Many years ago, at the conclusion of World War II, the emperor of Japan approached
General Douglas MacArthur, who was then representing the United States military and Allied Forces in the reconstruction of Japan. He was such a benevolent leader that the Japanese loved and admired him. As a result, according to various reports, the emperor offered to declare Japan a Christian nation.
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ENERAL MacArthur was not only a great military man but also a historian, and he remembered that Con-stantine, emperor of the Roman Empire during the fourth century, declared the Roman Empire to be Christian without the benefit of conversion. The result was a fiasco. So, instead of inviting the emperor to do as he offered, General MacArthur made an urgent plea for 1,000 missionaries to come help bring the gospel to Japan.
Only a handful came. And today, more than 40 years later, only one-half of 1 percent of the population of that powerful and strategic country professes to be Christian. The Japanese are not indifferent to the Lord—in fact, we have found that they are very hungry for God. But because of a limited number of witnesses for Him, most of the Japanese people have not heard the good news of God's love and forgive- ) ness through Christ.
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