels spiritually. I can't put words. To describe what it's like when God shows up.

Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. pastors that true every day of your life

Is it true every day if you want?

It's not there been days where I haven't seen God because I've been mixed. Original word pure Catherine's unmingled is used in other Greek cultures like metal working. And so when when a metal is pure it is alloyed.

It would be like maybe we were I thought about playing tag with our Trail men sometimes if you know what a meme is are so this would be imagined. This would be an amoeba tag. So one of the trail moon is picked to be getting he runs up and one of the boys are holding on to the angle of somebody else holding on to the angle of somebody else's holding on to somebody else. Who's that's a hard place would be safe. But if they get tag and they become part of the amoeba that they have to join arms like this and tangling together until everybody's check. Okay, so I use that as a silly illustration because we're talking about me unmixed untainted unalloyed Metals joined together and it's not the same as when you began some benefits that Metals for durability for malleability four different characteristics. We want to see in the metal for beauty ever think so in and of itself, but if you're going to serve God remember this is this is the nation of Israel under the rule of Rome. And Jesus it is sent many of them are looking to him to see is he the next mode. Is he the one going to bring John chapter 6 we see that they were even going to forcibly make him King if they could and he escaped other missed because he had to go to Calvary first and they didn't understand them. And so they're looking for who's going to bring them out from under Caesar and Jesus, you know, I was thinking the other day when I was praying through this can I eat one of these blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven has met you there was That time around the burning bush. I think he felt pretty cool or Lord. I don't have anything to go get these people out of Egypt is going to do what you have to talk about that Erin to be his mouthpiece.

how to get weed for the children of Israel and their sin against God Just go down the list and think. Now, this is Jesus sitting on this mountain. And he's got internal there with him. There's no lightning. There's no Thunder. But I think some of them are wondering if this is this going to be that Prophet Moses Edwin. Blessed are the pure in heart the law that was given to Moses that is real broke by the way, and yes, they did break that they broke the Mosaic Covenant and therefore the Palestinian Covenant had to be implemented and they were expelled from the land via judgement. They're already experienced through their conversion and they're turning back to him. That's all future and I believe that's coming. God gave Moses on top of that mountain.

Before they came in the promised land. What was that first come in? Thou shalt have no other gods before me

I didn't keep. They were double heart in their pursuit of idols. And that cost them the blessings of God in the land let that sink in Christian. You if you are a Believer you have said to the Lord, I believe you are the one you are the Savior. You're the one that can wash my sins away and I will live for you. I will follow you if you have taken a step of faith and become his disciple USA. the only blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. I wonder if more Christians would have see God in their life if they would become uncumber with some of the things that have won their heart away from from Jesus where they begin. We're all start. Are you listening? Things can come in a crowd out what God would do in our life. Now I think that there's a promise here that you can see God here and now they shall when you do a study on this, Terry, Terry and say that this is almost a direct reference to Psalm 24 shower and clean hands and a pure heart or how did that storm in it? Well, it ended with the king of glory entrance. And he's coming.

Who is this king of glory? And we know there's a sense in which every eye shall see him when he comes again. And I don't want to take away from that. But can I tell you there's something special here for the one who will live their life? With Purity unadulterated putting Jesus first in everything everything running it through him and making sure that is in a line with his word and his will and saying Lord you have first place in my heart. Let me know. Let me know Jesus pray that this would happen for you as a disciple and his high Priestly prayer. Pray that God will take you out of the world. He prayed that his disciples would be left in the world. But you know the price you've heard it many times. I'm sure in the world not of the world tell you you can also be blinded know that blinded by your own self righteous religiousness. You can get so caught up in the motion of doing Christianity seeing him. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. Now just some things quickly about this the attitude and I'm almost out of time as we have with the other Beatitudes we looked at there is a requirement. What is the requirement for Tunes?

What's the requirement to be pure in heart Jesus is stressing this because of the Pharisees. What does it mean to be pure in heart as we pop it's the center to the core of your very being who you are. This is the fount from which everything else flows in your life. What does it mean to be pure?

What is defilement? Unstained in your mind. How does that happen Romans 12

Do the word of God in my Christian journey. Is he at the unbeliever? I remember coming to the Lord many times having having things in my past that I know tainted my my ability to see God working in my life and I'm being vulnerable to you. I know that I am but I would assume that we don't live too far apart. Maybe you haven't worded exactly like I pray to the Lord before I need a renewal order, his word and let him

Peterson head to toe and Jesus caution him know you don't need to be washed in the world following Jesus. And this is why communion in and fellowship in the word church with the doors are open and you can come to me with other believers that believe the Bible like you do and it just it helps minimize that and you can come to Jesus and claim his cleansing time and time again if you wash You know, is it okay to just take one bath your whole life. I hope you say no to that. Please say no. You get the point of trying to make your own stained in your mind and your interests in your intellect your emotion in your will this is your heart your aunt staying there? There's no you don't wear a mask in front of everyone what you see is what you get your just a humble follower of Jesus bless you. Mandible mind we're single-mindedly seeking our savior following in his footsteps A7 testing. You're not original with me, but they're good to see if you're pure in heart number one. Are you living in sin?

number to Eagle Eye and that's in

number three. Are you making provision for that sin?

number for why are you serving God anyway?

Are you starving for his glory? Or are you serving for your reputation in your recognition?

Why are you following me?

Number five do you breathe? after. Is that your very life breath?

number 6 Are you avoiding sin? Are you doing your very best to remove stain from your life anytime the Holy Spirit brings a tear to your knowledge. Are you quick to deal with that?

Are you doing all you can to avoid doing your best to remove the number 7 and the last for this test? willing

to let this blessed book. Search screw you in in youth church. Not some cleric not some government. Are you willing to just you and God Alone sit down with his scripture the Holy Scripture and let it look completely open. Are you willing to let it examine every ounce of Who You Are Will you do business with that? Are you or is there an area where you like the payload? I'll give you this but this part over here maybe someday but not now.

Are you willing to be searched by the scriptures? What Jesus was dealing with the Pharisees in the religious leaders in John chapter 5 after he healed that way man, by the way, he told them there was one place. There was one place that they could go to find eternal life to find what they were looking for and he told them that she said search the scriptures. friend them He's thinking of eternal life. That means they were misunderstanding. They didn't have it. I thought they did but they didn't miss it because he went on to say and they are they which testify.

These men in their blindness were so self-righteous taking that. How can this man do this? He tells this man to break the Sabbath to Sabbath know he broke all the Traditions they put around the right way.

You might as well brought in the truck.

We worship on Sunday because it's the first day of the week. It's the 8th day meaning new beginnings and Ice today our Saviour Rose from the grave and from day one after the Resurrection The Saints have gathered and celebrated the fact that he is not here. He is risen.

We celebrate the resurrection through them because they were so hard. They couldn't CG. Blessed are the pure in Heart Lord. I don't care what it takes. I'm going to set all of my preconceived ideas beside I'm going to get honest and even though I'm going to let the scripture search through and whatever I find their Lord. I'm going to say yes for even if I don't feel like it should be undefiled and it's only Jesus crisis is harmless. He is the savior. And boy when we can see that let the scriptures purchase with a purity of heart. We're going to be searched by the scripture. So that's a helpful test.

What's the requirement you got to be pure in heart?

What all does that mean? What was that the hardest who you are is undefiled untainted unstained and your Devotion to God and you pass that test. What's the reward you will see God? You will see him even ask to see God. And he was only revealed behind reports. No man has seen God at any time. How are you going to balance those scriptures with Jesus saying he shall see God. Isn't this the Pinnacle of religious accomplishment? How many have going on a journey? some kind of spiritual mystical Journey because they want to find Whatever they're looking for some type of thing in their life, but seeing God when this beat like the Pinnacle of it all if you can climb Everest to get to the top and see the whole earth from there the curvature of the earth oxygen with no air up there.

Seeing God this is a pinnacle of religious account. Moses he asked and he was denied. How do we how do we see God's presence Sinai chapter 24 chapter 34

everybody saw God But we was with varying degrees.

Students with varying degrees will be able to see God one day as well. Fanny Crosby. I shall see him face to face. One day things will become sight and what Moses was even deny we're going to be privileged member. Jesus said if you seen me you've seen the father maybe this is what Peter and James and John experienced a little bit of when Jesus pulled back up valve is Gloria Mount of transfiguration.

Fellowship Rejoice to know the peace of God passes understanding This is what has been called it the beatific vision.

What is this a vision of the Son of God perhaps you can argue for that. I'll go with you. But I would submit it's even more than that would be a vision of the father. Not just the Sun a vision of God the father but this is with the mind. This is for the soul. This is what the understanding. Where are you to be pure in heart?

I answered it for you. Where are you? Be pure and say it right? You're supposed to be pure in your heart the center of who you are. Where are you going to stay in your emotion in your will you will Behold Him and you'll see the father when we had our first child together my wife and I have no idea what I'm doing. You got this all figured out. Close beside myself. I thought back to my pictures. I had it with a father was and well some of them were pretty lacking. I love I love my dad. So I don't want to make you think that I don't I love him dearly and and I pray for him every day and I am so thankful for him, but there's some ways in which He was not a good picture of my heavenly father. Now my Grandad he had his shortcomings to an inmate.

And I remember asking him Lord if I can just give them a glimpse of who you are. Let me be in Earthly representative of you in heaven to them. Have I always measured up to that ask him? He'll tell you no. Wake Forest Italian, but have I driven for it hasn't been my motivation to keep things that come up with for or trying to teach and even when all Earthly resources heavenly father never let me down. You never failed me. So I go to that I can't I can't reach it but I think God looks down like he does when you try to be pure in heart when you live for the Lord like we talked about when we began this journey as a parent that gets to see their child lock for the first time don't fall for it. Every regard us endless Perfection when it comes to this.

Seven times and rises again in cost and keep going you can do it in one day. You will have no part whatsoever and friend you will see God in all his glory bonus for him and say Worthy is the Lamb the lamb.

This is vision of the father in your mind and your soul with your understanding. You going to see him by serving. and what a blessing picture What a blessed picture. Is foundation stone blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. There's two kinds of religion and I close with this basically two kinds. One Rider put it this way. He said religion of human achievement. And the religion of divine accomplishment. in religions Kara Schmitt wrote a book entitled done and he spells decided out in that and that will paint with if you've ever read that that Jesus is confront. Jesus Paid It All

which one which Camp are you in today? Are you trying to please God and and trying to maintain your reputation and and you're more concerned about that and what other people say all those things that go with it or are you on the inside saying God, you know me and I know me and the best I know how I want to live for you told me to always put Jesus first and everything and I don't want to see you show up in my life. I want to see you show up in the lines with others and when I get to the end of my race and I run hopefully I'll be a good fight. I have kept the faith. I want to be able to say that I want to hear those words when I get to the end of it all.

Yours is ever? Where is over here? There's a high bar that set. I guarantee you it's a long journey and you'll never reach that bar. You'll always be coming back and finding yourself falling short, but over here, the bar has already been met and there's a liberty and there's Grace. Can I go for a ride and be who you are to be as I'm old you in the image of Christ Jesus?

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